• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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    From now on, you'll be required to use a third party to host images. You can learn how to add images here, and if your thread is missing images you can request them here.
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Turning enemies into pigs


Mar 7, 2024
For my custom Pokemon game, I need to add a mechanic that turns enemies into pigs. As long as they are pigs they cannot attack (as if they were sleeping) and should change sprites. I have tried every way I can think of but I have not been able to implement this feature. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot
Can you share what you've tried?


Mar 7, 2024
Unfortunately no, because I edited the scripts in differnt functions and it caused bugs I could not fix, so I had to create a new project.
I tried creating new bitmab files shown only when the enemy is a pig, editing sleeping, using plugins that had Substitute and edit them, using animatinos like with confusion, the only thing that worked was creating manually in the pbs a new form for every pokemon but I would have to create it for every single pokemon in the regional dex