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Writing Rate this summary of the story in my game out of 10!

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Feb 2, 2021
Here is a summary (it's a bit long for a summary) of Infinite Glitch's story (so expect parts of the story to be skipped that don't relate to the main plot).

You would start in ??? town (name WIP) and you would visit Professor Sassafras' lab to pick your starter, with the choice between Arachnibble, Baaburn, and Squibuzz. You would have the first rival battle with you best friend, Ashley, and you would set off to the city that holds the first gym. While on the way, you would meet the jerk rival, Liam. After obtaining your first badge, you would head south to visit Dr. Ron, a scientist that Professor Sassafras told you about who also knows a lot about Burst (he discovered how Burst stones work, and he created one for Porygon-Z), which is the game's battle mechanic. You would arrive at his lab at ??? Cliffs, but there would be a grunt for the evil team, Team Hax, blocking the door. After beating the grunt outside and then beating a couple more grunts inside, you would battle Team Hax Admin Ruby. After defeating Ruby, Team Hax would leave for now, and you would receive the Porygon Service (HM replacement) and the Exp.Share from Dr. Ron.

A while later, after getting your 3rd badge, you would make your way up Route 9, also known as Cycling Road, to Bayport City, where the fourth gym is. However, there would be a commotion right outside the city, due to the city currently experiencing a blackout. You would meet up with Ashley and the two of you would head through the tunnels beneath city to get inside. After encountering a Team Hax grunt, the two of you would make your way to the city's power plant, and after beating more Team Hax grunts in double battles, you would reach the control room, where Team Hax Admin Rexx is. You would learn that Team Hax is using the electricity from the power plant to created Glitched Pokemon, and after battling a Glitched Pokemon in a boss battle like fashion (using Elite Battle DX's boss battle script), two men would run into the room. One of them is Zander, the current champion, and the other is Bruce, one of the members of the Elite Four and also the head of the power plant and the regions energy. Zander and Bruce are actually the older brothers of Rexx, with Zander being the oldest, Bruce being the middle child, and Rexx being the youngest. Rexx then explains why he joined Team Hax, and he sends out his signature Pokemon, a Voltipine. However, while his Voltipine is Glitched, it seems different from the Glitched Pokemon you just fought. His Voltipine is a Hacked Pokemon (they have Glitch as their second/third type and have a 10 point stat increase in each stat; so regular Voltipine is 460 BST while Hacked Voltipine is 520 BST) and Rexx explains what Hacked Pokemon are. You (and just you) then battle Rexx. After beating Rexx, Team Hax retreats, power is restored to the city, and Zander gives both you and Ashley a Burst Ring for your actions. Then, both you and Ashley would meet the head of the AISA (Atlantian Intelligence and Security Agency) and he (I haven't decided a name yet) would thank the two of you for defeating Team Hax for now, but that the AISA has them on their radar. Additionally, he would tell you that the AISA is creating an "anti-virus" Pokemon to help stop Team Hax. After that, you would then take on the fourth gym.

After getting your fourth badge, you make your way to the city where the fifth gym is. While on the way, you would receive the a gift box from Professor Sassafras that contains the Burst Stone for your starter (she would tell you not to open it until your starter is fully evolved). When you eventually arrive at the fifth gym city, there is a large crowd in the city, due to things being stolen around the city (haven't decided what they will be, though they will relate to what the city is known for). A man then comes up in front of the crowd, and says that if the people want their thing/things back, then they will have to join Team Hax. You then battle a couple grunts and then finally Team Hax Admin Pascal. After beating Pascal, Team Hax would leave the city.

