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A hundred years ago, the greed of man awakened the forlorn husk of their creator, the Scribe Mother Mela.
Her pain, her anguish, all released at once, brought forth a great flood.
Today, the last remnants of mankind are divided across two settlements: New Iron Island within a gigantic Pokémon floating in the sky, housing the oppressors of the desperate survivors atop the Golden Peak.
You sacrifice everything to change their fates.
Your sacrifice will not be remembered.
Forgotten Saint is the first game of many set in a world brimming with lore, where the unbelievable is commonplace. It features:
The unique Sigil System, where one harnesses miraculous power granted by a powerful patron Legendary's blessing
A modified battle system created to fit the world precisely
A lore-rich world, where every turn brings new revelations
A myriad of mysteries to be uncovered
~3 hours of confusion and mild existential horror

Our Team:
Altarax (Eventing, programming)
Karakter (Plot, dialogue)
Geoswag (Mapping, playtesting)
Adell's Brother (Playtesting, spriting)
There is a hint system integrated in the game which guides you if you are stuck. Try searching before using it as it's literally a walkthrough.
Most of the Gen2 contents are optional, but we strongly advise you to go and explore this timeline in order to obtain rewards which will make the battles easy.
Most of the Gen2 contents are optional, but we strongly advise you to go and explore this timeline in order to obtain rewards which will make the battles easy.
As one might have noticed, Forgotten Saint is far from the full story, and the game is very much meant to convey that. While it is removed from a larger plotline of some sort, it still describes just one event set in a story spanning millennia. The Melan Cycle is a chronicle of fate, where the powerful Blessed Bloodlines make their mark on history. The next game might describe how a group of rebels led by the first Exalt to Zacian exiled the mad King Galatis in the 191st year, or be a 23rd-century cyberpunk story about a mysterious hyper-advanced machine intelligence guiding criminals to the ultimate truth of the world. Consider Forgotten Saint a proof of concept of some sort, and one that our lovely team put a ton of work into!
Anywho, please look forward to the next game in the project!
Anywho, please look forward to the next game in the project!
PSDK Credits
-celine battler : Wergan MEGA PACK
- Beliot419
- PoffiCase
- MechanicalApe464
- Hyo-Oppa
- Akuma-Tsubasa
- Duncapham
- Wergan
- Kyledove
- Adell's Brother
- Poltergeist (for references)
-Galatis battler:
- Adell's Brother
- Essentials GSC (all the GEN2 chars)
- Magiscarf (for door)
- Aveontrainer (for Celine OW)
- Adell's Brother (for running OW and Biel OW)
- Poltergeist (reference for running OW)
- Anarlaurendil (for king Galatis OW)
- UltimoSpriter and DiegoWT (all the other gen4 style chars)
- Karakter and Geoswag (for sigil explanations)
- Essentials GSC (for gen3 battlers)
- Magiscarf for GEN4 tiles
- Essentials GSC for GEN2 tiles
- Alistair and Serg!o for GEN3 tiles
- spritemight
audio: ENLS's Pre-Looped Music Library
- Thundaga
- YTKrakerwat
- Sulucnal
- FrivolousAqua
-celine battler : Wergan MEGA PACK
- Beliot419
- PoffiCase
- MechanicalApe464
- Hyo-Oppa
- Akuma-Tsubasa
- Duncapham
- Wergan
- Kyledove
- Adell's Brother
- Poltergeist (for references)
-Galatis battler:
- Adell's Brother
- Essentials GSC (all the GEN2 chars)
- Magiscarf (for door)
- Aveontrainer (for Celine OW)
- Adell's Brother (for running OW and Biel OW)
- Poltergeist (reference for running OW)
- Anarlaurendil (for king Galatis OW)
- UltimoSpriter and DiegoWT (all the other gen4 style chars)
- Karakter and Geoswag (for sigil explanations)
- Essentials GSC (for gen3 battlers)
- Magiscarf for GEN4 tiles
- Essentials GSC for GEN2 tiles
- Alistair and Serg!o for GEN3 tiles
- spritemight
audio: ENLS's Pre-Looped Music Library
- Thundaga
- YTKrakerwat
- Sulucnal
- FrivolousAqua
POKéMON ESSENTIALS GSC was created by:
- Xaveriux
With the indispensable help of: Caruban, prankster20, Vendily, AwfullyWaffley, TechSkylander1518, James Davy.
Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
With contributions from:
"RPG Maker XP" by:
- Enterbrain
3rd, 4th and 5th generation Pokémon
devamped sprites made by:
Special thanks to:
Crystal GFX Files:
- Nuuk
GBC Party Sprites
Sun/Moon Community Dex v2.0:
Pia Carrot
Sword/Shield Community Dex GSC style:
Meltan - ???, BloodlessNS
Melmetal - JuicyChickenThighs, PiaCarrot
Grookey, Jozzer26, PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
Scorbunny - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane, BloodlessNS
Sobble - EeVeeEe1999
Gossifleur - QuilChess, PiaCarrot, Copetin, JaceDeane
Eldegoss - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
Corviknight - LucasSevero
Dreadnaw - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Wooloo - Nuuk
Zacian - PiaCarrot, Copetin
Zamazenta - PiaCarrot
Impidimp - PiaCarrot
Yamper - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Rolycoly - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Duraldon - Enderific, JaceDeane
Alcremie - JaceDeane
Weezing - PiaCarrot
Menu - Toxel Dragapult Chewtle Cursola Coalossal Eiscue Dracozolt Arctozolt.
