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Pokemon Super Yellow Gameplay Edition
Super Yellow Gameplay Edition V1.0.1 Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m-pZN3pkee6Gmp1x4LC_C1b0ku1pzrI-?usp=sharing
Super Yellow Gameplay Edition V1.0.1 Internet Archive Link: https://archive.org/details/sy-v-1.0.1-build
Super Yellow Gameplay Edition V1.0.1 MEGA Link: https://mega.nz/folder/UmkEyDBS#WqUtr7jVTlnNoDJy9nZ-gA
Pokemon Super Yellow team
Hazy Crazy/4AllNighterGrinder64/OrgeDevil632 (Aka, me who made this game)
30+ trainer battles and more in future updates
All tools for fully training a Pokemon team
All 1025 Pokemon, from Gen 1 to Gen 9, and every tool needed to obtain specific forms
All battle gimmicks, from Mega Evolution to Terastallization
Regional form trading via the Form Trader resource by drdoom76: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1425/
All public resources Super Yellow uses are listed in the Credits Compendium, embedded into this thread, and come with the download for Pokemon Super Yellow Gameplay Edition
Pokemon Essentials V21.1 by
Flameguru, Poccil (Peter O.), Maruno
With contributions from
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy
MiDas Mike, Brother1440, Near Fantastica
FL., PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami
Popper, help-14, Rataime
IceGod64, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock
the__end, KitsuneKouta, Venom12
Lisa Anthony, Wachunga, Luka S.J.
Pokémon Essentials Deluxe Battle Kit Suite
MKXP by Roza
"RPG Maker XP" by:
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
Super Yellow Gameplay Edition Credits Compendium, pre-rewrite (Embedded into the download, because I am stressed out and don't know how the paragraph tools work)

Credits compendium list
Super Yellow Credits Compendium:
Pokemon Essentials Engine and V21.1 Hotfixes
Stock Essentials Website = https://github.com/Maruno17/pokemon-essentials
Essentials is made by:
Flameguru, Poccil (Peter O.), Maruno
With contributions from:
AvatarMonkeyKirby, Marin, Boushy
MiDas Mike, Brother1440, Near Fantastica
FL., PinkMan, Genzai Kawakami
Popper, help-14, Rataime
IceGod64, SoundSpawn, Jacob O. Wobbrock
the__end, KitsuneKouta, Venom12
Lisa Anthony, Wachunga, Luka S.J.
Pokémon Essentials Deluxe Battle Kit Suite
Generation 9 Resources Pack
-Eskiss (Legend Plate script based on)
-StCooler (Original PLA Expansion script for Gen 8 Project in v18 and Status sprites)
-PorousMist and curryofthepast (Adapting the PLA Expansion script script for v19.1 use)
-PorousMist (Updated the abilities, items, and moves description)
-DJChaos (TM Items)
-Futuresushi (Shortened abilities and moves description)
Pokemon Battler Sprites:
-Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
-Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
-Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
-Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
-PLA Pokemon Sprites - Smogon Gen8 Sprite Project
Blaquaza, KingOfThe-X-Roads, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite, SelenaArmorclaw
-Gen 9 Pokemon Sprites - KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura,
JordanosArt, Abnayami, OldSoulja, Katten, Divaruta 666, Clara, Skyflyer, AshnixsLaw, ace_stryfe
-Gen 9 Vanilla style sprites - KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura, JordanosArt, Scept, NanaelJustice, SoyChim, KRLW890, AnonAlpaca, PokeJminer, Red7246, Carmanekko, Eduar, Lykeron, GriloKapu10, Mesayas, Erkey830, QDylm, PorousMist, OldSoulja, AlexandreV2.0, Z-nogyroP, lennybitao, Ruben1986, GRAFAIAIMX
Blaquaza, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite
Pokemon Icon Sprites:
-Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia, harveydentmd
-Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
-Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon
-Shiny Icon Sprites - StarrWolf, Pokemon Shattered Light Team
-PLA Pokemon Icon Sprites - LuigiTKO
-Shiny PLA Pokemon Icon Sprites - StarrWolf (recolored from LuigiTKO icons)
-Gen 9 Icon Sprites - ezerart, JordanosArt
-Shiny Gen 9 Icon Sprites - ezerart, JordanosArt
-PLA Vanilla Icon Sprites - LuigiTKO, Pikafan2000, Cesare_CBass, Vent, Cesare_Cbass, MultiDiegoDani, leParagon, JWNutz
and thanks for
Pokémon Icons Act 2.9 - Teracristalizando
-Gen 9 Vanilla Icon Sprites - Vent, Katten, leParagon, Cesare_CBass, AlexandreV2.0, Carmanekko, GRAFAIAIMX
also thanks to Axel Loquendo, CarmaNekko, Divaruta 666, Okyo, JLauz735, and ClaraDragon for
Iconos 9na Gen gba completos (https://whackahack.com/foro/threads/iconos-9na-gen-gba-completos-act-04-03-2023.67908/)
Pokemon Gen 9 Overworld sprites:
-Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo
-Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
-Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
-Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
-Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
-PLA Pokemon Overworlds - Boonzeet, DarkusShadow, princess-phoenix, Ezeart, WolfPP
-Gen 9 Pokemon Overworlds - Azria, DarkusShadow, EduarPokeN, Carmanekko, StarWolff, Caruban
Pokemon Footprints :
-Gen PLA-9 Pokemon Footprints - Caruban
Pokemon Cries:
-Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
-Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
-Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464
-PLA Pokemon Cries - Morningdew
-Gen 9 Pokemon Cries -
Edited from Lightblade's Absol Gen 9 Cries compilation video
Edited from HeroLinik's Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Cries video
Edited from HeroLinik's Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - All Teal Mask Cries video
Edited from Joya in UK's Indigo Disk Cries video
Item sprites:
-Gen 9 item sprites - lichenprincess, Caruban, jinxed
-PLA item sprites - AztecCroc, 3DJackArt, Caruban, lichenprincess
Pokeballs battle animation and summary icon:
-WolfPP (Beast ball battle animation)
Compilation of Resources:
-Gen 9 Pack - Caruban
-Gen 8/9 Resized Sprites- http404error
-Gen 8 Pack - Golisopod User, UberDunsparce
Full PLA-Gen 9 Sprites Credit List:
Full Deluxe Battle Kit + Add-Ons
Deluxe Battle Kit Website Guide = https://lucidious89-tutorials.gitbook.io/deluxe-battle-kit-tutorial
The Full Deulxe Battle Kit consists of:
Deluxe Battle Kit (Covers Mega Evolution and various under the hood changes to Pokemon Essentials)
Modular UI Scenes
Enhanced Pokemon UI
Enhanced Battle UI
Pokedex Data Page
SOS Battles
Improved Field Skills
As of the 24th April 2024, the Raid Battles Add-On has not been released.
EVs and IVs From Party
Internet Name: Hazy Crazy
Relic Castle/Eevee Exo Name: 4AllNighterGrinder64
Poke Community Name: OrgeDevil632
The Plugin itself is just taking existing Debug code in stock Pokemon Essentials
and allowing a player to freely change EVs and IVs directly from the Party Menu.
The plugin has not been tweaked to remove the Randomise pID feature.
But what that does for 99.9% of players is inconsequential.
Let them mess around with it if they want.
Plugin code block:
MenuHandlers.add(:party_menu, :hidden_values, {
"name" => _INTL("Change EVs/IVs"),
"order" => 60,
"parent" => :level_stats,
"effect" => proc { |screen, party, party_idx|
cmd = 0
loop do
pkmn = $player.party[party_idx]
persid = sprintf("0x%08X", pkmn.personalID)
cmd = screen.pbShowCommands(_INTL("Personal ID is {1}.", persid),
[_INTL("Set EVs"),
_INTL("Set IVs"),
_INTL("Randomise pID")], cmd)
break if cmd < 0
case cmd
when 0 # Set EVs
cmd2 = 0
loop do
totalev = 0
evcommands = []
ev_id = []
GameData::Stat.each_main do |s|
evcommands.push(s.name + " (#{pkmn.ev[s.id]})")
totalev += pkmn.ev[s.id]
evcommands.push(_INTL("Randomise all"))
evcommands.push(_INTL("Max randomise all"))
cmd2 = screen.pbShowCommands(_INTL("Change which EV?\nTotal: {1}/{2} ({3}%)",
totalev, Pokemon::EV_LIMIT,
100 * totalev / Pokemon::EV_LIMIT), evcommands, cmd2)
break if cmd2 < 0
if cmd2 < ev_id.length
params = ChooseNumberParams.new
upperLimit = 0
GameData::Stat.each_main { |s| upperLimit += pkmn.ev[s.id] if s.id != ev_id[cmd2] }
upperLimit = Pokemon::EV_LIMIT - upperLimit
upperLimit = [upperLimit, Pokemon::EV_STAT_LIMIT].min
thisValue = [pkmn.ev[ev_id[cmd2]], upperLimit].min
params.setRange(0, upperLimit)
f = pbMessageChooseNumber(_INTL("Set the EV for {1} (max. {2}).",
GameData::Stat.get(ev_id[cmd2]).name, upperLimit), params) { screen.pbUpdate }
if f != pkmn.ev[ev_id[cmd2]]
pkmn.ev[ev_id[cmd2]] = f
else # (Max) Randomise all
evTotalTarget = Pokemon::EV_LIMIT
if cmd2 == evcommands.length - 2 # Randomize all (not max)
evTotalTarget = rand(Pokemon::EV_LIMIT)
GameData::Stat.each_main { |s| pkmn.ev[s.id] = 0 }
while evTotalTarget > 0
r = rand(ev_id.length)
next if pkmn.ev[ev_id[r]] >= Pokemon::EV_STAT_LIMIT
addVal = 1 + rand(Pokemon::EV_STAT_LIMIT / 4)
addVal = addVal.clamp(0, evTotalTarget)
addVal = addVal.clamp(0, Pokemon::EV_STAT_LIMIT - pkmn.ev[ev_id[r]])
next if addVal == 0
pkmn.ev[ev_id[r]] += addVal
evTotalTarget -= addVal
when 1 # Set IVs
cmd2 = 0
loop do
hiddenpower = pbHiddenPower(pkmn)
totaliv = 0
ivcommands = []
iv_id = []
GameData::Stat.each_main do |s|
ivcommands.push(s.name + " (#{pkmn.iv[s.id]})")
totaliv += pkmn.iv[s.id]
msg = _INTL("Change which IV?\nHidden Power:\n{1}, power {2}\nTotal: {3}/{4} ({5}%)",
GameData::Type.get(hiddenpower[0]).name, hiddenpower[1], totaliv,
iv_id.length * Pokemon::IV_STAT_LIMIT, 100 * totaliv / (iv_id.length * Pokemon::IV_STAT_LIMIT))
ivcommands.push(_INTL("Randomise all"))
cmd2 = screen.pbShowCommands(msg, ivcommands, cmd2)
break if cmd2 < 0
if cmd2 < iv_id.length
params = ChooseNumberParams.new
params.setRange(0, Pokemon::IV_STAT_LIMIT)
f = pbMessageChooseNumber(_INTL("Set the IV for {1} (max. 31).",
GameData::Stat.get(iv_id[cmd2]).name), params) { screen.pbUpdate }
if f != pkmn.iv[iv_id[cmd2]]
pkmn.iv[iv_id[cmd2]] = f
else # Randomise all
GameData::Stat.each_main { |s| pkmn.iv[s.id] = rand(Pokemon::IV_STAT_LIMIT + 1) }
when 2 # Randomise pID
pkmn.personalID = rand(2**16) | (rand(2**16) << 16)
next false
Super Yellow Resource Pack
Internet Name: Hazy Crazy
Relic Castle Name: 4AllNighterGrinder64
Poke Community Name: OrgeDevil632
Generation 9 Animation Project
Project Host: KRLW890
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/the-gen-9-move-animation-project.526189/
Thanks to the Reborn team for letting people use their resources. You are awesome.
Gen 8 Animation Project lead by StCooler, with additional contributions by DarrylBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree
Thanks to BellBlitzKing for his Pokemon Sound Effects Pack: Gen 1 to Gen 7 - All Attacks SFX.
