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Completed Pogger's Legends

This project is complete. Any future revisions will be bug fixes or small updates.
Project Status
Project Version



Pogger's Legends is a turn based 'card' game where you recruit heroes to defeat villains. The battle system is made from the ground up using elements that affect eachother, per-unit stats and unique abilities that can be battle decisive. There are an infinite amount of per-save generated stages and near infinite possible units. Save the day in Pogger's Legends now!




Game Engine: Unity 3D (2022.2.15f1)
IDE: Visual Studio Code
Art: Paint.NET


This game was made for Pog Jam #3
View all the other Pog Jam #3 games here


Made by: Voltseon

Font: NotJamFaithless9
Art Assets: Voltseon & Pog Jam 3 Coordinators
Chuck E Cheese: Chuck E Cheese
Music: Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Sound Effects: Voltseon
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