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Other If I were too make an NPC Tournament with every Pokémon trainer from every generation, should I revert changes done too previous Pokémon for trainers?

This thread's author wants feedback. Be constructive.


Dec 5, 2021
Quite the mouthful title, lol

Anyway, this project I’m doing all stemmed from a youtuber named Pimanrules where he took every trainer in Pokémon red and made them fight in a round robin tournament. I watched it a couple months ago and I thought it was pretty cool. It made think what would the results be for other generations. I pondered on it but I eventually forgot about it and moved on. I rewatched it a couple weeks ago and my overly-ambitious mind asked “What if I did something like this but instead of being a round-robin tournament I setup a twitch stream that would have every Pokémon trainer across from the games fight each other endlessly for viewers too bet on similar to saltybet?”

My mind went crazy thinking about that ideaand I am now attempting to work on this project and hopefully in a year or two get it up and running (probably not lol). While I was working on this project though a major problem occurred. How do I treat Pokémon that have changed across the generations? The solution too me was just too make a new form for that Pokémon that was changed and revert it back too it’s original. An easy example of this is something like cantina where I just create a duplicate form of gengar but with levitate. What I realized though is that by doing I would a create a huge rabbit hole of issues but if I don’t do thjs I feel like I wouldn’t be giving the character justice. So I decided too come and ask the internet for help because the internet is always right. If you could give me feedback on this question as well as other questions I have I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Should Pokémon trainers be able too use items they had in their original games? (Full restore, x items, etc)

Should all trainers Pokémon be set too 50 or should their Pokémon’s level be unchanged?

Should battle facility masters be included?

Should Pokémon changes be reverted for trainers from the generation before the change?

What determines what ability a Pokémon will have if their game didn’t feature abilities in the first place?

For games that have DVs instead of IVs, what should determine what IVs a Pokémon trainers pokemon have?

Should Pokémon trainers from games that don’t have EV systems have maxed out stats like in the original?

Should I take into account LGPEs candy system for trainers that utilize it?

How should double and multi battles be handled?

Should a signature move/ability of a pokemon be reverted if the trainer is from before the change (ex:kings shield being -2 instead of -1 or gale wings always having priority to only having priority at full health)?

That’s all of the questions for now , will edit later if I have more.
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