Gen 9 Animation Project led by KRLW890 and Nut0066, with additional contributions by Toxillian, QuahogTheCreator, Lcorp, and Shashu-Greninja
Independent Hidden Power Type (Adapted for V21.1)
Legends Arceus Move Relearner
Normal-Type Attacks without STAB match your first Type instead
Jason Godwyn
Code Block:
pbCalcType(user) orginal code:
def pbCalcType(user)
@powerBoost = false
ret = pbBaseType(user)
if ret && GameData::Type.exists?(:ELECTRIC)
if @battle.field.effects[PBEffects::IonDeluge] && ret == :NORMAL
@powerBoost = false
if user.effects[PBEffects::Electrify]
@powerBoost = false
return ret
pbCalcType(user) changed code:
def pbCalcType(user)
@powerBoost = false
type = @calcType
userTypes = user.pbTypes(true)
ret = pbBaseType(user)
if ret == :NORMAL && !user.pbHasType?(:NORMAL)
ret = userTypes[0]
if ret && GameData::Type.exists?(:ELECTRIC)
if @battle.field.effects[PBEffects::IonDeluge] && ret == :NORMAL
@powerBoost = false
if user.effects[PBEffects::Electrify]
@powerBoost = false
return ret
Type Icons in Battle
Golisopod User, Hubercioch
Type Matchup UI
Pokemon Form Trader
User's Speed is used instead of user's Attack for this move's calculations
Jason Godwyn
Code Block:
# User's Speed is used instead of user's Attack for this move's calculations.
# (Aerial Ace)
class Battle::Move::MySpeedIsMyAttack < Battle::Move
def pbGetAttackStats(user, target)
return user.speed, target.stages[:SPEED] + Battle::Battler::STAT_STAGE_MAXIMUM
Sparling Vial
Apples, Asforcia, BigFriv
PBS and Code Block:
Name = Sparkling Vial
NamePlural = Sparkling Vials
Pocket = 2
Price = 20000
SellPrice = 10000
FieldUse = OnPokemon
Description = A vial of red liquid that sparkles extremely bright in the gleam of sunlight.
ItemHandlers::UseOnPokemon.add(:SPARKLINGVIAL, proc { |item, qty, pkmn, scene|
if pkmn.shiny? == false
pbSEPlay('Item Used', 100, 100)
pbMessage(_INTL("The sparkling essence has altered your Pokémon!"))
pkmn.shiny = true
elsif pkmn.shiny? == true
pbMessage(_INTL("The sparkling essence seems to have no effect."))
next false
Near Universial TMs
Near Universial Tms Code Block:
Name = Near Universal TMs by FL
Version = 1.0
Essentials = 21.1
# * Near-Universal TMs - by FL (Credits will be apreciated)
# This script is for Pokémon Essentials. It makes all pokémon, except a few
# specific ones, learn the near universal moves as TM/TR/HM/Tutor, so it's not
# necessary to add the move to the PBS learnset.
#== INSTALLATION ===============================================================
# Put it above main OR convert into a plugin. No need to add/remove anything
# from PBS.
if !PluginManager.installed?("Near-Universal TMs")
:name => "Near-Universal TMs",
:version => "1.0",
:link => "https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=492298",
:credits => "FL"
# Ignores forms
class Pokemon
alias :_compatible_with_move_FL_near :compatible_with_move?
def compatible_with_move?(move_id)
if (
NEAR_UNIVERSAL_TUTOR_MOVES.include?(move_id) &&
return true
return _compatible_with_move_FL_near(move_id)
Any Nature Mint
Appletun's Apples
Code and PBS Block:
ItemHandlers::UseOnPokemon.add(:SPECIALMINT, proc { |item, qty, pkmn, scene|
scene.pbDisplay(_INTL("Select a new nature for {1}.", pkmn.name))
commands = []
ids = []
GameData::Nature.each do |nature|
next if pkmn.nature == nature.id
commands.push(_INTL("{1}", nature.name))
msg = _INTL("{1}'s nature: {2}", pkmn.name, pkmn.nature.name)
cmd = scene.pbShowCommands(_INTL("Give which nature?\n#{msg}", pkmn.name), commands, 0)
next false if cmd < 0 || cmd >= commands.length - 1
pkmn.nature = ids[cmd]
scene.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1} was given the {2} nature.", pkmn.name, pkmn.nature.name))
next true
Name = Special Mint
NamePlural = Special Mints
Pocket = 2
Price = 20
FieldUse = OnPokemon
Flags = Fling_10
Description = When a Pokémon smells this mint, its nature can be changed to what it desires.
# Automatic Level Scaling
Benitex, Joltik, Umbreon
# Automatic Level Scaling
LinKazamine, Lucidious89
# Leaf - Sprite Overworld
Wolfang62: https://www.deviantart.com/wolfang62/art/Leaf-Sprite-Overworld-887602743
# Various Gen 4 Art Style trainer and overworld sprites
Kyledove: https://pokengine.org/trainers/017gkf02/Brock
Kyledove: https://pokengine.org/trainers/018np8rv/Misty?collection=105var2c
Kyledove: https://pokengine.org/trainers/01hf2258/Leaf?collection=105var2c
Brumirage: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers/agatha-lgpe.png
Brumirage: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers/lorelei-lgpe.png
hyo-oppa: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers/brendan.png
hyo-oppa: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers/may.png
Beliot: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers/beauty-gen7.png
Brumirage: https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers/marnie.png
And numberous more by Kyledove, Brumirage, Hypo-oppa, Beliot, Brumirage.
I hate having short term memory issues, I don't know where to find the source
to verify if all of this resource pack is good to use for public use.
Please don't kill me Eevee Exo. I'm overwhelmed, I can't remember who's
resource is approved for public use. Just please let me know if I fucked up
and what I have to get rid of, so it's no longer a problem.
# Various music pieces from Offical Pokemon games
ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
Looped and compiled by:
# Ethically-Sourced Handmade Alternate Trainer Spritepack r3.2.18.24
# Random Trainer Graphic Resources
# Ga-Olé Trainer Classes
# Pokémon Battle Revolution - Colosseum Leader Front Sprites
# "Nidothing" Trainer Sprites
# Gen 4 and 5 Trainer sprites and PBS
Mr. Gela
# Taiga´s Trainer Collections
Vanilla Sunshine
# Offical games Trainer Classes
# Pokemon Clover - Culmination (VS. Champion)
Jim Clover
Poclo Sound Team
Le Ruse Bird
Dimbus Maximus
Anonymous and more from 4-Chan
Recorded by Squeetz
# Pokémon Clover - Culmination (VS. Champion) OR/AS Style
thelostrune / Le Ruse Bird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbLWCqshDFU
# Fan made Pokemon Trainer sprites + overworlds or Offical Trainer sprites + overworlds
Countless artists from Pokemon Showdown
Countless artists from Pokengine.org
Numerous resource packs on Eevee Exo/Pokecommunity
It's a likely possibility that dispite my best efforts, I forgot to credit someone
because of the sheer quantity. It's important to note that Super Yellow does not
use every offical character design art into a Gen 4 pixel art format.
By the time I assembled this Credits Compendium on the 20th May 2024, 5 days
before the game jam I plan to attend would happen, it's a blank for me if
specfic sprites such as the LGPE and SWSH sprites are good to use for public use.
And if it turns out there not after the fact, then I will get rid of them.
I'm aware that your are expected to never use an asset in the first place,
if you don't know if it is or isn't a public resource. Once again,
Super Yellow Gameplay Edition was rushed out the door.
I'm afraid I unknowingly set myself up to cause my own problems with
even allowing Super Yellow Gameplay Edition to exist. And I could have
avoided this issue if I was not in a rush. I'm going to stop being a
dumb fuck rat now. Tell me if I fucked up and need to be punished for my crimes.
I don't even care if I deserve to die for it.
As Relic Castle/Eevee Exo states:
And I wasn't expecting to get a heart attack at the very end of making Super Yellow Gameplay Edition.
Scared for my life that I am going to stumble into trouble.
All because I missed, flat out forgot or can't find a contact for an exact artist to confirm if their thing is a public resource.
# Jason Godwyn Poke Editor
Poke Editor Code Blocks:
Will you lose your lunch if you have to farm any more Heart Scales? Are you sick of catching/breeding countless Pokemon of the same species hoping for one with the right Nature and Ability, only to spend ages getting the right Moves/Egg Moves/TMs? Do you hate the idea of event-exclusive moves that break the game almost as much as you hate the Canon Pokemon Series's habit of only letting certain Pokemon learn certain moves in certain games, often from single-use-only Move Tutors to encourage every player to buy as many games as possible even if they only want to compete in the most modern one?
Hi, I'm Jason Godwyn, and I have a solution to all your problems! Okay, for these specific problems.
First add the following code to a newly inserted Script in the Script Editor called JasonGodwynsTools!
##Jason Godwyn's Nature Changer for Pokeditor
def pbChangeNature
commands = []
ids = []
$player.party.each do |pokemon|
next if pokemon.egg?
commands.push("#{pokemon.name} (#{GameData::Nature.get(pokemon.nature).real_name})")
cmd = -1
loop do
msg = _INTL("Choose a Pokémon to change its nature.")
cmd = pbMessage(msg, commands, -1)
break if cmd < 0 || cmd >= commands.length - 1
pokemon = ids[cmd]
nature_commands = []
nature_ids = []
GameData::Nature.each do |nature|
if nature.stat_changes.empty?
nature_commands.push(_INTL("{1} (---)", nature.real_name))
plus_text = ""
minus_text = ""
nature.stat_changes.each do |change|
if change[1] > 0
plus_text += "/" if !plus_text.empty?
plus_text += GameData::Stat.get(change[0]).name_brief
elsif change[1] < 0
minus_text += "/" if !minus_text.empty?
minus_text += GameData::Stat.get(change[0]).name_brief
nature_commands.push(_INTL("{1} (+{2}, -{3})", nature.real_name, plus_text, minus_text))
loop do
nature_cmd = pbMessage("Select a nature", nature_commands, 0)
break if cmd < 0 || cmd >= commands.length - 1
if nature_cmd >= 0 && nature_cmd < nature_commands.length - 2 # Set nature
pokemon.nature = nature_ids[nature_cmd]
pbMessage(_INTL("{1}'s nature is set to {2}.", pokemon.name, GameData::Nature.get(pokemon.nature).real_name))
# Update the Pokémon's name and nature in the commands array
commands[cmd] = "#{pokemon.name} (#{GameData::Nature.get(pokemon.nature).real_name})"
elsif nature_cmd == nature_commands.length - 2 # Reset
pokemon.nature = nil
pbMessage(_INTL("{1}'s nature has been reset.", pokemon.name))
# Update the Pokémon's name and nature in the commands array
commands[cmd] = "#{pokemon.name} (#{GameData::Nature.get(pokemon.nature).real_name})"
elsif nature_cmd == nature_commands.length - 1 # Back button
def pbGetRelearnableMoves(pokemon)
return [] if !pokemon || pokemon.egg? || pokemon.shadowPokemon?
moves = []
# Add moves from level-up moves
pokemon.getMoveList.each do |move|
move_id = move[1]
next if move[0] > pokemon.level || pokemon.hasMove?(move_id)
moves << move_id if !moves.include?(move_id)
# Add moves from TMs and HMs
tm_moves = pokemon.species_data.moves
if tm_moves
if tm_moves.is_a?(Array)
moves.concat(tm_moves.select { |move| move[0] == :TM && !pokemon.hasMove?(move[1]) }.map { |move| move[1] })
moves << tm_moves[1] if tm_moves[0] == :TM && !pokemon.hasMove?(tm_moves[1])
# Add moves from tutor moves
tutor_moves = pokemon.species_data.tutor_moves
if tutor_moves
if tutor_moves.is_a?(Array)
moves.concat(tutor_moves.reject { |move_id| pokemon.hasMove?(move_id[1]) })
moves << tutor_moves if !pokemon.hasMove?(tutor_moves)
# Add moves from egg moves
egg_moves = pokemon.species_data.egg_moves
if egg_moves
if egg_moves.is_a?(Array)
moves.concat(egg_moves.reject { |move_id| pokemon.hasMove?(move_id[1]) })
moves << egg_moves if !pokemon.hasMove?(egg_moves)
moves.sort_by! { |move_id| GameData::Move.get(move_id).name }
# https://www.youtube.com/@JasonGodwin69
##Jason's Move Teacher
def pbTeachMovePokedit
commands = []
pokemon_list = []
$player.party.each do |pokemon|
next if pokemon.egg?
moves = pbGetRelearnableMoves(pokemon)
next if moves.empty?
commands << "#{pokemon.name} (Level #{pokemon.level})"
pokemon_list << pokemon
commands << _INTL("[Cancel]")
cmd = -1
loop do
msg = _INTL("Choose a Pokémon to teach a move.")
