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Recruiting Pokemon Dissension - Recruitment Thread

This thread's author is looking for long-term team members.


Jun 11, 2023
Hi! Before I begin, thanks for checking out this thread! That alone means much to me.
Secondly, let me introduce you to my fever-dream Pokemon fangame that I've been slowly cooking up!

Pokemon Dissension

The game takes place in the Lechios region - a region based on Poland! (polska gurom)

Now, a few bullet points to outline every aspect of the game I've got prepared.
- Game's Theme
The theme of the game is the conflict of nature and industrialization. The main trio of Legendaries will reflect that, one being a reflection of nature and the other being a herald of industrialization. The Pokemon to finish out that trio will be a mediator that fails to create compromise between the two. (All 3 of these barely have a set in stone design)
The theme also overlaps with another theme I had in mind, which is traditionalism vs. progress. That point is very well reflected in the...
- Story
The story of the game (other than beating the gym leaders) revolves around the inner conflict within the region of Lechios and its people;
- Ones who want to keep to tradition by any means necesarry
- and those who want tradition to be defied for the region to be steered into what they believe to be a good direction
The entire region is a circus, and you get to be the onlooker! (Also the region is under martial law with Paldea but that's mostly an excuse to not have to update my Pokemon Essentials and include Paldea pokemon in the dex)
- Characters
So far I don't have many characters designed for the game (other than the ones rotting in my brain), but I DO have some concepts to show you!
(excuse my artstyle, I'm not very good at drawing realistically proportioned humans)

The first three are the Pokemon Trainers you will be able to pick and play as! I don't have set-in-stones names for them yet. They're meant to be about 17-18 years old, basically "basement dwellers" who just got out of their homes to become Pokemon trainers.

The second set of characters are one of your rivals - Vlad and the region's professor - Professor Artifir!
Vlad is your typical next-door neighbor who's excited to find out you'll be going on an adventure alongside him and he LOVES a good challenge!
Professor Artifir is, as he puts it, "an AI operated professor, created to make your introduction into the world of Pokémon training a more convenient and fun experience."
So yes, he's a robot professor (I had that idea prior to the release of SV hehe)
- New Gimmicks
The first gimmick I'd like to introduce you to are the Non-Trade Pokemon. A project was launched in Lechios known as the "Non-Trade Project" looking to research and create alternate forms of Pokemon that normally evolve by trading in order to provide more availability to trainers!
Thanks to the project, many previously unknown evolutions of older Pokemon were discovered!

The second and the BIGGEST gimmick Dissension has to offer - PROTO and NEO forms!

With the theme of traditionalism and progress, I've decided to create a coinciding gimmick - One that would involve a Pokemon transforming into a reflection of its natural, traditional form; or a mirage of its industrialized, progressed form.
In short, the gimmick is a mix of the Paradoxes and the Megas, but the longer version is that PROTO/NEO forms serve as a COMPLETE REWORK of the Pokemon. Changing one of its types or adding one, depending on the base Mon's type, as well as reworking its stats to steer it into a new niche. For example, instead of being a speedy special attacker, PROTO Gengar would be a bulky physical attacker!
The current idea as to how Pokemon will be able to be transformed into a PROTO/NEO form is through new key items - the PROTO Gem and the NEO Gem, respectively! The form change would work like Shaymin's, you use the item in the overworld to transform a Pokemon in your party into a PROTO/NEO form if it can change into it.

Last (and least) gimmick is Dissension's equivalant of the Ultra Beasts/Paradox Pokemon - the Fusion Pokemon! They're hybrids genetically created in an underground lab somewhere in Lechios, made to be the Pokemon to end all Pokemon! This group of Pokemon are the least developed ones, as they mostly serve as endgame threats.
- New Pokemon (so far)
You can't have a fangame like this without new Pokemon, so allow me to introduce you to some of the Pokemon that are already in the game!

They are as follows:
Grass Starters: Biscen (Grass/Ground), Bishrub (Grass/Ground), Minogreen (Grass/Fairy)
Fire Starters: Singedill (Fire), Pangroast (Fire), Noxtzerni (Fire/Poison)
Water Starters: Squink (Water), Calawit (Water/Psychic), Cephoracle (Water/Psychic)
The Regional Birds: Sparbel (Normal/Flying), Bruegull (Water/Flying), Starkelder (Water/Flying)
The Route 1 Normal Types: Martunnel (Normal), Setterty (Normal/Ground)

Who we're looking for
HEADS UP: It's voluntary and you won't be paid for this, especially cause I'm broke atm.
Coders/Programmers - Especially ones familiar with the programming language used for RPG Maker XP (which is the engine Pokemon Essentials uses)
Spriters - Particularly those who know how to correctly draw dex icons, overworld characters (in the Gen 3 style, for now) and trainer battle sprites. Pokemon battle sprite artists are also appreciated, but I can make those by myself just fine.
Any other roles and niches (that I can and can't think of) are also welcome, just not specifically looked for.

If this thread hooked you and you're motivated to help, you can either contact me here on Eevee Expo, or send a DM my way on Discord (8xviktor).

Thanks for reading and/or considering!