Hello there!
Pokémon Machinery is a fan game which was created for the Relic Castle Winter Game Jam #3, with Pokémon Essentials!
This game uses the plot point of "Technical Difficulties" and use the key characters of "Neighbor".
If you want to test the game it's here:
Click Me!
However as many people must know, the game I is not finished...
The current demo only goes up to the 3rd gym, while the full game is planned to have 8 gym as well as e4 and a champion.
So that's why we need help to finishe the game.

Currently we accept any kind of help to help finishe Pokémon Machinery,
however we would really need to have more:
- Spriters
- Mappers
- Balancers
If you want to help us, feel free to contact me on discord:
Current Team:
- Celestial Fearow: Mapper, Balancer, Spriter, Writer
- Giratina Musics: Composer, Balancer
- Rami: Spriter
- Tofrug Best Mon: Balancer
- PyroGaleZX: Spriter
- Squip: Spriter

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