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Discussion Please me come & decide some name for 4 of my Legendary Pokémon (Fakémon)

This thread invites discussion. Be respectful, but feel free to share your opinions.

Amazing Lithosagym

Jul 25, 2024
My name is Amazing Lithosagym,

I'm a fan of Pokémon and Yu-gi-oh, also I've been working on ideas for my Pokémon fan game I got most of the Pokémon (Fakémon) created they are here on my wiki https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/List_of_New_Pokémon there is 110 brand new Pokémon (Fakémon) in this game I may add 4-5 more new Pokémon (Fakémon) bringing up the total to 114-115 new mons.

Oh yes, I need you guys to bring storm some ideas for these quartet of Legendary Pokémon there are 4 a Wolf, Owl, Bear, and Goat I will also need artwork and spirtework for these 4. I will go over the details and how they popped up into my head as an idea.

First let's start with the Wolf who is an (Electric/Rock) Type Pokémon, this idea popped into my head when I watched a video about Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers this is the video that helped bring the idea of that Wolf to life
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApeerPTQDb8
there is an enemy in the game called Grocks they are Rock Cultures that can also absorb electricity and can turn into what appears motor vehicles, but anyways the design it would have sharp spikes/quills on its back like a porcupine or my favorite Yu-gi-oh card True King Lithosagym, the Disaster like how seen in the image down below but no wings and no horns these quills are not used for attacking only to intimidate they are green and transparent in color they are made out of the same materials as jewelry its claws are also like that but are yellow instead its body is a gray color. I need you to give it a name also its signature move's animation is that of Zeraora's Plasma Fists but it isn't fist based so it stands up on its hind paws to perform this attack it hits twice in a row the lighting has rocks mixed into its both an Electric and Rock move but unlike Flying press it gives stab to both types and the move ignores type resistance. I think I said enough about this one for now.


The Owl is a (Dark/Flying) Type Pokémon, is pretty much inspired by Wan Shi Tong from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I will give more details later. It's so late I need to get some sleep.
The Bear (Ground/Water) Type Pokémon, so it's a blue bear with a fish in its mouth, it is pretty much inspired by Kiborikkuma from Yo-Kai Watch 4, except its not curing a cub on its back. You can learn more about it here, https://yokaiwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Kiborikkuma but yeah but it is much bigger than Lightside Kiborikkuma.

The (Left) is Lightside and the (Right) is Shadowside will be based on the one on the right, except that it doesn't have cub or horns.

Finally, lastly, we have the Goat (Grass/Fairy) Type Pokémon, it's pretty much a wise old kind man that is gentle and it's the protector of nature it makes flowers bloom where it walks and makes the grass grow and become green the goat itself is green, I can pretty much thank this video here
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmst7IEIWVI
but mine will be bigger 9 ft or 10 ft tall with a longer beard its eyes are also close (maybe) that may change though if I don't feel it fits.

So, I want you guys to come up with names for these 4 Legendary Pokémon.

I need help with naming my Pokémon (Fakémon), also maybe after that you could have a look see at the rest of my dex and see what names needs to be fixed and made better https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/List_of_New_Pokémon


Tester-Coder Hybrid
Jul 24, 2022
First off, no need to bump so quickly after your last one.

Second, for me personally, it's hard to come up with proper Pokemon names for my own mons until I have their actual artwork or sprites in front of me. So it'll be hard to do that here for you without those.

Instead of fully relying on random people coming up with ideas for you, have you tried brainstorming your own? Like coming up a bunch of different words that could be fun to combine in typical Pokemon names fashion, playing around with different variations, using a thesaurus to help come up with new word options?

Amazing Lithosagym

Jul 25, 2024
First off, no need to bump so quickly after your last one.

Second, for me personally, it's hard to come up with proper Pokemon names for my own mons until I have their actual artwork or sprites in front of me. So it'll be hard to do that here for you without those.

Instead of fully relying on random people coming up with ideas for you, have you tried brainstorming your own? Like coming up a bunch of different words that could be fun to combine in typical Pokemon names fashion, playing around with different variations, using a thesaurus to help come up with new word options?
You are right. Also, what is thesaurus? Is that a tool that can help me come up with stuff?

Amazing Lithosagym

Jul 25, 2024
Oh yes now mobile devices are now blocked from using the wiki, for a better experience please use a Desktop or Laptop. Okay thanks for thesaurus it will help in the naming of my Pokémon I still would like other people to take a shot at it though.