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Resource [20.1+] BP System 1.0.8


May 24, 2023
LinKazamine submitted a new resource:

[20.1+] BP System - Turns BP points to something more similar to League Points in Scarlet & Violet

This plugin is compatible with Essentials 20.1 and 21. Choose the proper version so you don't overwrite things unnecessarily.
This plugin is also compatible with my Charm's recompilation plugin and drdoom76's Charm Case plugin.

To work with this plugin, the items are given a BP price. By default, it will be the same as their normal price. Define a BP...

Read more about this resource...


Sep 29, 2020
I have a question,
• Does battle points have its maximum limit?
Like set maximum limit for battle points,

• I have suggest for this, plugins..
Maybe if battle point have a case item like coins case.
So, player can see how may battle points they have..
If you want.

Honestly, this is a amazing plugins..


May 24, 2023
For the question, I think it has a limit, but I will check and add it if there isn't.

As for the suggestion, I made this plugin for my game, where these points would be another currency like the league points in Scarlet and Violet so my idea was to add it to the trainer's card. I didn't think of making an item that displays the amount but it shouldn't be hard to implement.

If you have another idea for the plugin, tell me and I'll try to add it! Especially if it's another way to give the player those points, which is what this plugin is for.


May 24, 2023
Mmm... I have looked at both v20.1 and v21.1 and they have already coded a limit for the battle points, that you can change in Settings so I don't think I have to touch anything there.

I will add the case for the points for anyone who prefers to use it.


Aug 27, 2023
Hi Lin, dropping that error (was a previous error with a "," at the end of line 22)

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.3]

Error in Plugin: [Lin's BP System]
Exception: NameError
Message: undefined method `editor_properties' for class `GameData::TrainerType'

[Lin's BP System] 01 - Main.rb:19:in `<class:TrainerType>'
[Lin's BP System] 01 - Main.rb:14:in `<module:GameData>'
[Lin's BP System] 01 - Main.rb:5:in `<main>'
Section008:635:in `eval'
Section008:635:in `block (2 levels) in runPlugins'
Section008:625:in `each'
Section008:625:in `block in runPlugins'
Section008:616:in `each'
Section008:616:in `runPlugins'
Section401:28:in `mainFunctionDebug'


Aug 27, 2023
Getting error with Compile module now 😅

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.3]

Exception: NameError
Message: undefined local variable or method `compile_plugin_abilities' for Compiler:Module

[Lin's BP System] 02 - Compiler.rb:268:in `compile_all'
[Elite Battle: DX] EBDX Compiler.rb:103:in `compile_all'
[Jony Plugins] HordesEncounter_DATA.rb:188:in `compile_all'
[Lin's BP System] 02 - Compiler.rb:382:in `main'
Main:29:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:18:in `block in mainFunction'
Errors:80:in `pbCriticalCode'
Main:18:in `mainFunction'
Main:45:in `block in <main>'
Main:44:in `loop'

Plus a Warnning
WARNING: Usage of deprecated method "safeExists?(f)" or its alias.
The method is slated to be removed in Essentials v22.
Use "FileTest.exist?(f)" instead.


May 24, 2023
I think that's an error you are getting because of the last version of the plugin since there shouldn't be any code to compile in v21+. I was having the same error when testing what errors I came up with. You'll have to delete the PluginScripts.rxdata in the Data folder for the game to properly update the plugins. I, at least, couldn't get the ctrl thing to work at all there.

I'm working on implementing the compiler again, but I decided to make a quick update so this plugin could be used in 21+ in the meantime. For any edit you want to do to items to add a BP price, you'll have to do it manually or use the 20.1 compiler instead. The items PBS files looked the same to me in both versions so it should be possible to pass the v21 items PBS file to 20.1, compile the changes you want to add and pass it back to v21.


An Overly Ambitious Developer
Apr 21, 2023
Not sure why I am getting this error. Would you be able to help by any chance?

