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Writing Sin cities descriptions and like what the environment is like - can have more detail.

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Willow Hallowes

Jul 1, 2021
(since this game or idea is like really mature yeah prepare for really graphic and heavy detail here)

Yokubo City (Lust)

A place that is very full of sensual energy meaning most trainers or citizens are flirting with each other or behind closed doors engaging in intercourse - of course some of the energy puts children to sleep so that they are not bothered by the rather lustful noises. Pokémon are often mating behind bushes as well as incubus and succubi Pokémon are roaming around as well as Lopunnies and Salazzles.

Khasm City(Wrath)
A city that has a violent atmosphere with blood and broken bottles on the ground, random fires and people fighting. Pokémon that have a fighting urge, have a hot head and have an unbridled rage are seen fighting with one another as well as showing hostility towards you if you tried to talk to them mostly Gyrados, Druddigon, Tyranitar, Poliwrath and Primape. This city is highly respectful of Giratina and Groudon.

Uchoyo City (Greed)
A city in which people will do anything to get what they want with no sense of patience or consideration for others and stealing is now longer illegal in only that area as i said they would do anything to get what they want. Weaviles,Zangooses,Sabeleyes and Meowths as well as Persians are seen stealing from one another for anything they can get their hands on.

Golosità City (Gluttony)
A city that has tones and tones of food shops and carts where berries are the most sold as well as other food related items for both Pokémon and trainers alike. However, it is not the best kept city as many trash is lying around like empty bottles and many many wrappings and other food trash scattered everywhere which attracts Trubbish around, it is also the city known for having Munchla and Gulpin as well as their evolution counterparts as they are constantly hungry - this is also the city that takes inspiration and almost praises Guzzlord.

Zazdrity City (Envy)
A city in which snake-like Pokémon running wild mostly Arbok,Serviper and even Serperior. Ditto’s are clearly visible but disguised as different Pokémon out of envy. Despite all this, you will notice people having pictures of what they want in their house, jealous person seeing others being happy maybe. The atmosphere almost feels dangerous and venomous in a sense as you feel people glaring at you in jealousy.

Stolz City (Pride)
A city in which people take pride in not only what they look but also in keeping the clean and pristine city tidy. The people within the city do take pride in everything including their looks to the point where even a mistake on their face would send them into chaos. Pokémon that are seen roaming around are mostly Prinplup and Honchrow.

Alasy City (Sloth)
(Only ideas I have for this is like people would either be really groggy and lazy or literally feeling asleep a lot and not working with slakoth,slowbro sleeping around and sometimes a new pokemon i made up with the regional varient of Drowzee so some additional ideas to this would be nice as well like mushrana komala,slaking,hypno and a
i often associate sleep with sloth so)

Each City in this verion will give off a different atmosphere as they go as follow:
  • Wrath - Hostile and Agressive
  • Lust - sultry tones,flirtation.
  • Gluttony - often having food in their mouth, chubby cheek sort of talk.
  • Pride - boastful, bragging alot.
  • Envy - use of “Ugh”, “I wish” and “you have it better..”in alot of sentences, jealous looks, lisp of ssss like a snake hiss
  • Greed - “I want” “Give me” and “Let me have..” in lots of sentences.
  • Sloth - snoring or falling asleep nearly, tired plus yawning
Extra note: Each Sin citys gym leader is based on the sort of royalties of hell

Also another note here: in the Hell version,nurse joys actually match the atmosphere to the sin in terms of how they talk and behave because i wanted to be unique with this idea!!
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Little Corporal

Mar 20, 2022
I like the ideas you have, however, some things you could do better is instead of cities, have warring states or city states, and have the cities be more of decentralized areas to possibly contrast your Heaven. (Which could be more order focused.) Along with this, instead of gym leaders you could have each city be ruled by a warlord, there was a book written by an anonymous English Lollard called The Lanterne of Light, which had certain archdemons be associated with different sins such as Lucifer being pride and Beelzebub being envy. You could also do Dante's circles of Hell, which is somewhat similar to the Seven Deadly Sins. Although you would have to make nine areas instead of the seven you currently have. For the actual cities themselves, I think you went too far with Yokubo City's theme of lust; and for Alasy City, sloth is also about spiritual laziness so you should try to add that to the city somehow. However, I do like your idea about the Nurse Joys having a unique personality for each city.

Willow Hallowes

Jul 1, 2021
I like the ideas you have, however, some things you could do better is instead of cities, have warring states or city states, and have the cities be more of decentralized areas to possibly contrast your Heaven. (Which could be more order focused.) Along with this, instead of gym leaders you could have each city be ruled by a warlord, there was a book written by an anonymous English Lollard called The Lanterne of Light, which had certain archdemons be associated with different sins such as Lucifer being pride and Beelzebub being envy. You could also do Dante's circles of Hell, which is somewhat similar to the Seven Deadly Sins. Although you would have to make nine areas instead of the seven you currently have. For the actual cities themselves, I think you went too far with Yokubo City's theme of lust; and for Alasy City, sloth is also about spiritual laziness so you should try to add that to the city somehow. However, I do like your idea about the Nurse Joys having a unique personality for each city.
I honestly wanted to change he behavious of anyone in that city or whatever its gonna be after this critique because im just fed up hearing the nurses just ya know repeating the same thing each game besides this pokemon idea is sort of not for the faint of heart it was meant to be inspiration of Pokemon Insurgence so i feel like i used the wrong rating of mature as it does involve other elements since i mightve meant to have said R even but my bad - thanks for the input though didnt think of warlords sooo.

Little Corporal

Mar 20, 2022
Well if your going to do a really mature game then your description of Yokubo City is fine, you could also make Khasm City more violent, such as adding a gladiatorial arena for people to fight in and places of torture.

Willow Hallowes

Jul 1, 2021
Well if your going to do a really mature game then your description of Yokubo City is fine, you could also make Khasm City more violent, such as adding a gladiatorial arena for people to fight in and places of torture.
Yeah i was honestly since the game is mostly inspired by insurgence and OMG I DIDNT THINK OF TORTURE AND ARENAS jesus christ thank you!!

Can i also ask what you meant by spiritual laziness tho?

Little Corporal

Mar 20, 2022
Spiritual laziness as in apathy or a lack of will towards the soul or worshipping God is the best way I could put it.