cmd = pbMessage(msg, commands, -1)
break if cmd < 0 || cmd >= commands.length - 1
pokemon = pokemon_list[cmd]
moves = pbGetRelearnableMoves(pokemon)
move_commands = moves.map { |move_id| pbGetMoveName(move_id) }
move_commands << _INTL("[Back]")
loop do
move_cmd = pbMessage("Select a move to teach.", move_commands, 0)
break if move_cmd == move_commands.length - 1 # Back button
next if move_cmd < 0 || move_cmd >= move_commands.length - 1
move_id = moves[move_cmd]
if move_id && GameData::Move.exists?(move_id)
pbLearnMove(pokemon, move_id)
pbMessage("Invalid move ID: #{move_id}")
def pbGetMoveName(move_id)
move_data = GameData::Move.try_get(move_id)
return "Unknown Move (ID: #{move_id})" unless move_data
return move_data.name
##Jason Godwyn's Pokeditor Ability Changer
def pbChangeAbilityJason
commands = []
ids = []
$player.party.each do |pokemon|
next if pokemon.egg?
commands.push("#{pokemon.name} (Ability: #{ability_name(pokemon.ability)})")
cmd = -1
loop do
msg = _INTL("Choose a Pokémon to change its ability.")
cmd = pbMessage(msg, commands, -1)
break if cmd < 0 || cmd >= commands.length - 1
pokemon = ids[cmd]
ability_commands = []
ability_ids = []
# Retrieve the list of abilities the Pokémon can learn based on species
ability_list = pokemon.species_data.abilities
# Append Hidden Ability to the list if available
hidden_ability = GameData::Ability.get(pokemon.species_data.hidden_abilities[0]) if pokemon.species_data.hidden_abilities.length > 0
ability_list.push(hidden_ability) if hidden_ability
ability_list.each do |ability_id|
ability = GameData::Ability.get(ability_id)
ability_name = ability_name(ability.id)
next if ability_ids.include?(ability.id) # Skip duplicate abilities
ability_commands.push(_INTL("{1}", ability_name))
ability_ids.push(ability.id) # Add the ability ID to the array
loop do
ability_cmd = pbMessage("Select an ability.", ability_commands, 0)
break if ability_cmd < 0 || ability_cmd >= ability_commands.length - 1
if ability_cmd >= 0 && ability_cmd < ability_commands.length - 2 # Set ability
pokemon.ability = ability_ids[ability_cmd] # Retrieve the ability ID from the array
pbMessage(_INTL("{1}'s ability is set to {2}.", pokemon.name, ability_name(pokemon.ability)))
# Update the Pokémon's name and ability in the commands array
commands[cmd] = "#{pokemon.name} (Ability: #{ability_name(pokemon.ability)})"
elsif ability_cmd == ability_commands.length - 2 # Reset
pokemon.ability = nil
pbMessage(_INTL("{1}'s ability has been reset.", pokemon.name))
# Update the Pokémon's name and ability in the commands array
commands[cmd] = "#{pokemon.name} (Ability: #{ability_name(pokemon.ability)})"
elsif ability_cmd == ability_commands.length - 1 # Back button
def ability_name(ability_id)
return ability_id ? GameData::Ability.get(ability_id).name : "---"
Then get any NPC, Key Item, or Common Event to run "pbChangeNature", "pbTeachMovePokedit", or "pbChangeAbilityJason" or allow the player to choose from any of these three scripts to execute!
Now your Pokemon player can freely edit their Pokemon's Nature, Ability, and Moves without needing to grind or hack their save files for cash and Heart Scales!
Jason Godwyn - https://www.youtube.com/@JasonGodwin69
# NPB's Battle UI
No pro bro,BiggusWeeabus,Taiga,Ardicoozer(for v21.1 script)
# Fancy looking type icons and Tera-Type Icons made Sol Emeralds
Eevee Exo/Relic Castle: Sonicover
Deviantart: Banjo2015
# Various Pixel Art asset designs from other fan games
Pokemon Party menu background from Pokemon Insurgence
Pokemon Insurgence artists:
# Trainer Transitions
Wes by Meme Galactic: https://tumblunni.tumblr.com/post/132880703981/im-trying-to-make-some-wes-sprites-and-i-found-a
Leaf by Nyjee: https://www.deviantart.com/nyjee/art/VS-Trainer-SPECIAL-Portrait-165669863
Red by iTheRealPikachuV2: https://www.deviantart.com/itherealpikachuv2/art/Pokemon-Vs-Red-Mugshot-213466606
Breandan by hyo-oppa: https://www.deviantart.com/hyo-oppa/art/Pokemon-ORAS-Brendan-DPPt-HGSS-Gen-IV-Sprite-Sheet-681502142
May by skyin2020: https://www.deviantart.com/skyin2020/art/Pokemon-Female-Trainers-VS-Sprite-788731786
# Character Selection By FL
Made by FL
Script.rb code block:
# * Character Selection - by FL (Credits will be apreciated)
# This script is for Pokémon Essentials. It's a character selection screen
# suggested for player selection or partner selection.
#== INSTALLATION ===============================================================
# To this script works, put it above main OR convert into a plugin. Put a 32x32
# background at "Graphics/Pictures/character_selection_tile" (may works with
# other sizes).
#== HOW TO USE =================================================================
# Call 'startCharacterSelection(overworld,battle)' passing two arrays with the
# same size as arguments:
# - The first include overworld graphics names (from
# "Graphics/Pictures/Characters").
# - The second include battler/front graphics names (from
# "Graphics/Pictures/Trainers" or "Graphics/Pictures/Characters").
# The return is the player selected index, starting at 0.
#== EXAMPLES ===================================================================
# An example that initialize the player:
# overworld = ["trainer_POKEMONTRAINER_Red","trainer_POKEMONTRAINER_Leaf",
# "trainer_POKEMONTRAINER_Brendan","trainer_POKEMONTRAINER_May"]
# result = startCharacterSelection(overworld,battle)
# pbChangePlayer(result+1)
if defined?(PluginManager) && !PluginManager.installed?("Character Selection")
:name => "Character Selection",
:version => "1.1",
:link => "https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=338481",
:credits => "FL"
class CharacterSelectionScene
ANIMATION_FRAME_INTERVAL = 4 # Increase for slower animation.
def pbStartScene(overworld,battle)
@overworld = overworld
@battle = battle
# Numbers for coordinates calculation
lines = 2
totalWidth = 512
totalHeight = 232
marginX = totalWidth/((@overworld.size/2.0).ceil+1)
marginY = 72
for i in 0...@overworld.size
@sprites["icon#{i}"].x = marginX*((i/2).floor+1)
@sprites["icon#{i}"].y = marginY+(totalHeight - marginY*2)*(i%lines)
_INTL("Choose your character."))
pbFadeInAndShow(@sprites) { update }
def updateCursor(index=nil)
if index
def trainerBitmapPath(spriteName)
ret = pbResolveBitmap("Graphics/Trainers/"+spriteName)
return ret if ret
ret = pbResolveBitmap("Graphics/Characters/"+spriteName)
return ret
def pbMidScene
loop do
if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
if pbDisplayConfirm(_INTL("Are you sure?"))
return @index
if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
updateCursor((@index-lines)>=0 ?
@index-lines : @overworld.size-lines+(@index%lines))
if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
updateCursor((@index+lines)<=(@overworld.size-1) ?
@index+lines : @index%lines)
if Input.repeat?(Input::UP)
updateCursor(@index!=0 ? @index-1 : @overworld.size-1)
if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
updateCursor(@index!=@overworld.size-1 ? @index+1 : 0)
def update
def pbDisplayConfirm(text)
loop do
cmdwindow.visible=true if !@sprites["messagebox"].busy?
if Input.trigger?(Input::B) && !@sprites["messagebox"].busy?
if (Input.trigger?(Input::C) &&
@sprites["messagebox"].resume && !@sprites["messagebox"].busy?)
return ret
def pbEndScene
pbFadeOutAndHide(@sprites) { update }
class CharacterSelectionPlane < AnimatedPlane
def initialize(speed, turnTime, viewport)
@speed = speed
@turnTime = turnTime
def update
@frame=0 if !@frame
@direction=0 if !@direction
if @frame==@turnTime
@direction=0 if @direction==4
case @direction
when 0 #down
when 1 #left
when 2 #up
when 3 #right
self.ox=0 if self.ox==-LIMIT || self.ox==LIMIT
self.oy=0 if self.oy==-LIMIT || self.oy==LIMIT
class AnimatedChar < AnimatedSprite
def initialize(*args)
if @animbitmap.width%framecount!=0
raise _INTL("Bitmap's width ({1}) is not a multiple of frame count ({2}) [Bitmap={3}]",@animbitmap.width,@framewidth,@animname)
def frame=(value)
def update
if @playing
if @realframeschar==@turnTime
@direction= 0 if @direction==4
if @direction==2
elsif @direction==3
class CharacterSelectionScreen
def initialize(scene)
def pbStartScreen(overworld,battle)
ret = @scene.pbMidScene
return ret
def startCharacterSelection(overworld,battle)
ret = nil
pbFadeOutIn(99999) {
return ret
# Gen 5 VS Sprite Pack
BW VS rips came from Barubary on spriters-resource
B2W2 VS rips came from redblueyellow on spriters-resource
VS bars came from TechSkylander1518
# Music from other media
Tekken 2 - Morning Field (Jun's Theme)
Pokemon Uranium - Decisive Battle by Emdasche/Electric Mudkip
Pokemon Uranium - Elite Battle by Emdasche/Electric Mudkip
Pokemon Reborn - Marnie Battle Theme ft. Scottay (Remix by GlitchxCity)
Pokémon Kanto Gym Leader Battle Theme (FRLG Ver.) Remix by KokiRemix
Slame of the Northstar - Quad City DJs vs Crystal Kings by GAR
Gigachad Theme Hans Zimmer Can you Feel My Heart by Carameii
Please Help I've Imagined Too Many Dragons by William Maranci Mashups
Sonic And the Fallen Star Subspace Distortion Supernova Mix Special Stage by Hollie Taylor
Big Iron But it's Been Shagged by an Audiophile and Rendered Using a Biscuit Tin By DominantChris
Man with a Mission - When My Devil Rises
Yu Go Oh Duel Links Gong Strong ARC V Theme
Main Theme Sonic Adventure 3 SilvaGunner
If it turns out music from other media is a big no no with Pokemon fan games, I'm seriously sorry.
I didn't want the stock Pokemon music tones, and for some music pieces, I wanted to use them
cause they were funny. I'm more than ready to purge these from Super Yellow if I have to.
First time ever I made a Pokemon fan game, so I don't know what the big no no's are.
I saw that Pokemon Bushido used Naruto Shikamaru Theme and Breath of The Wild Ganon music,
so if it turns out Bushido led me down the wrong path, than that's my own fault.
# GSC Kris Gen 4 Sprites (Artist has given permission for the character sprites to be used in Super Yellow Gameplay Edition, evidence is in the Misc Folder)
SirPeaches: https://www.deviantart.com/sirpeaches/art/HeartGold-SoulSilver-Kris-Ver-2-555601343
# DeigoWT Character sprites
Wes: https://www.deviantart.com/diegowt/art/Wes-Sprite-Pack-842134086
ORAS May: https://www.deviantart.com/diegowt/art/Sprite-Pack-ORAS-May-976413120
ORAS Bredan: https://www.deviantart.com/diegowt/art/Sprite-Pack-ORAS-Brendan-976412704
# Mid117
Wes backsprite: https://www.deviantart.com/mid117/art/Commission-PKMN-Colosseum-Wes-Backsprite-842604661
# neosth2001
Wes Gen 4 trainer sprite (Source links to a 404 Deviant Art page. Source link currently unknown)
# hyo-oppa
Pokemon Trainer Battle Sprite Collection: https://www.deviantart.com/hyo-oppa/art/Hyo-s-Pokemon-Trainer-Battle-Sprite-Collection-878566572
Pokemon ORAS Brendan DPPt/HGSS Gen IV Sprite Sheet: https://www.deviantart.com/hyo-oppa/art/Pokemon-ORAS-Brendan-DPPt-HGSS-Gen-IV-Sprite-Sheet-681502142
# skyin2020
Pokemon Female Trainers VS Sprite: https://www.deviantart.com/skyin2020/art/Pokemon-Female-Trainers-VS-Sprite-788731786
# Solo993
PUBLIC OrAs Protagonists Gba back front sprites: https://www.deviantart.com/solo993/art/PUBLIC-OrAs-Protagonists-Gba-back-front-sprites-491737986
# PKMNTrainerRick
POKEMON RED DPP BACK SPRITE: https://www.deviantart.com/pkmntrainerrick/art/POKEMON-RED-DPP-BACK-SPRITE-918844486
POKEMON LEAF DPP BACK SPRITE: https://www.deviantart.com/pkmntrainerrick/art/POKEMON-LEAF-DPP-BACK-SPRITE-918844468
# Tales of The Outskirt Stand Resources
Rider Willie Gen 4 Trainer + Overworld Sprite
Tales of the Outskirt Stand Credits:
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.
