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Recruiting Pokemon Legends

This thread's author is looking for long-term team members.


Jun 2, 2024
Hello. I am Beeze/Zatoria and this is my first game. I've always been into creating stuff when I was small. My main thing was drawing ,a hobby I still have to this day, and one day, I decided to put that talents to use and tried to use that and try to put together this game. I'd say I did more than I thought I would do for this! Now, I need your help. With what exactly? That is what we will dive into right now! This Game dives in to Two sides of the Story, so you will be playing as multiple characters. (Story rating is mature due to dark themes and language.)
You are a 16 year old child that lives on an outer Island called Bikana Island which is famous for their large beach, but there are no Pokémon's on the island itself. You have a friend named Kira who has been your best friend for as long as you have known them. One day, you happened to find out that your mother use to be a Pokémon Trainer. You being a teenager that attends school always imagined what life would be if you were able to have Pokémon, praying you would get the opportunity to do so. Both you and Kira was supposed to get the experience of a Pokemon trainer from a mysterious call that came from a Professor in a Region where Pokemon exist; however, fate decided that your time was now. You learn about the Secret that your mother has been keeping, and as fate would have it, you quickly find yourself having your first battle experience with a Pokémon! An evil Organization sets out to destroy you and your entire family. Will you, with the help of your friend Kira learn the mysteries of Pokemon? ? Or will you succumb to the allure of power and darkness,join the evil ones and bring this world to ruin?
You embark on your Journey, joined by your little sister, Hanna and Kira , but then something hoes horribly wrong ,and you and your sister are separated. Hanna is shipped off to another Region to your surprise. The Guard, and extremely experienced looking trainer prevents you from going there yourself without you competing in something called the "Pokémon League" . You are Determined to not only prove yourself to be the best trainer, but to become strong enough to reach the next region and go looking for your sister. Meanwhile, Hanna must face her own challenges in this unknown region on her own. Will Hanna be able to survive in this place on her own? The Challenges await her!

Essentials V21
Mid-battle script/grogro (Includes SOS Pokemon script)
Field effects/ Penelope
Lin's IV EV Summary Screen
NettoHikari - Multiple Protagonists











-Beast Pokemon - Pokemon that are modified by the Team of Evil which feeds off of it's frustrations.
-Mega evolution Stages - Mega stages will be in! (Initial, Advanced,True bond). These are unique feature to the game where Pokemons who have Mega evolution will go through stages of them starting from the beginning. When there is a True bond with Pokemon and Trainer, that will be when their power is at their maximum.
-New Mega Pokemon - There will be new Mega's made. We plan to cover a good range.
- Gym Badges - The Game will feature 9 Gym Badges for both stories making it a Grand total of 18 badges. There will also Be a Pokemon League, where you will face off against the best trainers in the region(s). There will be a cap on your level based on the number of badges you have obtained.
-Mystery Quest system - You want to set out on an adventure to places you've never seen before? Well you've come to the right place! Accept quests to go out to places you might have never even heard of before existing on regions you have explored, go through tougher explorations and missions in order to gain Great Rewards. The missions will get harder as you Rank up. (You will start at the Rank of Bronze and after completing enough missions and earning enough points you will Rank up. The Ranks are as follows : Rookie --> Normal--> Advanced---> Star -->Diamond--> Cool-->Ace ---> Intense-->Legendary). You will be able to put these Ranks onto your Trainer . Eg. You can be 'Ace trainer (Your name here)' when you go into both regular and online battle's.
-Ev Cap changed- The Ev Cap for this game is 1200. You can put 300 Ev's into one stat as a maximum amount.

To be added:
Pokemon Contests
- Pokemon Contests will be added to the game as a story of its own. It will feature the judgement round, and then the contest battle round which I am planning
to have a unique theme to it in comparison to how it is normally done. (I cannot explain more than this here).
Online Battles - Online battling will be added to the game sometime in the future.
Event Islands: These are islands where you participate in an event and gain event points. Gain enough for some unique prizes!

What we are currently looking for:
To make custom tileset graphics and Sprites for Pokemon. Trainer makers are also welcomed.
Programmer: We will need someone who is capable of coding in things and know the latest essentials version in order for us to implement a lot of the new features that we have planned.
Mapper: We are looking for talented mappers to us with their skills. As a mapper, you will work with the development team to create environments that will enhance the player experience.
Music Artists: We are looking for people who can creeate unique music for our game. If you are a composer and would like to lend us your gift, we would like to hear from you.
Beta Testers: We are always on the look out for more people to test features before they are launched in their entirety. If you feel like contributing to the game you can apply as a Beta Tester. As a Beta Tester, you will get to test the game for bugs and errors before the game is released.
Event Director : As an event director, you will be responsible for creating and placing events in the game.

Energy level:

Where to Contact us:
Found your interest in this project? You can contact any staff member and speak about joining and we will go through the process of getting you on board!
Pokemon Legends Discord
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