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Other Turning Contest Stats into breedable EVs

This thread's author wants feedback. Be constructive.


Feb 10, 2022
So for my take on Pokemon, I was thinking about how to make pokemon breeding more useful in-game (to split the game into three parts--research, gym contest/battles, breeding), and repurposing the contest stats as less effective, but breedable EVs was an idea I really liked. This idea actually started as "hey, let's make contest stats breedable" and then morphed into the EV idea, so some of the scripts don't really make sense when put together and need some more fine tweaking.

But I'm bringing this up now for two things:

1. Feedback on the idea. I've already installed ways to speed up egg hatching, but if the idea sparks anything you'd like to suggest, feel free.

2. Feedback on the code. I'm a python escapee and I'm mostly just brute-forcing my way through my code right now. Suggestions and advice to shrink and compact it would be amazing.

The first edits in order of the scripts are in Trainer. I haven't actually tested these much, more that it just doesn't seem to crash when I try it.
Trainer edit 1, under SCHEMA:
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      "Nature"       => [:nature,        "e", :Nature],
      "IV"           => [:iv,            "uUUUUU"],
      "EV"           => [:ev,            "uUUUUU"],
      "Cool"         => [:cool,          "u"],
      "Beauty"         => [:beauty,          "u"],
      "Tough"         => [:tough,          "u"],
      "Smart"         => [:smart,          "u"],
      "Cute"         => [:cute,          "u"],

I added Cool thru Cute, but I included the other three to give you an idea where I added it in.

This code I believe adds in an empty 0 for the stats? I'm basically just copying whatever EVs do.
Trainer, under Initialize:
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@pokemon.each do |pkmn|
        GameData::Stat.each_main do |s|
          pkmn[:iv][s.id] ||= 0 if pkmn[:iv]
          pkmn[:ev][s.id] ||= 0 if pkmn[:ev]
        pkmn[:cool] ||= 0 if pkmn[:cool]
        pkmn[:beauty] ||= 0 if pkmn[:beauty]
        pkmn[:tough] ||= 0 if pkmn[:tough]
        pkmn[:smart] ||= 0 if pkmn[:smart]
        pkmn[:cute] ||= 0 if pkmn[:cute]

And then I believe this should be calling whatever I put into the trainer file.
Trainer, def to_trainer:
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        pkmn.cool = pkmn_data[:cool]
        pkmn.beauty = pkmn_data[:beauty]
        pkmn.tough = pkmn_data[:tough]
        pkmn.cute = pkmn_data[:cute]
        pkmn.smart = pkmn_data[:smart]
        pkmn.happiness = pkmn_data[:happiness] if pkmn_data[:happiness]
        pkmn.name = pkmn_data[:name] if pkmn_data[:name] && !pkmn_data[:name].empty?

This is my code edit to add them to actual stats. As you'll notice, I currently have them reduced to 1/8th, half as effective as EVs. Feel free to change that, but I like that you still get more out of training your pokemon. It also makes it easier to give a higher cap.
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# @return [Integer] the specified stat of this Pokémon (not used for total HP)
  def calcStat(base, level, iv, ev, nat, con)
    return ((((base * 2 + iv + (ev / 4) + (con / 8)) * level / 100).floor + 5) * nat / 100).floor

  # Recalculates this Pokémon's stats.
  def calc_stats
    base_stats = self.baseStats
    this_level = self.level
    this_IV    = self.calcIV
    # Format stat multipliers due to nature
    nature_mod = {}
    GameData::Stat.each_main { |s| nature_mod[s.id] = 100 }
    this_nature = self.nature_for_stats
    if this_nature
      this_nature.stat_changes.each { |change| nature_mod[change[0]] += change[1] }
    # Contest Stats Adding
    contest_mod = {}
    GameData::Stat.each_main { |s| contest_mod[s.id] = 0 }
    contest_mod[:ATTACK] += @cool
    contest_mod[:DEFENSE] += @tough
    contest_mod[:SPECIAL_ATTACK] += @beauty
    contest_mod[:SPECIAL_DEFENSE] += @smart
    contest_mod[:SPEED] += @cute
    # Calculate stats
    stats = {}
    GameData::Stat.each_main do |s|
      if s.id == :HP
        stats[s.id] = calcHP(base_stats[s.id], this_level, this_IV[s.id], @ev[s.id])
        stats[s.id] = calcStat(base_stats[s.id], this_level, this_IV[s.id], @ev[s.id], nature_mod[s.id], contest_mod[s.id])
    hpDiff = @totalhp - @hp
    @totalhp = stats[:HP]
    @hp      = @totalhp - hpDiff
    @attack  = stats[:ATTACK]
    @defense = stats[:DEFENSE]
    @spatk   = stats[:SPECIAL_ATTACK]
    @spdef   = stats[:SPECIAL_DEFENSE]
    @speed   = stats[:SPEED]

This is how I'm currently rolling CVs. There's a switch that gets higher as you progress in the game, giving wild pokemon higher rolls (same with IVs). This is where I'm primarily looking for coding help. I tried looking at how natures work in stats to make it shorter, but I couldn't get it work at all, so I brute forced it. Thankfully some saint told me about cases, but elsif works just as well lol.