#### Scripts ####
# Fly Menu Screen #
#### Plugins ####
# Pokémon Essentials Deluxe #
# Bag Screen with Interactable Party #
#Pokemon BW Party Screen #
DeepBlue PacificWaves
Golisopod User
# Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1 #
# Better Battle Animation Editor #
#### Tilesets ####
# Water autotile #
# Indoor Tileset PC and Mart Pokemon Forever Lost (yes its public look at the comments) #
# Tileset ver.3 [Free*] #
# Mishmash of tropical tiles #
# Swampy Gatehouse Tileset #
# The Home of Excello Village Tileset #
# The Messy Room of a Random Galar Zigzagoon Fan #
# Waterfall Autotile v1 #
# Agate Village (Tileset) #
# Evolina Mountains #
# Mixed Cave-Tileset #
# Desert tiles #
# Underwater Tiles #
#Desert Tileset #
#Puddle Tiles #
# Yet another water autotile #
# Indoor Tileset PC and Mart Pokemon Forever Lost (yes it is public now) #
#### Graphics ####
# Ultra Wormhole #
# Pokemon Colosseum/XD trainer sprites #
# Orre-Exclusive Items #
# The DPPt Style Gen VI and Beyond Backsprite Resource #
@ Dreadwing93: *All Unova Pokemon (Victini-Genesect)(repubished by Aki)
*Most Kalos Pokemon:
-Chespin line
-Fennekin line
-Froakie line
-Bunnelby line
-Fletchling line
-Scatterbug line
-Vivillon forms
-Litleo line
-Flabebe line + colors
-Honedge line
-Inkay line
-Skrelp line
-Helioptile line
-Tyrunt line
-Amaura line
@ Prodigal96: *Some Alolan Forms:
-Alolan Raticate
-Alolan Meowth
-Alolan Grimer line
*Some Galarian Forms:
-Galarian Meowth
-Galarian Slowpoke line
*Some Galar Pokemon:
-Gossifleur line
-Yamper line
-Eiscue forms
-Indeedee forms
-Zarude forms
*Some Alola Pokemon:
*Some Megas:
-Mega Venusaur
-Mega Charizard X + Y
-Mega Blastoise
-Mega Beedrill
-Mega Pidgeot
-Mega Alakazam
-Mega Gengar
-Mega Kangaskhan
-Mega Pinsir
-Mega Gyarados
-Mega Aerodactyl
-Mega Mewtwo X + Y
-Mega Ampharos
-Mega Scizor
-Mega Houndoom
-Mega Sceptile
-Mega Blaziken
-Mega Swampert
-Mega Manectric
-Mega Altaria
-Mega Banette
-Mega Absol
-Primal Kyogre
-Primal Groudon
*Some Gigantamax Forms:
-Gigantamax Venusaur
-Gigantamax Charizard
-Gigantamax Blastoise
-Gigantamax Butterfree
-Gigantamax Pikachu
-Gigantamax Meowth
-Gigantamax Machamp
-Gigantamax Gengar
-Gigantamax Kingler
-Gigantamax Lapras
-Gigantamax Eevee
-Gigantamax Snorlax
-Gigantamax Grimmsnarl
-Gigantamax Copperajah
*Barbaracle edits
@ MM980: *Some Alola Pokemon:
*Some Kalos Pokemon:
-Eternal Flower Floette
-Zygarde Forms
*Galarian Yamask
*Mega Gardevoir
@ 44tim44: *Sylveon
@ Gnomowladny: *Some Megas:
-Mega Sableye
-Mega Mawile
-Mega Glalie
-Mega Lopunny
-Mega Audino
*Some Alolan Pokemon:
@ MetalFlygon (republished by Zygoat): *Some Alola Pokemon:
-Rockruff line
-Salandit line
*Some Galar Pokemon:
-Nickit line
-Clobbopus line
-Mr. Rime
*Some Alolan Forms:
-Alolan Ratatta
-Alolan Raichu
-Alolan Sandshrew line
-Alolan Vulpix line
-Alolan Diglett line
-Alolan Persian
-Alolan Geodude line
-Alolan Exeggutor
-Alolan Marowak
*Some Galarian Forms:
-Galarian Ponyta line
-Galarian Farfetch'd
-Galarian Weezing
-Galarian Mr. Mime
-Galarian Corsola
@ Zygoat: *Some Megas:
-Mega Heracross
-Mega Medicham
-Mega Garchomp
-Mega Lucario
*Some Galar Pokemon:
*Pikachu Libre
*Galarian Zigzagoon and Linoone
@ WolfPP: *Some Galarian Pokemon:
-Kubfu line
-Galarian Zapdos
-Galarian Moltres
@ lichenprincess: *Some Galarian Pokemon:
*Galarian Articuno
@ BiggusWeeabus: *Rookidee line
@ ChromusSama: *Phantump
@ briochee *Litten
*Popplio line
*Pikipek line
*Yungoos line
*Grubbin line
*Jangmo-o line
@ Mak: *Skiddo
*Some Alola Pokemon
-Mudbray line
-Dewpider line
*Some Galar Pokemon
-Sizzlipede line
*Galarian Stunfisk
*Goomy and Sliggoo forms
@ Loafus022: *Basculegion forms
@ Sopita_Yorita: *Hisuian Growlithe
@ lennybitao: *Rillaboom
*Hisuian Arcanine
*Hoopa (Unbound)
@ Scept: *Gen 9 Starters
@ Travis: *Some Hisui Pokemon
@ MrEoncito: *Some Galar Pokemon
*Some Megas:
-Mega Latias
-Mega Latios
-Mega Gallade
@ IDesbas/Angy: *Some Megas:
-Mega Steelix
-Mega Tyranitar
@ MarcStuts08: *Pangoro
@ PorousMist326: *Runerigus
*Gigantamax Inteleon
*Galarian Darumaka line
*Fairy-type Arceus
*HOME Shiny Castform forms
*Sandyghast line
*Mega Sharpedo
*Pikachu Forms:
-Black Tip
-Partner Pikachu
*Eevee Forms:
-Female Eevee
-Partner Eevee
*Hisuian Qwilfish
*White-striped Basculin
*Missing shinies
*Recolor edits
*Compiling of sprites
Special thanks to the following:
@ leParagon: *Inspiration and bases of many sprites
@ DS-style Gen VII and Beyong Pokemon Sprite Repository: *Inspiration and bases of many sprites
@ Smogon Art Projects: *Inspiration and bases of many sprites
DS-style Gen VII and Beyond Pokemon Sprite Repository (Inspiration and bases of many sprites here)
leParagon (Inspiration and bases of many sprites here)
#### Music ####
# ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library #
# Sound Effects #
# Crystal Cave: Remastered (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4yjALpgADU) #
#### Animations ####
# Pokemon Reborn Animations #
Vulpes Draconis
# Pokemon Gen 8 Animation Project #
##### Pokemon Essentials Gen 9 Project #####
Script Gen 9 and Adapting PLA for v20:
-Eskiss (Legend Plate script based on)
PBS for Gen 9:
-PorousMist (Updated the abilities, items, and moves description)
-DJChaos (TM Items)
-Futuresushi (Shortened abilities and moves description)
Pokemon Gen 9 Battler Sprites:
KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura,
JordanosArt, Abnayami, OldSoulja, Katten, Divaruta 666, Clara, Skyflyer, AshnixsLaw
Pokemon Gen 9 icons:
ezerart, JordanosArt
Pokemon Gen 9 Followers:
Azria, DarkusShadow, EduarPokeN, Carmanekko, StarWolff, Caruban
Pokemon PLA and Gen 9 Footprints :
Pokemon Gen 9 Cries:
Edited from Lightblade Absol Gen 9 Cries compilation video
Edited from HeroLinik Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Cries video
Gen 9 item icons:
-lichenprincess (Tera Orb, Bamboos, Tera Shards, Mirror Herb, Loaded Dice, Leader Crest, and Kubfu Scrolls, Booster Energy, Gimmighoul coin, TM Material, Kofu's Wallet, Sandwich, Herba Mysticas)
-Caruban (Punching Glove, Auspicious Armor, Malicious Armor, Ability Shield, Clear Amulet, Covert Cloak, Scarlet&Violet Book)
Original Pokémon: Legends Arceus Expansion Script :
-StCooler (Original script for Gen 8 Project in v18 and Status sprites)
-PorousMist and curryofthepast (Adapting the script for v19.1 use)
PLA item icons :
AztecCroc, 3DJackArt, Caruban, lichenprincess
Pokemon cries ripped:
Pokeballs battle animation and summary icon:
-WolfPP (Beast ball battle animation)
PLA Pokémon icons:
PLA Followers:
Boonzeet, DarkusShadow, princess-phoenix, Ezeart, WolfPP
PLA Sprites from Smogon Gen8 Sprite Project :
Blaquaza, KingOfThe-X-Roads, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite, SelenaArmorclaw
Vanilla Style Version
Pokémon sprites:
KingOfThe-X-Roads, Mak, Caruban, jinxed, leParagon, Sopita_Yorita, Azria, Mashirosakura, JordanosArt, Scept, NanaelJustice, SoyChim, KRLW890, AnonAlpaca, PokeJminer, Red7246, Carmanekko, Eduar, Lykeron, GriloKapu10, Mesayas, Erkey830, QDylm, PorousMist, OldSoulja, AlexandreV2.0, Z-nogyroP, lennybitao, Ruben1986
Blaquaza, KattenK, Travis, G.E.Z., SpheX, Hematite
Gen 9 Icons:
Vent, Katten, leParagon, Cesare_CBass, AlexandreV2.0, Carmanekko
PLA Icons:
LuigiTKO, Pikafan2000, Cesare_CBass, Vent, Cesare_Cbass, MultiDiegoDani, leParagon, JWNutz
and thanks for
Pokémon Icons Act 2.9 - Teracristalizando
Full Sprites Credit List:
#### Pokemon Essentials Gen 8 Project ####
Battler Sprites:
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites - veekun
Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites - All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
Overworld Sprites
Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds - Anarlaurendil
Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds - princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds - Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix
Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds - SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds - MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo
Icon Sprites
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Alaguesia, harveydentmd
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites - Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
Gen 8 Icon Sprites - Larry Turbo, Leparagon
Shiny Icon Sprites - StarrWolf, Pokemon Shattered Light Team
Cry Credits:
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries - Rhyden
Gen 7 Pokemon Cries - Marin, Rhyden
Gen 8 Pokemon Cries - Zeak6464
Script Credits:
Golisopod User, Luka S.J.
