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UI Rate my Pokemon Stat/Moves UI Redesign

This thread's author wants feedback on a user interface. Be constructive.


Apr 20, 2022
I decided to redesign my Pokemon Game's UI design to display all truly important information about a Pokemon on the first page. Ability, Species, Nickname, 4 moves, move PPs, and of course, Ability Description. Oh, and Pokedex Number just for fun. After all, a good UI considers UX... User Experience. What is the user's experience when using canon Pokemon stat screens? Jumping between multiple pages for information that could be conveyed on one. There are THIRTY Pokemon per Pokemon Trainer in my game, so jumping between multiple screens for each Pokemon in your party would get old fast in my game. That's why I decided to improve my UI with a radical overhaul, an extreme redesign.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dRxn5qUKTM

But how does the UI itself look? Well... This isn't your corporation's checklist. This isn't your grandma's simple set of geometric squares.

It's a composition of bold contrasts and deep symbolism, a testament to the beauty that can be found in simplicity and complexity alike. The image consists of a black backdrop, dominating the canvas, with two striking blue triangles in opposite corners. As the artist behind this creation, I'm compelled to share my thoughts on its aesthetic allure and the profound meanings it conveys.

The choice of black as the background color was deliberate. It serves as the canvas's foundation, representing mystery, depth, and the unknown. To me, it signifies the enigmatic nature of life and the universe, providing a stark yet compelling backdrop for the elements that follow.

Now, let's delve into the blue triangles, which are the heart of this composition. In the top right corner, there's a smaller blue triangle that immediately draws the eye. It acts as a beacon, a guiding light that invites viewers to explore deeper into the image. This smaller triangle, positioned against the vastness of the black background, is a symbol of individual insights and moments of clarity—tiny fragments of wisdom in the grand tapestry of existence.

Contrasting with this small triangle, in the bottom right corner, there's a larger blue triangle that appears to be expanding, as if breaking free from the constraints of the frame. As the artist, I see this as a representation of growth, progress, and the potential for transformation. It's a reminder that even within the darkness, there is room for expansion and evolution. The dynamic interplay between these two triangles creates a sense of tension, mirroring the complexities of life's journey.

The non-parallel lines that form these triangles add an intriguing layer of complexity. Unlike parallel lines that signify stability and predictability, these lines vary in angle and length. They represent the twists and turns of life, the unexpected challenges and opportunities that arise along the way. As the artist, I intentionally chose these lines to convey the dynamic nature of existence.

The use of blue in this composition carries profound symbolism. Blue is often associated with depth, wisdom, and stability. It mirrors the boundless sky and the infinite sea, symbolizing vastness and infinite possibilities. These blue triangles represent knowledge and insight emerging from the depths of the unknown, inviting viewers to explore the mysteries hidden within the darkness and to seek wisdom and enlightenment.

The juxtaposition of the two blue triangles can be seen as a representation of duality—the interplay between opposites. The small triangle may symbolize the individual, the microcosm, while the larger one represents the collective, the macrocosm. As the artist, I see this duality as reflecting the tension between the personal and the universal, the individual's search for meaning within the broader world.

In essence, this image encapsulates the human experience—the constant interplay between darkness and light, individual and collective, chaos and order. It encourages us to embrace the unknown, to seek wisdom in the depths, and to recognize the potential for growth and transformation, even in the darkest of times.

But enough about what I see in the art. What do you think about this UI redesign, changes made in the name of superior UX(User Experience), and its bold artistic choices?
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Apr 20, 2022
how big is ur party 💀
I have thirty Pokemon in my party because in the Pokemon game I'm working on, Trainers can have up to 30 Pokemon.

I thought about the fundamental building blocks of Pokemon and rethought them. I truly believe the more choices you have before going into a battle and the more choices you have during a battle, the more interesting the battle becomes. So I buffed a ton of bad choices to let them compete, and redefined Pokemon. 3v3 battles, 30 Pokemon per side, it's epic.