[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.5]

Script error in event 24 (coords 13,10), map 22 (QATestCell)
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `base_bp' for #<NPCTrainer Team Rocket Grunt @party=[:BURMY, :WINGULL, :ELECTABUZZ]>

***Full script:
TrainerBattle.start(:TEAMROCKET_F, "Grunt", 1)
[Lin's BP System] Trainer_BP.rb:15:in `block in pbGainBP'
[Lin's BP System] Trainer_BP.rb:14:in `each'
[Lin's BP System] Trainer_BP.rb:14:in `each_with_index'
[Lin's BP System] Trainer_BP.rb:14:in `pbGainBP'
[Lin's BP System] Trainer_BP.rb:60:in `pbEndOfBattle'
[Enhanced Pokemon UI] [002] Legacy Data.rb:216:in `pbEndOfBattle'
148:Battle_StartAndEnd:346:in `pbBattleLoop'
[Generation 9 Pack] [003] Weather and Status.rb:98:in `pbStartBattleCore'
148:Battle_StartAndEnd:271:in `pbStartBattle'
256:Overworld_BattleStarting:521:in `block (2 levels) in start_core'


An Overly Ambitious Developer
Apr 21, 2023
Not sure what the problem is, but Ill leave this here just in case it helps. Happens when I try to edit trainer type in the game.

[2023-12-08 19:43:40 -0500]
[Pokémon Essentials version 21.1]
[v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.5]

Exception: NameError
Message: uninitialized constant GameData::TrainerType::LimitProperty3

[Lin's BP System] 01 - Main.rb:27:in `editor_properties'
372:EditorScreens:346:in `pbTrainerTypeEditor'
386:Debug_MenuCommands:1186:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
079:MessageConfig:575:in `pbFadeOutIn'
386:Debug_MenuCommands:1186:in `block in <main>'
036:Event_HandlerCollections:121:in `call'
385:Debug_Menus:138:in `block in pbDebugMenu'
385:Debug_Menus:100:in `loop'
385:Debug_Menus:100:in `pbDebugMenu'
[Following Pokemon EX] Refresh.rb:111:in `pbDebugMenu'


4 Sleepless nights to update to Teal Mask Part 1
Nov 23, 2023
While assembling my project base build, I discovered a plugin conflict with this plugin and Lucidious89’s Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] v1.0.3.

When the BP System is installed alongside all of the Deluxe Battle Kit plugins, this plugin causes a Pokémon that uses the Terastallization mechanic to not de-transform after the battle is over. Other mechanics such as Z-Moves and Mega Evolution work normally when the BP System plugin is installed. It’s only the Terastallization DBK Add-On that has a plugin conflict issue with this specific plugin. I have only recently discovered this problem today, so I apologize that I don’t have any debug logs to show detailed information on the problem. It does not throw an error message. But I have these screenshots that show what’s going on with the problem.​

The source of the plugin conflict likely is happening with Lucidious89’s Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] v1.0.3. I will now inform Lucidious89 about this conflict problem. I wanted to let you know about the problem if you want to reach out to Lucidious89 and see if the BP System plugin and Terastallization [DBK Add-On] can coexist with each other. So people’s projects that need the BP system plugin, but also want to use the Terastallization mechanic can use it without issues.

Also, I forgot to include this as context at first, but I'm correcting that now. This is the list of Plugins I am using right now after I cleared out the BP System plugin and the whole of the assets that the BP System uses as well:
List of the plugins I am using after clearing out the BP System plugin and assets.PNG


  • Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 1.PNG
    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 1.PNG
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    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 2.PNG
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    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 3.PNG
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    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 4.PNG
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    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 5.PNG
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    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 6.PNG
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    Tera Not De-Trasform After The Battle Is Over 7.PNG
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May 24, 2023
I assume the problem comes because both plugins edit pbEndOfBattle. I'll look at the terastallization code to see if it's the case.

Edit: Lucidious plugin does touch pbEndOfBattle but there should be no reason for my plugin to stop the terastallization from ending. I don't know why it's happening but I think I know a possible way to fix it.