Compilation of Resources:
Golisopod User, UberDunsparce
# Pokemon Super Yellow V1.0.0 Plugin Resources
[DBK_000] Deluxe Battle Kit
Name = Deluxe Battle Kit
Version = 1.1.4
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = v21.1 Hotfixes,1.0.9
Optional = Generation 9 Pack,3.2
Optional = Generation 8 Pack Scripts,1.0
Optional = Bag Screen w/int. Party,2.5
Optional = Customizable Battle UI,1.0
Optional = Modular UI Scenes,2.0.3
Conflicts = Essentials Deluxe,1.0
Conflicts = Mid Battle Dialogue,1.0
Conflicts = Elite Battle: DX,1.0
Conflicts = SOS Battles,1.0
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/deluxe-battle-kit-v21-1.525780/
Credits = Lucidious89
[DBK_001] Enhanced Battle UI
Name = [DBK] Enhanced Battle UI
Version = 2.0
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Deluxe Battle Kit,1.1.4
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/enhanced-battle-ui-dbk-add-on-v21-1.525837/
Credits = Lucidious89
[DBK_002] SOS Battles
Name = [DBK] SOS Battles
Version = 1.0.4
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Deluxe Battle Kit,1.1.2
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/sos-battles-dbk-add-on-v21-1.525882/
Credits = Lucidious89
[DBK_004] Z-Power
Name = [DBK] Z-Power
Version = 1.0.3
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Deluxe Battle Kit,1.0.8
Website = https://reliccastle.com/resources/1478/
Credits = Lucidious89
[DBK_005] Dynamax
Name = [DBK] Dynamax
Version = 1.0.4
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Deluxe Battle Kit,1.1.1
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/dynamax-dbk-add-on-v21-1.526509/
Credits = Lucidious89
[DBK_006] Terastallization
Name = [DBK] Terastallization
Version = 1.0.7
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Deluxe Battle Kit,1.0.9
Website = https://reliccastle.com/resources/1476/
Credits = Lucidious89
[MUI_000] Modular UI Scenes
Name = Modular UI Scenes
Version = 2.0.4
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = v21.1 Hotfixes,1.0.6
Optional = Generation 8 Pack Scripts,1.0
Optional = Generation 9 Pack,2.0
Website = https://reliccastle.com/resources/1325/
Credits = Lucidious89
[MUI_002] Pokedex Data Page
Name = [MUI] Pokedex Data Page
Version = 2.0
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Modular UI Scenes,2.0.4
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/in-depth-pokedex-data-page-v21-1.500459/
Credits = Lucidious89
[MUI_004] Improved Field Skills
Name = [MUI] Improved Field Skills
Version = 1.0.1
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Modular UI Scenes,2.0.4
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/improved-field-skills-use-hms-without-knowing-the-move-v21-1.501989/
Credits = Lucidious89
Automatic Level Scaling
Name = Automatic Level Scaling
Version = 1.5.1
Essentials = 20, 20.1, 21, 21.1
Website = https://github.com/Benitex/Automatic-Level-Scaling
Credits = Benitex, Joltik, Umbreon
# Instalation
# To install this plugin, extract the zip file into your game root folder.
# Then, you should check if you"re already using variables 99 and 100 in your game.
# These are the variables that control trainer and wild pokemon difficulty, respectively.
# If you are already using these variables, go to the Settings.rb script and change
# the value to whichever variable you want to use to change the difficulty.
# In "Settings.rb", you can also change some options, create other difficulty options,
# and enable more complex conditions for level scaling. This is everything you need to do
# to install the script, but you should also activate it by selecting a difficulty.
# How to use
# Selecting a difficulty:
# In order to change the difficulty, you should use an event to change the variable
# value according to the pre-defined difficulties. If you want to disable automatic
# level scaling, just set the variable value to 0. By default, all variable values are 0,
# so levels are not balanced unless you set these variables to one of the difficulties ids.
# Selecting a difficulty:
# In order to change the difficulty, you should use an event to change the variable
# value according to the pre-defined difficulties. If you want to disable automatic
# level scaling, just set the variable value to 0. By default, all variable values are 0,
# so levels are not balanced unless you set these variables to one of the difficulties ids.
# Setting up gift pokemon, trades, fixed encounters:
# Whenever you find a field where you should insert a pokemon level (except for PBS),
# you can use the function "AutomaticLevelScaling.getScaledLevel" and the level will be
# automatically defined according to the currently selected difficulty.
# Creating new difficulties:
# There are three pre-defined difficulties, but you can add your own new ones by using the function
# "Difficulty.new(random_increase, fixed_increase)" in the DIFFICULTIES Hash in [ICODE]Settings.rb[/ICODE].
# "fixed_increase" is a pre-defined value that increases the pokemon level
# "random_increase" is a randomly selected value between 0 and the value provided
# Note that these variables can also store negative values.
# Setting them to 0 would have the same effect of calling "pbBalancedLevel($player.party)"
# and removing two from the avarage.
# Changing settings for a specific battle:
# You can use the function "AutomaticLevelScaling.setTemporarySetting(setting, value)" to apply a
# temporary change to a setting for a specific battle, all changes will be reverted after the battle.
# This is a new way to change settings in v1.4, based on Essentials "setBattleRule" function.
# You can simply insert the setting name in the first parameter and the value defined in the second,
# you should call it multiple times if you want to apply multiple settings. You can still use the older
# "AutomaticLevelScaling.setSettings" function if you prefer though.
# "AutomaticLevelScaling.setSettings" does not automatically revert changes after the next battle and
# they will be permanent until the game is closed or new changes are made. You can use the "temporary"
# parameter to revert the changes after the battle. If you don"t use it, don"t forget to change them
# back to the original settings after the battle or series of battles. All arguments are optional and
# can be positioned in any order, use a value of the type indicated after the parameter name.
# AutomaticLevelScaling.setSettings(
# update_moves: boolean,
# automatic_evolutions: boolean,
# include_previous_stages: boolean,
# proportional_scaling: boolean,
# only_scale_if_higher: boolean,
# only_scale_if_lower: boolean,
# first_evolution_level: Integer,
# second_evolution_level: Integer
# )
# Setting Description
# "updateMoves" Set to false if you want to use the pre-defined moves in the PBS.
# "proportionalScaling" When true, Takes original level differences from the PBS into consideration when scaling levels.
# "automaticEvolutions" Set to false if you don't want pokemon automatically evolving.
# "includeNonNaturalEvolutions" Set to false if you want to disable evolution for pokemon that evolve with evolution stones, happiness, etc.
# "includePreviousStages" When true, returns pokemon to their previous evolution stages if they did not reach their evolution level.
# "includeNextStages" If false, stops evolution at the species used in the function call (or defined in the PBS). In other words, you can set the maximum evolution of a pokemon in the wild or for a specific trainer.
# "firstEvolutionLevel" Select the level required for pokemon that don't evolve by level up to get to their mid-form.
# "secondEvolutionLevel" Select the level required for pokemon that don't evolve by level up to get to their final form.
# "onlyScaleIfHigher" When true, the script will only scale levels if the player is over-leveled.
# "onlyScaleIfLower" When true, The script will only scale levels if the player is under-leveled.
# "temporary" Restores all settings to their default values after the next battle. Only possible in [ICODE]setSettings[/ICODE] because "setTemporarySetting" enables this by default.
# Detailed credits
# The one script I was inspired by the most is Joltik"s Advanced Pokemon Level Balancing + evolution,
# but the default Essentials random dungeon script was also important to make this script.
Character Selection by FL
Name = Character Selection By FL
Version = 1.1
Essentials = 21.1
Credits = FL
Enhanced Pokemon UI
Name = Enhanced Pokemon UI
Version = 1.0.3
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = Modular UI Scenes,2.0.2
Website = https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=500755
Credits = Lucidious89
Form Trader
Name = Form Trader
Version = 2.0
Essentials = 20, 20.1, 21, 21.1
Website = https://reliccastle.com/resources/1425/
Credits = Dr.Doom76
# Installation
# To install this plugin, extract the folders file into your game root folder.
# How to use
# Use the call "pbFormTrader" in an event, and it will run itself from there.
# Use the call "pbFormTrader(nickName, trainerName, trainerGender)" if you want to use arguments.
# Nickname is going to be the nickname of the Pokemon coming back to you.
# If left blank, it will default to the Pokemon's name.
# Trainer name is the name of the Trainer who is trading you, or "OT".
# If left blank, it will default to the NPC Event's name within your game.
# Trainer gender is the gender of the trainer who is trading you. 0 by default.
# 0 = male, 1 = female.
# This plugin will allow you to trade Pokemon for a different form of that Pokemon.
# The Pokemon traded back will be the same Pokemon (stats, etc) as the one traded.
# The arguments are optional, but can be used if desired.
# If using my Charm Case, it will also add to the IV's and add a chance to come back Shiny.
# This will not work on Mega forms, Legendary forms, or Pokemon that change forms due to outside circumstances(deerling, etc.)
Generation 9 Pack Scripts
Name = Generation 9 Pack
Version = 3.2.3
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = v21.1 Hotfixes,1.0.7
Website = https://www.reliccastle.com/threads/5817/
Credits = Caruban
# Change logs
# 3.2.3
# - Added Gen 9 shiny icons
# - Fixed Gen 9 pokemon metric PBS
# 3.2.2
# - Fixed Make it Rain from making stat drop for every targets
# - Fixed Battle AI ShouldSwitch handler for Zero to Hero ability effect
# - Fixed Whirldwind/Roar move function
# 3.2.1
# - Added the missing overworld sprites (except Ogerpon tera forms, Archaludon, Terapagos terastal form, and Terapagos stellar form)
# - Fixed discrepancies between the main PBS and the backup PBS (standalone)
# - Fixed error when AI used Spicy Extract
# - Fixed error when player walks and all the pokemon faint
# - Fixed typo in pbCalcDamageMultipliers for "IncreasePowerInSunWeather" move
# 3.2.0
# - Added Indigo Disk DLC Pokémon, abilities, moves, and several items to PBS
# - Added Resized Gen 8 Pokémon sprites
# - Added Meteorite item handler
# - Added MultipleForms for Terapagos
# - Added Electro Shot, Burning Bulwark, Fickle Beam, Dragon Cheer, Alluring Voice, Psychic Noise, Upper Hand Move handler
# - Added BurningBulwark effect in pbEndOfRoundPhase
# - Added Battle::DamageState class for Tera Shell
# - Added new ability trigger OnInflictingStatus for Poison Puppeteer
# - Added ModifyTypeEffectiveness and OnMoveSuccessCheck ability trigger for Tera Shell
# - Edited triggerOnStatusInflicted to add OnInflictingStatus trigger for Poison Puppeteer
# - Fixed pbSuccessCheckAgainstTarget so that Silk Trap/Burning Bulwark don't trigger during the charge turn of two turn moves
# - Removed the HighCriticalHitRatio flags from the moves Ceaseless Edge and Stone Axe, and updated their descriptions to remove all mentions of critical hits
# - Removed Scale Shot move handler
# - Updated Feint, Hyperspace Fury, and Shadow Force/Phantom Force
# 3.1.1
# - Added Gen 9 TM item PBS files as an OPTIONAL
# - Added "once-per-switch-in" rules to intimidate ability
# - Added Ogerpon form compability for Pokedex Data Page plugin
# - Added "getFormOnCreation" proc for lechonk and oinkologne
# - Added rough_accuracy AI method for Glaive Rush
# - Fixed Mind's Eye effectiveness_of_type_against_single_battler_type error
# - Fixed egg form handler for Petilil, Rufflet, and Goomy
# - Fixed efficiency of "of Ruin" ability for AI rough damage calculations
# - Fixed multiplier of Hydro Stream for AI rough damage calculations
# - Fixed typo of Drowsy AI rough damage calculations
# - Removed dondozo ability to dynamax when Commander ability active
# 3.1.0
# - Added Teal Mask Pokemon, Form, Move, some Items, sprites, and cries.
# - Added the missing Accuracy calc portion of Illuminate's new effect.
# - Added the PBS Updater script file to update older species PBS files.
# - Added Gen 9 Base Item Ranking to wants_item?
# - Added Gen 9 Base Ability Ranking to wants_ability?
# - Added several missing Vanilla style Pokemon Icons.
# - Added a rewrite for Shaymin's form handler so that it also reverts forms when Frostbitten.
# - Added the ability to have different animations for Raging Bull based on which type the move is
# - Created new methods for getting the correct weather/terrain text to make this code easier to edit.
# - Changed the breeding method to always produce baby pokemon species regardless of held item.
# - Fixed a text bug in battle that would display "Hail" instead of "Snow" if the weather was inherited from overworld weather.