It rolls a random number beween 0-32, adds the relative modifier, and then makes sure none of them are below zero. I wonder if there's a way to shortcut rand(33) so that you can change it easily all at once? Like how I have the nature modifiers set as variables. Oh, I guess you could do rand(x) and let you set x. That's smart, smart.
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Events.onWildPokemonCreate += proc { |_sender, e|
  pokemon = e[0]
  cv_switch = $game_variables[100]
  case cv_switch
  when 1
    nature_positive = 32
    nature_neutral = 8
    nature_negative = -8
  when 2
    nature_positive = 64
    nature_neutral = 16
    nature_negative = 0
  when 3
    nature_positive = 128
    nature_neutral = 32
    nature_negative = 8
  when 4
    nature_positive = 220
    nature_neutral = 64
    nature_negative = 16
    nature_positive = 16
    nature_neutral = 0
    nature_negative = -16
  # Format stat multipliers due to nature
  case pokemon.nature_id
  when :ADAMANT
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
  when :BASHFUL
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
  when :BOLD
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max 
  when :BRAVE
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :CALM
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max   
  when :CAREFUL
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
  when :DOCILE
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :GENTLE
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max 
  when :HARDY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :HASTY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
  when :IMPISH
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
  when :JOLLY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :LAX
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max   
  when :LONELY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :MILD
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :MODEST
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max 
  when :NAIVE
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max   
  when :NAUGHTY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max   
  when :QUIET
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :QUIRKY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max   
  when :RASH
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max   
  when :RELAXED
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
  when :SASSY
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
  when :SERIOUS
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
  when :TIMID
    pokemon.cool = [(rand(33) + nature_negative), 0].max
    pokemon.beauty = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.tough = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
    pokemon.cute = [(rand(33) + nature_positive), 0].max
    pokemon.smart = [(rand(33) + nature_neutral), 0].max
  pokemon.sheen = pokemon.cool + pokemon.beauty + pokemon.tough + pokemon.cute + pokemon.smart

Now the crux of the original code, the breeding. This could also easily be cleaned up. It was the first thing I wrote and was still when I was expecting to do 252/252 stats like IVs, so it's only intended to pass two and that's it. I'll probably need to bump this up a bit and maybe add the reroll based on nature, which means I'll need to clean up that code before I can optimize this one.
Overworld_Daycare, between inheriting IVs and nature:
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# Inheriting contest Values
  cvspassed = 2
  statspassed = []
  num = 0
  egg.cool = father.cool and statspassed.push(0) and num +=1 if father.hasItem?(:REDSCARF)
  egg.beauty = father.beauty and statspassed.push(1) and num +=1 if father.hasItem?(:BLUESCARF)
  egg.tough = father.tough and statspassed.push(2) and num +=1 if father.hasItem?(:YELLOWSCARF)
  egg.cute = father.cute and statspassed.push(3) and num +=1 if father.hasItem?(:PINKSCARF)
  egg.smart = father.smart and statspassed.push(4) and num +=1 if father.hasItem?(:GREENSCARF)
  egg.cool = mother.cool and statspassed.push(0) and num +=1 if mother.hasItem?(:REDSCARF)
  egg.beauty = mother.beauty and statspassed.push(1) and num +=1 if mother.hasItem?(:BLUESCARF)
  egg.tough = mother.tough and statspassed.push(2) and num +=1 if mother.hasItem?(:YELLOWSCARF)
  egg.cute = mother.cute and statspassed.push(3) and num +=1 if mother.hasItem?(:PINKSCARF)
  egg.smart = mother.smart and statspassed.push(4) and num +=1 if mother.hasItem?(:GREENSCARF)
  r = rand(2)
  loop do
    roll = rand(5)
    while statspassed.include?(roll) do
      roll = rand(5)
    if r == 0
      if roll == 0
        egg.cool = father.cool
      elsif roll == 1
        egg.beauty = father.beauty
      elsif roll == 2
        egg.tough = father.tough
      elsif roll == 3
        egg.cute = father.cute
      elsif roll == 4
        egg.smart = father.smart
    elsif r == 1
      if roll == 0
        egg.cool = mother.cool
      elsif roll == 1
        egg.beauty = mother.beauty
      elsif roll == 2
        egg.tough = mother.tough
      elsif roll == 3
        egg.cute = mother.cute
      elsif roll == 4
        egg.smart = mother.smart
    num += 1
    r = (r+1)%2
    break if num>=cvspassed

If you made it this far, tell me why Croagunk is the best poison type
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