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- Mar 18, 2024
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The move in question (which I've found out is quite convoluted) is as follows:
user launches an aerial bombardment, which effects the foe's side
At the end of the next 5 rounds (including the one it was used), the opponents take damage based on user's attack stat.
I've tried to combine code from Future Sight and the entry hazards to make this work.
I've gotten all of the stuff updated in the PBEffects, Battle, MoveEffects_Custom (I made a new section for this), and Battle_EndOfRoundPhase (Including putting the pbEORAerialBombardment in the End of Round phase processing)
Here is the main code in Battle_EndOfRoundPhase:
and here is the code from BattleEffects_Custom:
This is after a lot of trial and error to get this far! Right now, the move does work as intended when used, and the enemy gets affected by it, but instead of taking the damage, the enemy says '{pkmn} lauched an aerial bombardment!'... So I've somehow made it so that the intended target is instead using the move. Any help here would be appreciated! Thanks!
user launches an aerial bombardment, which effects the foe's side
At the end of the next 5 rounds (including the one it was used), the opponents take damage based on user's attack stat.
I've tried to combine code from Future Sight and the entry hazards to make this work.
I've gotten all of the stuff updated in the PBEffects, Battle, MoveEffects_Custom (I made a new section for this), and Battle_EndOfRoundPhase (Including putting the pbEORAerialBombardment in the End of Round phase processing)
Here is the main code in Battle_EndOfRoundPhase:
def pbEORAerialBombardment(position, position_index)
moveUser = nil
2.times do |side|
next if sides[side].effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultCounter] == 0
sides[side].effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultCounter] -= 1
if sides[side].effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultCounter] == 0
pbDisplay(_INTL("The Aerial Bombardment around {1} Ended!", @battlers[side].pbTeam))
position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultMove] = nil
position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultUserIndex] = -1
position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultPartyIndex] = -1
next if sides[side].effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultCounter] == 0
allBattlers.each do |battler|
next if battler.opposes?(position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultUserIndex])
next if battler.pokemonIndex != position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultPartyIndex]
moveUser = battler
return if moveUser && moveUser.index == position_index # Target is the user
if !moveUser # User isn't in battle, get it from the party
party = pbParty(position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultUserIndex])
pkmn = party[position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultPartyIndex]]
if pkmn&.able?
moveUser = Battler.new(self, position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultUserIndex])
moveUser.pbInitDummyPokemon(pkmn, position.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultPartyIndex])
pbDisplay(_INTL("{1} is hit by the aerial bombardment!", @battlers[position_index].pbThis))
userLastMoveFailed = moveUser.lastMoveFailed
@aerialAssault = true
moveUser.pbUseMoveSimple(move, position_index)
@aerialAssault = false
moveUser.lastMoveFailed = userLastMoveFailed
@battlers[position_index].pbFaint if @battlers[position_index].fainted?
and here is the code from BattleEffects_Custom:
class Battle::Move::AerialAssault < Battle::Move
# Stops damage being dealt in the setting-up turn.
def pbDamagingMove?
return false if !@battle.aerialAssault
return super
def pbAccuracyCheck(user, target)
return true if !@battle.aerialAssault
return super
def pbDisplayUseMessage(user)
super if !@battle.aerialAssault
def pbEffectGeneral(user)
user.pbOpposingSide.effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultCounter] = 5
effects = @battle.positions[user.index].effects
effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultUserIndex] = user.index
effects[PBEffects::AerialAssaultPartyIndex] = user.pokemonIndex
@battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1} launched an aerial bombardment!", user.pbThis))
def pbShowAnimation(id, user, targets, hitNum = 0, showAnimation = true)
hitNum = 1 if !@battle.futureSight # Charging anim
This is after a lot of trial and error to get this far! Right now, the move does work as intended when used, and the enemy gets affected by it, but instead of taking the damage, the enemy says '{pkmn} lauched an aerial bombardment!'... So I've somehow made it so that the intended target is instead using the move. Any help here would be appreciated! Thanks!