# - Fixed Generation 9 Pokemon Color and Body Shape based on Pokemon Home.
# - Fixed AI MoveEffectScore for Mortal Spin
# - Fixed moldBreaker bug where using a move that ignores target ability (pbFindTargets, pbChangeTargets, pbSuccessCheckAgainstTarget)
# - Fixed error caused by isCommander? that used for target instead of target.battler in pbPredictMoveFailureAgainstTarget
# - Fixed incorrect function code for Raging Bull in display_type
# - Fixed shiny animation error while on Safari Game.
# - Removed Tera Orb and Tera shards from pack. (It will be included into Lucidious89's Tera plugin)
# - Removed Tera Blast from Moves PBS and Pokemon PBS TutorMoves. (It will be included into Lucidious89's Tera plugin)
# - Removed duplicate Psyblade move function handler
# - Renamed @function to @function_code in pbAdditionalEffectChance
# - Renamed PBEffect::Protean to PBEffect::OneUseAbility
# - Renamed typo in the filename of Rellor's vanilla backsprites
# - Separated all gen 9 species into a stand-alone file.
# - Set the Drowsy and Frostbite settings to false by default.
# - Updated several Pokemon overworld sprites.
# 3.0.1
# - Fixed AI script to use has_active_ability? && has_active_item?
# - Fixed typo in Illuminate ability handlers that effects Keen Eye ability handler
# - Removed :minimum_level proc and add :any_level_up proc to some evolution method
# 3.0.0 for v21.1
# - Added Portion name to a few items
# - Added AI Item and Ability Rangking handlers for Gen 9 Items and abilities
# - Changed several habitat and flags in Pokémon pbs data
# - Updated all AI move score modifiers to v21
# 2.0.0
# PBS Files
# Pokemon:
# - Updated move learn sets of all species.
# - Made it so that Pokemon can now have moves added to their level-up learn set that are learned at level -1. This is used for Move Relearner-exclusive moves that the Pokemon isn't meant to learn at any level, not even level 1. This is a feature that was introduced in Scarlet & Voilet.
# - Added Move Relearner-exclusive moves to the learn sets of all appropriate species.
# - Added the appropriate form names to all Gen 9 and PLA species.
# - Added Tera Blast to the tutor move list of all eligible species. This includes everything besides Magikarp, Ditto, Smeargle, Unown, Wobbuffet, and Wynaut.
# - Added the "Paradox" flag to all paradox species.
# - Added the "Mystical" flag to all mystical Pokémon.
# - Added the "Legendary" flag to all legendary Pokémon.
# - Added the Linking Cord as an alternative item-based evolution method for Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler and Haunter, like it's used in PLA.
# - Gave Tandemaus a normal level-up evolution method, and removed the method it used previously.
# - Gave Bisharp the Leader's Crest as its uncommon wild held item.
# - Gave each Oricorio their respective nectar as its uncommon wild held item.
# - Gave Iron Leaves/Walking Wake tentative Pokedex entries based on Pokemon Home.
# - Change Overqwil evolution requirement to level up after using Barb Barrage at least 20 times.
# - Change Sneasler evolution requirement to level up while holding a Razor Claw during the day.
# - Rename the walk evolution method name to :LevelWalk.
# - Updated Kleavor and Hisuian Zoroark stats.
# Moves:
# - All PLA moves updated to have the appropriate stats that they have in Scarlet/Voilet.
# - All of the newly added moves have been given the appropriate move flags that they're supposed to have.
# - Renamed the function codes for nearly all of the newly added moves in this plugin.
# - Added appropriate move flags for compatibility with the PLA Battle Styles plugin.
# Abilities:
# - Implemented Futuresushi's shortened Ability descriptions so that they don't break the default Essentials UI.
# Items:
# - Shortened the description of certain items so they no longer break the default Essentials UI.
# - Added missing Fling damage flags on several items.
# - Added appropriate item flags for compatibility with the Terastal Phenomenon plugin.
# Scripts
# General:
# - Overhauled all of the code in the entire plugin. Implemented aliases wherever possible to avoid overwriting huge portions of code. This should make the plugin more efficient, while also much more inherently compatible with loads of other plugins, as well as custom script changes. Also rewrote and renamed entire methods for more clarity, and added new methods for more convenience.
# - Restructured and reorganized how the plugin scripts are named and sorted to be more accessible and easy to use.
# - Created a new Settings file to customize some of the new mechanics added by this plugin.
# Related to Pokemon:
# - Added the feature which allows for Move Relearner-exclusive moves in a species' learn set.
# - Added the feature which allows Pokemon in the party to inherit Egg Moves from each other when a Mirror Herb is held. This is checked for as the player walks, and will pass a random compatible Egg Move to the Mirror Herb holder every 100 steps or so. The Pokemon must have an empty move slot to inherit any Egg Moves.
# - Added a feature to the Pokemon Summary. You can now Nickname a Pokemon directly in this UI when you open the Options menu. In addition, you can also relearn or forget moves directly from their Moves page, as well as teach them any compatible TM's.
# - Reworked the evolution handlers for all of the new evolution methods added by this plugin. They should now be tracked far more accurately, with less bloat.
# - Fixed an issue where this plugin previously overwrote Alolan and Galarian species spawning in their correct forms when hatched from eggs. All regional forms should now hatch from eggs in the correct form.
# - Made it so Quilava, Dewott, and Dartrix will now automatically be forced into form 1 if you are in the Hisui region (region 3 by default). This allows them to appropriately evolve into their Hisuian evolutions.
# - Fixed a typo in Squawkabilly's form handler that prevented it from correctly spawning in random forms.
# - Added in battle effect for the Illumate ability.
# Related to Battle
# Weather:
# - Overhauled the Hail weather so you can now toggle four different versions of this weather with HAIL_WEATHER_TYPE in the plugin Settings.
# - 0: The normal Hail weather that exists in vanilla Essentials by default. Deals damage to non-Ice types each turn.
# - 1: The new Snow weather that replaces Hail. This is the Gen 9 version of this weather that boosts the Defense of Ice-type Pokemon by 50%.
# - 2: A Hailstorm weather that combines Hail and Snow. This is a custom weather that combines all three effects above into a single weather type.
# Statuses:
# Drowsy
# - Added the Drowsy status introduced in PLA. This status can be used in two ways. If SLEEP_EFFECTS_CAUSE_DROWSY is set to true in the plugin Settings, then all effects in the game that would normally inflict or check for the Sleep status will now call the Drowsy status instead. This effectively replaces Sleep in your game with the Drowsy status. If this is instead set to false, then Drowsy and Sleep are treated as unrelated status conditions, and may be inflicted independently of each other. Note however, that you'll have to customize moves and effects to specifically apply the Drowsy status in this case.
# - Drowsy status effects:
# - The user has a 33% chance to be unable to act each turn. This doubles to 66% in Snow/Hail.
# - The user takes 33% more damage from attacks while Drowsy.
# - Drowziness may end naturally after 3-4 turns.
# - Drowsiness may end early if a move with the "ElectrocuteUser" flag is used on or by the user.
# - Interactions:
# - All items that may be used to cure the Sleep status will now also do so with the Drowsy status. This includes the Chesto Berry, Awakening, Blue Flute, and Poke Flute.
# - All moves that cure the Sleep status will now also do so with the Drowsy status. This includes Aromatherapy/Heal Bell, Jungle Healing/Lunar Blessing, Psycho Shift, Wake-Up Slap, and Uproar.
# - All abilities that prevent or cure the Sleep status will now also do so with the Drowsy status. This includes Insomnia/Vital Spirit, Healer, Hydration, and Shed Skin.
# - The Synchronize ability may now also pass on the Drowsy status.
# - Added the DrowseTarget function code to be given to moves to allow them to inflict the Drowsy status.
# Frostbite
# - Added the Frostbite status introduced in PLA. This status can be used in two ways. If FREEZE_EFFECTS_CAUSE_FROSTBITE is set to true in the plugin Settings, then all effects in the game that would normally inflict or check for the Frozen status will now call the Frostbite status instead. This effectively replaces Freeze in your game with the Frostbite status. If this is instead set to false, then Frostbite and Freeze are treated as unrelated status conditions, and may be inflicted independently of each other. Note however, that you'll have to customize moves and effects to specifically apply the Frostbite status in this case.
# - Frostbite status effects:
# - The user takes damage at the end of each round equal to 1/16th their max HP.
# - Damage dealt by the user's special attacks is halved.
# - Frostbite may end early if a move with the "ThawsUser" flag is used on or by the user.
# - Interactions:
# - Made it so that moves that have a chance to inflict Frostbite will have their chances doubled when used during Hail/Snow.
# - All items that may be used to cure the Frozen status will now also do so with the Frostbite Status. This includes the Aspear Berry and Ice Heal.
# - All moves that cure the Frozen status will now also do so with the Frostbite status. This includes Aromatherapy/Heal Bell, and Jungle Healing/Lunar Blessing.
# - All abilities that prevent or cure the Frozen status will now also do so with the Frostbite status. This includes Magma Armor, Healer, Hydration, and Shed Skin.
# - The move Psycho Shift and the ability Synchronize may now also pass on the Frostbite status.
# - Added the FrostbiteTarget function code to be given to moves to allow them to inflict the Frostbite status.
# Moves:
# - Added the DrowseTarget function code to be used by custom moves to inflict the Drowsy status.
# - Added the FrostbiteTarget function code to be used by custom moves to inflict the Frostbite status.
# - Added the StartSplintersTarget function code to be used by custom moves to inflict the Splinters effect from PLA.
# - Added the DamageTargetAddSpikesToFoeSide function code to apply Spikes to the opposing side with a damage-dealing move, like the Gen 9 version of Ceaseless Edge.
# - Added the DamageTargetAddStealthRocksToFoeSide function code to apply Stealth Rocks to the opposing side with a damage-dealing move, like the Gen 9 version of Stone Axe.
# - Added the ElectrocuteUser flag to be given to moves. This functions how the ThawsUser flag does, but for the Drowsy status.
# - Psycho Shift: This move may now pass on the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Aromatherapy: This move and others like it may now also heal the party's Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Jungle Healing: This move and others like it may now also heal the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Wake-Up Slap: This move may now also remove the target's Drowsy status.
# - Uproar: This move may now also heal and prevent any battler's Drowsy status.
# - Rest: This move now fails when used by a Pokemon with the Purifying Salt ability.
# - Dragon Tail: This move and other moves like it will now be able to properly hit Pokemon with the Guard Dog ability, its switch-out effects simply won't activate.
# - Tailwind: Added the missing proc for the Wind Rider ability.
# - Charge: When MECHANICS_GENERATION is set to 9+, the Charge effect will remain on the user indefinitely until they either switch or use an Electric-type move, instead of counting down each turn. This applies to all other effects that apply the Charge effect, too.
# - Spark: Gave this move the "ElectrocuteUser" flag, as it does in PLA.
# - Volt Tackle: Gave this move the "ElectrocuteUser" flag, as it does in PLA.
# - Wild Charge: Gave this move the "ElectrocuteUser" flag, as it does in PLA.
# - Ally Switch: This move now properly works off the Protect counter, as it does in Gen 9. You may now switch between the Gen 9 and older variants of this move with the MECHANICS_GENERATION setting.
# - Fling: The additional effects of this move when flinging certain items are now blocked by Covert Cloak.
# - Skill Swap: This move will now fail if the user is holding an Ability Shield.
# - Core Enforcer: This move will now properly hit Pokemon holding an Ability Shield, its ability suppression effects simply won't activate.
# - Sunsteel Strike: This move and other moves like it will no longer ignore the target's ability if they are holding an Ability Shield.
# - Judgment: This move now functions like it does in PLA if the user is holding a Legend Plate. This will cause the user to change type and form into one that would be most effective against the current target. This move's typing will also change to reflect this. The typing of this move while displayed in the fight menu will now reflect its actual type, instead of always displaying as Normal. An edited version based on Eskiss's Functional Legend Plate.
# - Power Shift: This move now functions identically to Power Trick.
# - Wave Crash: This move now functions identically to other recoil moves, like Brave Bird.
# - Lunar Blessing: This move now functions identically to Jungle Healing.
# - Triple Arrows: This move now applies its Defense drop and flinching effects separately, like the Elemental Fangs do.
# - Ceaseless Edge: This move now properly applies Spikes on the opponent's side. If MECHANICS_GENERATION is set below 9, this move will inflict the splinters effect instead, like it does in PLA.
# - Stone Axe: This move now properly applies Stealth Rocks on the opponent's side. If MECHANICS_GENERATION is set below 9, this move will inflict the splinters effect instead, like it does in PLA.
# - Collision Course: This move and other moves like it now have the proper damage modifier applied to Super Effective hits.
# - Raging Bull: This move now properly changes type to match the user's form, as well as removing screens. The typing of this move while displayed in the fight menu will now reflect its actual type, instead of always displaying as Normal.
# - Silk Trap: This move now works as intended, as previously the check for this move wasn't initialized properly.
# - Glaive Rush: After using this move, the any attacks against the user will now have perfect accuracy, as intended. This vulnerable state now ends immediately after the user uses its next move, instead of always lasting until the end of the next turn.
# - Spicy Extract: This move now raises/lowers the targets stats by the correct number of stages.
# - Tidy Up: This move now raises Attack/Speed like it should. This move will now only fail if all possible effects of the move would fail.
