There's a time and place for everything...
Overview Thread
Discussion Thread
Be sure to check out the game jam channel on our Discord!
Special thanks to @Ott for the amazing pixel logo!
Relic Castle Winter Jam #4
The fourth Winter Game Jam has concluded! Over the next few weeks, the judges will take their time to play through each and every single entry - all twenty entries! Once we're finished with this, we'll publish the results and start a community poll to determine which game the public found best! To make an informed decision in that poll, we suggest you play some (or all!) of the entries yourself too, and provide the creators with some feedback while you're at it!
These are all the entries submitted as of right now, in no particular order:
- The World Inside my Room
- Pokémon IIII
- Revitalus Immortalis
- Pokemon Recruitment
- Pokemon Jeff Killer Goes To Space
- Pokémon Outbounds
- Pokémon Syvin
- Tail of Dreams
- Pokemon: Twisted Fate
- Pokémon Dungeon Exploration
- Hito: A Broken Story
- Legends: Frontier
- Pokémon Ancient Bronze
- Pokémon and the Great Library
- Kecleon's Dream Shop
- Pokemon Gym Trials
- Go Go Beasts!
- Pivot