Hatterene Barraskewda, Mr Rime
Rookiedie - Pia Carrot
Morpeko - JaceDeane
Polteageist - EeVeeEe1999
Cramorant - EeVeeEe1999
Applin - Pia Carrot
Obstagoon - Copetin
Sirfetchd - Enderific, JaceDeane
Ponyta - JuicyChickenThighs
Zigzagoon & Linoone - EeVeeEe1999
Dracovish - Nuuk
Drizzile Inteleon - Pia Carrot
Runerigus - EeVeeEe1999
Blipbug line - Enderific (and resized by Pia Carrot)
Dreepy and evo - Enderific
Galarian Meowth - Enderific
Hattena - Cinnaboopa
Attack Animations:
Gen 8 Project for Essentials 18 and 18.1:
Cry Credits:
PBS Credits:
- Zerokid, TheToxic, Golisopod User, HM100, KyureJL, ErwanBeurier
Script Credits:
Music and SFX:
- Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal
Pokémon is owned by:
- Xaveriux
With the indispensable help of: Caruban, prankster20, Vendily, AwfullyWaffley, TechSkylander1518, James Davy.
Pokémon Essentials GS base resources made by:
"Pokémon Essentials" was created by:
- Flameguru
- Poccil (Peter O.)
- Maruno
With contributions from:
- AvatarMonkeyKirby
- Marin
- Boushy
- MiDas Mike
- Brother1440
- Near Fantastica
- FL
- PinkMan
- Genzai Kawakami
- Popper
- help-14
- Rataime
- IceGod64
- SoundSpawn
- Jacob O. Wobbrock
- the__end
- KitsuneKouta
- Venom12
- Lisa Anthony
- Wachunga
- Luka S.J.
"RPG Maker XP" by:
- Enterbrain
3rd, 4th and 5th generation Pokémon
devamped sprites made by:
- DarkDoom3000
- Koolboyman
- Akailsamu
- Neslug
- NICKtendo DS
- Wes
- pokekicks
- Alpha Six
- Jeremy
- Lockerz102
- josthR69
- Koopaul
- Parasect047
- Ike
- ClawdNyasu
- Layle
- SengirDev
- Devicho
Special thanks to:
- Aioros
- The Spriters Resource
- Maruno
- FL
- Umbreon
- Pia Carrot
- Kcgaranzy
- mej71
- out written
- kiedisticelixer
Crystal GFX Files:
- Nuuk
GBC Party Sprites
- EeVeeEe1999
- QuilChess
- JF278 & Dani (from Pokémon Fierce Melody)
Sun/Moon Community Dex v2.0:
Pia Carrot
Sword/Shield Community Dex GSC style:
Meltan - ???, BloodlessNS
Melmetal - JuicyChickenThighs, PiaCarrot
Grookey, Jozzer26, PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
Scorbunny - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane, BloodlessNS
Sobble - EeVeeEe1999
Gossifleur - QuilChess, PiaCarrot, Copetin, JaceDeane
Eldegoss - PiaCarrot, JaceDeane
Corviknight - LucasSevero
Dreadnaw - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Wooloo - Nuuk
Zacian - PiaCarrot, Copetin
Zamazenta - PiaCarrot
Impidimp - PiaCarrot
Yamper - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Rolycoly - EeVeeEe1999, JaceDeane
Duraldon - Enderific, JaceDeane
Alcremie - JaceDeane
Weezing - PiaCarrot
Menu - Toxel Dragapult Chewtle Cursola Coalossal Eiscue Dracozolt Arctozolt.
Hatterene Barraskewda, Mr Rime
Rookiedie - Pia Carrot
Morpeko - JaceDeane
Polteageist - EeVeeEe1999
Cramorant - EeVeeEe1999
Applin - Pia Carrot
Obstagoon - Copetin
Sirfetchd - Enderific, JaceDeane
Ponyta - JuicyChickenThighs
Zigzagoon & Linoone - EeVeeEe1999
Dracovish - Nuuk
Drizzile Inteleon - Pia Carrot
Runerigus - EeVeeEe1999
Blipbug line - Enderific (and resized by Pia Carrot)
Dreepy and evo - Enderific
Galarian Meowth - Enderific
Hattena - Cinnaboopa
Attack Animations:
- The Spriters Resource
- Xaveriux
- MarcStudio08
- Caruban
- Xaveriux
- Vendily
- Pia Carrot
- Nyaruko
- Pablus94
- Marin
Gen 8 Project for Essentials 18 and 18.1:
Cry Credits:
- Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries- Rhyden
- Gen 7 Pokemon Cries- Marin, Rhyden
- Gen 8 Pokemon Cries- Zeak6464
PBS Credits:
- Zerokid, TheToxic, Golisopod User, HM100, KyureJL, ErwanBeurier
Script Credits:
- Gen 8 Scripts: Vendily, TheToxic, HM100, Golisopod User, Aioross, WolfPP, MFilice, lolface, KyureJL, DarrylBD99, Turn20Negate, TheKandinavian, ErwanBeurier
- UberDunsparce - Compilation of Resources
Music and SFX:
- Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal
Pokémon is owned by:
- The Pokémon Company
- Nintendo
- Affiliated with Game Freak
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