# - Order Up: This move may now call different animations based on the form of Tatsugiri commanding the user. Note however that these animations aren't included in the plugin by default.
# Abilities:
# - Insomnia: This ability and others like it now also block/cure the Drowsy status.
# - Magma Armor: This ability now also blocks/cures the Frostbite status.
# - Healer: This ability may now also heal the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Hydration: This ability may now also heal the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Shed Skin: This ability may now also heal the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Synchronize: This ability may now also pass on the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Intimidate: Items that proc off of this ability triggering, such as the Adrenaline Orb, may no longer trigger on targets with the Guard Dog ability if their Attack is already at +6.
# - Poison Touch: This ability is now blocked by Covert Cloak.
# - Wandering Spirit: This ability now fails if either Pokemon is holding an Ability Shield.
# - Protean: This ability and others like it are only limited to once per switch-in when MECHANICS_GENERATION is set to 9+.
# - Intrepid Sword: This ability and others like it are only limited to once per battle when MECHANICS_GENERATION is set to 9+.
# - Battle Bond: This ability raises the user's stats instead of changing into Ash-Greninja only when MECHANICS_GENERATION is set to 9+.
# - Armor Tail: Corrected an issue that overwrote Queenly Majesty from sharing this ability's effect.
# - Opportunist: This ability has been completely redone so that it now works as it's intended to.
# - Costar: This ability may now also copy an ally's Focus Energy boosts, as it's intended to.
# - Orichalcum Pulse: This ability and others like it now apply the correct damage multiplier in the right conditions.
# - Mycelium Might: The user's held Quick Claw may no longer proc if using a status move with this ability.
# - Seed Sower: Fixed the redundant terrain-setting message.
# - Thermal Exchange: This ability may now heal the user's Burn if it's somehow burned while having this ability.
# - Toxic Debris: This ability will no longer trigger if the user is behind a substitute. This ability will now always lay Toxic Spikes on the opponent's side, even if struck by an ally. The Toxic Spikes animation will now play whenever this ability is triggered.
# - Protosynthesis: This ability now takes stat stages into account when determining which to boost. The user also ignores the effect of a held Utility Umbrella, or the Cloud Nine/Airlock abilities when determining whether to trigger this ability.
# - Quark Drive: This ability now takes stat stages into account when determining which to boost.
# - Zero to Hero: Fixed a crash that would occur when ending a battle before a user of this ability on the field has transformed.
# - Commander: Fixed all of the switching-related inconsistencies this ability previously had. The user's actions will now be properly cancelled if it selected a move on the same turn this ability triggered. When this ability is active, the user's sprite will now be hidden for the duration of this ability's effect.
# Items:
# - Adamant Crystal: This item may no longer be removed if the holder is Dialga.
# - Lustrous Globe: This item may no longer be removed if the holder is Palkia.
# - Griseous Core: This item may no longer be removed if the holder is Giratina.
# - Blank Plate: This item may no longer be removed if the holder is Arceus.
# - Legend Plate: This item may no longer be removed if the holder is Arceus. Changes how the move Judgment works if held by the Arceus.
# - Booster Energy: This item may no longer be removed if the holder is a species with the "Paradox" flag and has either the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive abilities.
# - Chesto Berry: This item may now also heal the Drowsy status.
# - Aspear Berry: This item may now also heal the Frostbite status.
# - Lum Berry: This item may now also heal the Drowsy and Frostbite statuses.
# - Hopo Berry: Corrected an issue that overwrote Leppa Berry from sharing this item's effect.
# - Hisuian Heavy Ball: This ball now has an increased capture rate on Pokemon with a low base Speed stat (50 or lower). This effect is shared by the Leaden and Gigaton Balls, and scale in strength.
# - Feather Ball: This ball now has an increased capture rate on airborne Pokemon, or those with a high base Speed stat (100 or higher). This effect is shared by the Wing and Jet Balls, and scale in strength.
# - Origin Ball: This ball now functions identically to a Master Ball when specifically used on Dialga, Palkia or Giratina while in their Origin Formes.
# - Quick Claw: This item may no longer proc if the user has the Mycelium Might ability and is using a status move.
# - Mirror Herb: This item has been completely redone so that it now works as it's intended to. This item can now proc off of an opponent's Opportunist ability, but it can't proc off of other Mirror Herbs.
# Other
# - Included new status icon graphics that replaces your old files. These include new icons for the Drowsy/Frostbite statueses.
# - Included optional files in PBS/Plugins for compatibility with Essentials Deluxe and other plugins which rely on it. You may delete the files found here that aren't relevant to you.
# - Added the missing back and follower sprites.
# 1.1.0
# - Fixed : adding move. infront of specialMove? and physicalMove? in Ai Changes.rb
# - Fixed : Commander ability when dondozo fainted
# - Fixed : Doodle affects by ability shield
# - Added : missing move and ability affected by Ability Shield (role play, entrainment, power of alchemy, receiver, and trace)
# - Added : Walking Wake and Iron Leaves cries, battle and icon sprites
# - Added : Footprints, more backsprites and follower sprites
# - Added : AI score for move affected by ability shield
# 1.0.0
# - Fixed : Chloroblast and Stone Axe power base, accuracy, and removing high critical hit rate from Stone Axe (Move PBS)
# - Fixed : Walk Evolution error (Evolution Method)
# - Fixed : Supreme Overlord typo from battler to user (Ability Effect)
# - Edited : Hisuian poké ball's icon filename typo
# - Edited : Shorten some item descriptions (Item PBS)
# - Added : Wind tag to Bleakwind Storm, Fairy Wind, Sandsear Storm, Springtide Storm, and Wildbolt Storm (Move PBS)
# - Added : Category for some of Paldean and Hisuian form Pokémon (Multiple Form PBS)
# - Added : 2 new moves Hydro Steam and Psyblade (Move PBS and Function)
# - Added : 2 new pokemon Walking Wake and Iron Leaves (Pokemon PBS)
# - Added : More backsprites and follower sprites
# - Added : Sandwich and Herba Mysticas icon sprites
# 0.9.0
# - Added Water Tera Shard, Booster Energy, Gimmighoul coin, TM Material, Kofu's Wallet item sprites
# - Added and Changed Toedscool, Toedscruel, Tadbulb, Bellibolt sprites
# - Added Charcadet, Armorouge, Ceruledge backsprite
# - Added Gen 4 style sprites
# - Fixed Revive AI bug (Won't do any effect if the faint pokemon index = 1)
# - Updated the movepool for the returning Pokémon in SV
# 0.8.0
# - Fixed Libero and Protean from only once per battle to once per switch in
# - Fixed Wave Crash, Chloroblast, Headlong Rush, Psyshield Bash, Mystical Power, Victory Dance, Shelter, and Take Heart additional effect chances
# - Fixed Squawkabilly PBS data and files
# - Fixed Nymble and Lokix front sprite typo
# - Updated PLA pokemon and forms moveset to gen 9
# - Updated basculin evolution to receive recoil damage without fainting
# - Maushold now skip the evolution scene if it level up but not participate in that battle
# - Added Enamorus to the Reveal Glass UseOnPokemon function
# - Added Rabsca, Orthworm, Dachsbun, and Wattrel Front sprites by The-King-Of-Roads-X
# - Added Annihilape, Clodsire, Squawkabilly, Scovillain and Capsakid back sprites by Caruban
# - Added PLA poke balls battle animation sprites and summary icons by Caruban and WolfPP
# - Added some Gen 9 Follower sprites by DarkusShadow
# - Added some moves animation by TheToxic7326 to resource page
# - Added Fidough, Dachsbun, Naclstack, Pawmi, Pawmo, Pawmot, Sprigatito, Floragato, Meowscarada, Fuecoco, Crocalor, Skeledirge, Quaxly, Quaxwell, Quaquaval,Maschiff, Wattrel, Kilowattrel back sprites
# - Added Pawmo and Naclstack front sprites
# - Added Pawmot front sprites by jinxed
# - Added Vinizen, Tauroses front sprites by KingOfThe-X-Roads
# - Added Tera Orb, Rotom Phone, Bamboos, Tera Shards, Mirror Herb, Loaded Dice, Leader Crest, and Kubfu Scrolls sprites by Iichenprincess
# - Added Tera Orb, Rotom Phone, Scarlet Book, Violet Book, Bamboos, Tera Shards PBS
# - Added Hopo Berry function
# - Updated PLA mon Exp base
# - Fixed bug when enemy fainted because inderect damage like Rocky Helmet, Rough Skin, or Recoil.
# 0.7.0
# - Added base exp to the Pokemon PBS file
# - Added more pokemon sprites
# - Added pokemon cries
# - Added AI support for the moves
# - Added code for AI to be able to use revive items
# - Changed Torch Song function code to RaiseUserSpAtk1
# - Changed Comeuppance function code to CounterDamagePlusHalf (Metal Burst)
# - Changed Make it Rain function
# - Changed the fainted counting method for Supreme Overlord and Last Respect
# - Fixed error in move that have crash damage
# - Fixed error in RemoveTerrain function
# - Fixed Move PBS file missing flag, typo, and changing accuracy from 101 to 0
# - Fixed error for Basculegion evolution method
# - Fixed error when enemy using Revival Blessing
# - Fixed adding base type modifier for Raging Bull
# - Made Revival Blessing a healing move
# - Rearranged Pokemon order in Pokemon PBS file
# - Updated Supreme Overlord, change fainted counting method and change attack_multipier to base_damage_multiplier
# - Updated Ally Switch (Will fail when used successfully by another ally Pokémon on the same turn)
# - Updated Moves PBS for Sandsear Storm, Wildbolt Storm, Infernal Parade, and Take Heart
# - Updated items price
# 0.6.0
# - Added Punching flag to Headlong Rush, Rage Fist, Surging Strikes
# - Added Slicing flag to Ceaseless Edge, Secret Sword, Stone Axe
# - Added Farigiraf, Smoliv, Koraidon, and Miraidon Sprites
# - Added more Gen 9 Pokemon icons
# - Added 3 new item icons
# - Excluded Synchronize effect when outside of battle for mechanic generation > 8
# - Fixed supreme overlord
# - Fixed gigaton hammer
# - Removed the pbSetWeatherScene line
# - Updated Dauntless Shield, Intrepid Sword, Libero, Protean
Independent Hidden Power Type
Name = Independent Hidden Power Type
Version = 1.0
Essentials = 20.1
Requires = v21.1 Hotfixes
Optional = Essentials Deluxe,1.0
Optional = BW Summary Screen,1.0
Optional = Enhanced UI,1.0
Website = https://reliccastle.com/resources/1235/
Credits = DemICE
# Change log
# 1.0.0:
# - Plugin Creation
Name = LA Moverelearner
Version = 1.0
Link = https://reliccastle.com/resources/933/
Credits = Kotaro,IndianAnimator
Lin's IV EV Summary Screen
Name = Lin's IV EV Summary Screen
Version = 1.2.1
Essentials = 21,21.1
Requires = Modular UI Scenes
Link = https://reliccastle.com/resources/1328/
Credits = LinKazamine, Lucidious89
Super Yellow Pack Scripts
Name = Super Yellow Pack
Version = 1.0.0
Essentials = 21.1
Requires = v21.1 Hotfixes,1.0.9
Requires = Generation 9 Pack,3.2.2
Website = (Pending)
Credits = Hazy Crazy
###Change Log###
### 1.0.0
### In these notes, the (codebase.rb) at the end refers to what script in base Essentials is being changed.
### If your Pokemon fangame requires extensive changes and reworks, it is best pratice to organise everything into a portable resource pack.
