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- Replies: 9
Hey fellas! Today I bring one more small project I made some time ago: Pokémon Battle Simulator Unity, aka PBSU.
Making use of AJ20's Open-Sourced battle system I made a small battle simulator with online functionality and 1J battles. It makes use of my Pokémon Let's Go Unity database instead of the regular one and it has:
Windows & OS X:
- Keyboard:
In this case I have mapped the inputs as in Nintendo Switch. If you use Joycon or ProController, A and B are swapped.
Virtual Pad for everything (Y) replaces Z.
Download: Zelda
Battler Sprites:
Icon Sprites Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites:
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites:
- The 1 player mode is a PVP against the machine.
- Online functionality: If you want to play with friends online, one will have to play as a server and the other will have to connect to his IP manually as a client. In case you are on the same LAN, Localhost should be enough.
- Gen 1-8 mechanics, all Pokémon and items from gen 1 to 8 with support for single, double and triple battles.
- Multi-language support.
- Compatibility with all platforms (or should be).
- Support for all the controllers you want to connect, either by Bluetooth or serial cable.
- Beautiful menus
Windows & OS X:
- Keyboard:
- WASD: Move
- Spacebar: Confirm
- X: Cancel
- Z: Load/Unload the Dynamax
- DPad: Move
- B: Confirm
- A: Cancel
- R1: Load/Unload Dynamax
In this case I have mapped the inputs as in Nintendo Switch. If you use Joycon or ProController, A and B are swapped.
Virtual Pad for everything (Y) replaces Z.
Download: Zelda
- AJ20 and This-Epic for the original repo (UI, Battle System)
- Pira for the compiled sprites
- Carchagui for the battle backgrounds
- All the sprite creators (listed below)
Battler Sprites:
- Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites
- veekun Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites
- All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites
- All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project Gen 8 Pokemon Sprites
- All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
Icon Sprites Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites:
- Alaguesia
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites:
- Marin
- MapleBranchWing
- Larry Turbo
- Leparagon
- As always: Nintendo, Pokémon, Game Freak...
- Manurocker95
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