### So if you ever need to start over, all the work you done can be easily carried over.
### Trust me when I say, making a portable resource pack is going to save you a TON of pain.
# - Generated Pokemon will always have 32 IVs (pokemon.rb)
# - Added the Change EVs/IVs Party Menu option, for full manual EV and IV editing (For Trick Room, Foul Play, Hidden Power and making building competitive teams not be a waste of time to get results you can try out in action)
# - Added the Normal Type Attacks without STAB match your first type change to pbCalcType(user) or NTAW STAB MFT for short, by Jason Godwyn. Super Yellow checks if a Pokemon does not have the Stellar Type when it uses a Normal Type move
# - Added the move Hidden Force, a physical move that is a clone of Hidden Power
# - Super Yellow uses Independent Hidden Power Type by DemICE, adapted to work with V21.1, to divorce Hidden Power/Hidden Force from it's god awful mechanic of the move's type being affected by precise IV values
# - The player can obtain the Hidden Orb Key Item, that allows them to manually set a Pokemon's Hidden Power type (Future Updates will add a Change Hidden Power Party Menu option, for faster adjustments)
# - The Independent Hidden Power Type plugin and the new move Hidden Force now means Hidden Power and Terastallization can coexist
# - The Dynamax mechanic has been adjusted, so a Pokemon cannot Dynamax if they know the moves Hidden Power/Hidden Force, to stop Max Airstream from breaking the metagame (Actual implementation will be in future updates. All these notes are checklist plans for Super Yellow, not factual features it has)
# - Super Yellow uses the Legends Arceus Move Reminder plugin by Kotaro and IndianAnimator, configured to allow the player to freely edit a Pokemon's level up/TM/Tutor/Event/Egg moves. It's vital to be able to freely change a Pokemon's moveset at a moment's notice, because of the infinite amount of outcomes a player can encounter in a battle
# - Super Yellow changes the type chart of the 18 Pokemon types that exist as of Gen 9 (Stellar in pratice is the ??? type with a new coat of paint, outside of being super effective on only Tera Pokemon)
# - Ice, Grass, Ghost, Psychic, Electric, Rock, Water, Dark and Bug types have signficant changes made to their matchups (All changes can be viewed in game with the Type Lookup menu option)
# - Fire and Fighting types do not take damage from the Snow Hail weather condition (Gen 9's Snow weather and Pre Gen 9's Hail end of turn damage effect)
# - Super Yellow uses Type Icons in Battle, so it's easier to know at a glance what a Pokemon's type is
# - Super Yellow changes type effectiveness, so only Pokemon with a double weakness take 3 times damage, rather than 4 times damage. type effective damage multipliers outside of this change are the same as they are in the offical games. Aurorus (Rock/Ice) and Rock/Ground types are now going to have a better time handling their type weaknesses!
# - Super Yellow uses the Form Trader Plugin, to solve the problem of obtaining a Pokemon's regional form, without tedium or having to catch another Pokemon to get one
# - Super Yellow tweaks the Gym Badge and Traded Pokemon level obedience, so that a traded Pokemon's level doesn't matter, regarless of how many Gym Badges you have. This is done, because the Form Trader plugin exists to make obtaining a Pokemon's regional form less tedious and annoying if you want to make a Living Pokedex.
# - Jungle Healing recovers 66% HP and heals Status Conditions (Gen 9 Jungle Healing is 25% HP and heals status conditions. Buffed in Super Yellow, because Zarude is the only Pokemon that can learn it and they are a Grass/Dark type)
# - Battle Bond's Gen 9 one time effect can now be used by any Pokemon, and is mainly used by the starter Pokemon of Super Yellow
# - Knock Off does not grant a damage boost when an opponent Pokemon is holding an item, still knocks off an item like normal
# - Psywave, Dragon Rage and Sonicboom have the FixedDamageUserLevelRandom move effect, and their power now ranges from 125 to 150 (Could change to have Fickle Beam's effect)
# - Punishment is now a +2 Priority move. Base Power starts at 100 and goes up to 250
# - Trump Card's power curve is now 80,100,120,150,200
# - Aerial Ace uses the user's speed, rather than attack for damage caculation
# - Egg Bomb is now a 100 Base Power, 100% Accurate move, that becomes physical or special based on the user's best attacking stats
# - Psychic type Pokemon cannot miss when using Drowzy inducing status moves
# - Electric type Pokemon cannot miss when using Paralysis inducing status moves
# - Fire type Pokemon cannot miss when using Burn inducing status moves
# - Ice type Pokemon cannot miss when using Frostbite inducing status moves
# - Cut is a 70 Base Power, 100% Accurate Grass type move, that is super effective on Grass types
# - Sunsteel Strike is super effective on Fire types
# - Normal type Pokemon cannot miss when using confusion inducing status moves
# - Fairy type Pokemon cannot miss when using Infatuation inducing status moves
# - Geomancy gives +2 Defense, +2 Sp.Defense and +2 Speed
# - Bonemerang can hit and ground Flying type Pokemon
# - Stealth Rock is now Stellar Rock. It now deals Stellar type damage, meaning Stealth Rock will deal times 1 to anything in pratice.
# - Stellar Rock damage is now (battler.totalhp * 1 / 5), Stealth Rock damage in Gen 9 is (battler.totalhp * eff / 8)
# - To counter balance this radical change, Spikes and other entry hazards like it are now airborne hazards, meaning Flying and Levitate Pokemon cannot avoid hazard damage
# - Present's random damage range is now 80,110,140. Can still heal a Pokemon by 25% HP
# - Metal Burst will deal back 2 times the damage dealt
# - Mind Awaken is part of Pokemon's movepool, a Special Attack clone of Belly Drum
# - Purify can now heal a Pokemon's HP, regarless of if it has a status condition or not
# - Super Yellow changes and tweaks almost all of the 900+ moves that exist in Pokemon, as of Gen 9
# - Fury Swipes, Bind, Wrap, Comet Punch, Barrage and Constrict and many move obscure moves have been given a new buffed coat of paint
# - Added in the All Megalite key item Mega Stones, Mega Stones that act as universal Mega Stones, for Regular Megas, X Megas, Y Megas, and Z Megas if you want them
# - Added in the Auto Win Policy, a key item that brute forces a win if your sick of the game's bullshit
# - Added the X Max battle item, that gives +6 to all stats and max Critial Hit Rate. For wierd people that don't want to use the Auto Win Policy
# - Added the Doom and Exp Precision items, candies that lower a Pokemon's level and raise a Pokemon's Exp to just before they level up
# - Added the Dream Capsule and Patch items, that allow a Pokemon to freely switch between 2 regular abilities and 2 Hidden Abilities
# - Added the Frosty Orb and Iron Vest battle items. Iron Vest is Defense Assualt Vest and Frosty Orb acts like the Toxic and Flame Orb, inflicting Frostbite
# - The Light Ball also now acts like the Toxic and Flame Orb, inflicting paralysis on non Electric Pokemon
# - Added the Sparkling Vial item, that toggles a Pokemon's Shiny and Normal colors
# - Added the Ice Absorb Ability, a clone of Water Absorb for Ice type Immunity
# - Defeatist does 1.5 times reduction when a Pokemon with it is at 50% HP or less (previous was 2 times)
# - Pure Power now raises Special Attack, instead of being a clone of Huge Power
# - Iron Fist gives a 30% to punching moves
# - With Slow Start, the attack reduction is removed, only lowering speed
# - Rain Spit, Sun Panic and Snow Roar are new abilities, that are clones of Sand Spit
# - Spirit and Hubris are new abilities, that are clones of Stamina and Moxie (Spirit raises Special Defense, Hubris raises Special Attack)
# - Slow Start only takes 3 turns to get going. For Competitive Pokemon, anything longer than 2 turns is too long
# - Run away now acts as a built in Shed Shell
# - The Light Ball will now power up the following Pokemon:
# Pichu (1.3 Atk/Sp.Atk boost, Life Orb without HP Loss)
# Pikachu (2 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Raichu (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost, 2 Def/Sp.Def boost)
# Plusle (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Minum (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Pachirisu (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Emolga (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Dedenne (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Togedemaru (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Morpeko (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Pawmi (1.3 Atk/Sp.Atk boost, Life Orb without HP Loss)
# Pawmo (2 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# Pawmot (1.5 Atk/Sp.Atk boost)
# - Super Yellow has an optional UI_Options tweak for stock settings. I only have this cause the stock settings drive me up the wall. Get rid of it if you don't like it.
# - Super Yellow thanks to Jason Godwyn's Python Pokemon Rebalancer Script has revamped the Base Stat Totals of every Pokemon who does not have a 600 BST total. 905 Pokemon out of 1025 Pokemon now have higher Base Stat totals, with some small changes for better Bulk and Speed!
# - Nearly Every Pokemon that now choose 1 out of 4 abilities, via using the Dream Patch and Capsule Items. Nearly every Pokemon has 1 Regular Ability and 3 Hidden Abilities to choose from. This is done to make getting a Pokemon with it's overall best ability less tedious
# - Mega Rayquaza now must hold the Green Orb Item in order to Mega Evolve
# - As of 1.0, While the All Megalite Items exist, they don't Mega Evolve a Pokemon when it holds it. To Mega Evolve a Pokemon, use the offical _ite stones. Not done because it's a ton of work to manually assign the stones to every Mega Pokemon
# - Super Yellow uses the Legend Plate from Pokemon Legends Arceus. Have fun using it with Arecus!
# - Sivally's Memory items give it a 20% boost to the Memory's respective STAB
# - Super Yellow Version 1.0.0 has 33 Pokemon Trainer battles. Future updates will have more battles!
Type Icons in Battle
Name = Type Icons in Battle
Version = 1.0.0
Essentials = 21.1
Website = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Conflicts = Elite Battle: DX
Conflicts = Focus Meter System
Optional = Boss Battles EX, 1.0.0
Credits = Golisopod User, Hubercioch
Type Matchup UI
Name = Type Match-up UI
Version = 2.0.1
Essentials = 21.1
Website = https://reliccastle.com/resources/667/
Credits = Gameguy39, ThatWelshOne_
v21.1 Hotfixes
Name = v21.1 Hotfixes
Version = 1.0.9
Essentials = 21.1
Conflicts = v19 Hotfixes
Conflicts = v19.1 Updates
Conflicts = v20 Hotfixes
Conflicts = v20.1 Hotfixes
Conflicts = v21 Hotfixes
Website = https://github.com/Maruno17/pokemon-essentials
Credits = Maruno
# Change log
# 1.0.0:
# - Fixed Pokédex not showing male/female options for species with
# gender differences, and showing them for species without.
# - Fixed AI always switching Pokémon due to unusable moves if the
# Pokémon is asleep or frozen.
# - Fixed class PngAnimatedBitmap animating slowly.
# 1.0.1:
# - Fixed being unable to replace a NamedEvent.
# - Fixed Cramorant's form not reverting after coughing up its Gulp
# Missile.
# 1.0.2:
# - Fixed crash when a phone contact tries to call you while you're on
# a map with no map metadata.
# - Fixed error from previous version relating to AI switching.
# - Fixed long messages in battle not appearing/lingering properly,
# especially when making them appear faster by pressing Use/Back.
# 1.0.3:
# - Fixed being able to fly from the Town Map even if the
# CAN_FLY_FROM_TOWN_MAP Setting is false.
# - Made some unhelpful error messages when compiling more helpful.
# - Language files are now loaded properly even if the game is
# encrypted.
# - Fixed trying to load non-existent language files not reverting the
# messages to the default messages if other language files are
# already loaded.
# - Fixed standing on an event preventing you from interacting with an
# event you're facing.
# 1.0.4:
# - Fixed error messages in def validate_all_compiled_types.
# - Fixed line breaks making some messages appear oddly at slow text
# speeds.
# - Fixed being unable to write values to PBS files that were
# enumerated to something other than a number.
# - Fixed abilities triggering twice when a Pokémon with Neutralizing
# Gas faints and is switched out.
# 1.0.5:
# - Fixed error in previous version relating to writing PBS files.
# 1.0.6:
# - Fixed forcing a caught Pokémon into your party not actually
# forcing it.
# - Fixed Rotom Catalog not being able to change Rotom to its base
# form.
# - Fixed the Compiler not writing some enumerables correctly when
# writing PBS files.
# - Fixed the default battle weather being a primal weather causing an
# endless loop of that weather starting and ending.
# 1.0.7:
# - Fixed the AI thinking it will take End of Round damage when it
# won't, and switching because of that.
# - Fixed the AI wanting to trigger a target's ability/item instead of
# not wanting to.
# - Fixed an event's reflection not disappearing if its page is
# changed to one without a graphic.
# 1.0.8:
# - Fixed bad conversion of old phone data in an old save file.
# - Fixed events with an even width/height that approach the player
# shuffling back and forth endlessly in front of them.
# - Fixed Event Touch events on a connected map triggering themselves
# by moving around.
# - Properly fixed previous fix relating to Cramorant's form changing.
# - Fixed a replacement Pokémon being invisible if its predecessor
# fainted and used the same sprite as it.
# 1.0.9:
# - Fixed the previous version of this plugin so it actually works.
# Also included in this plugin is an updated copy of townmapgen.html,
# now called "Town Map Generator.html", which you should put in your
# game's main folder. It is now able to find map images again, which
# were moved into a different folder in Essentials v21.

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