A bit later in the story, after beating the sixth gym, you would fly back to Bayport City, and head on Route 15 to head to the city where the seventh gym is. You would arrive in the city, and Ashley would be there. This would also be when Ashley meets Liam for the first time (she'd call him a jerk after he leaves). The two of you would see a Team Hax grunt in the city and would follow the grunt, which involves you surfing over to a forested island in the middle of the nearby river. After arriving on the forested island, you and Ashley would continue to follow the grunt (she'd be a partner trainer too if you encounter wild Pokemon) until you get to a secret entrance through the trees that would be like a hidden grotto. The two of you would head inside it and after heading down a ladder, the two of you would be in Team Hax's HQ. The two of you would make your way through the HQ, battling grunts in double battles, and eventually, the two of you would make it to a large room. You would meet Team Hax's leader Claire, and after some dialogue, you would have your second battle against Admin Ruby (it would be a single battle). After beating Ruby and exiting Team Hax's HQ, you would then take on the seventh gym.

A bit later, after you beat the eighth gym and get your final badge, you would fly back to the starting town. In Atlantia, every four years, there is an election that determines who will take on the Elite Four and the Champion. Every trainer who has obtained every gym badge within those four years is added to a poll. The citizens of the region, including the Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and current Champion, will then vote and whichever trainer gets that most votes is the one who will take on the Elite Four (though there are still trainers on Victory Road including the final Ashley battle). You would return to your house, and after a few days, the vote count would be on. You get selected to take on the Elite Four, and you make your way west on Route 17 toward the city where the Pokemon League is. You would also have your penultimate main story battle against Ashley here too. The two of you then arrive in the city. However, there is a crowd in the city, and the two of you would learn that Team Hax has infiltrated the AISA Headquarters, and that the city has become glitchy over the past hour or so. You and Ashley head over the the AISA Headquarters, only to find that the door is shut. However, Zander comes and helps the two of you enter the headquarters. You and Ashley go through the headquarters, battling grunts in double battles, and eventually, you and Ashley encounter the three Team Hax admins. The two of you battle them in a triple battle (with you using two Pokemon at a time while Ashley uses one at a time) and the two of you beat the admins, and then continue through the HQ. After traversing through it more, you encounter Liam, and the two of you learn that Liam is a part of Team Hax, and is Claire's younger brother. You would then battle Liam, and after beating him, you would go into the HQ's main room, where Claire is. Zander is already there, and there is dialogue with Claire that happens for a bit. You would learn that you have had a tiny tracking device on you (the tracking device would resemble the first stage of the new mosquito mon, Bloodquito, with its evolved form, Mosquitality, along with a Hacked Porygon-Z with the ability to Burst being Claire's signature Pokemon; Bursted Hacked Porygon-Z has a 670 BST so it's basically a boxart legend stat wise) and then you would battle Claire (and yes she has six mons with held items so she would be pretty challenging). After beating Claire, she would reveal Maliglitch (Malignant + Glitch), and the two of them would head up to the tallest building in the city. You, Ashley, and Zander, with Cyguadian (Cyber + Guardian) the "anti-virus" Pokemon who is finally mentioned earlier in the story that is finally complete, would head to the tower that would be the largest obelisk in the Pokemon world that is named after the region's first Champion. Despite being artificial Pokemon, just like Mewtwo, Maliglitch and Cyguardian would both be classified as legendaries. Along the way, the city would be very glitchy, with regular Glitched Pokemon roaming the streets and Glitchy Terrain being set up. You would climb up the building's stairs and head to the top (the top would be flatter than its real life counterpart) where you would also be given the chance to save. After heading to the top, you would battle Maliglitch, and after defeating it, Zander sends out Cyguardian to finish it, and it works. However, despite Maliglitch seeming to be defeated, Claire pulls out a Burst Stone, and Maliglitch begins to Burst (Cyguardian has a Burst form too). Ashley and Zander try to send out their other Pokemon, but Maliglitch stops them from moving with its glitchy powers. You then battle Burst Maliglitch in a boss battle (you use two Pokemon at a time just like earlier). After beating Maliglitch, it is weakened, which allows Ashley and Zander to move again. Zander pulls out a Burst Stone that allows Cyguardian to Burst, and Cyguardian and Maliglitch then battle (you would give Cyguardian commands) and after finally defeating Maliglitch, the region returns to normal from its previous glitchy state. After the climax, you set out on Victory Road that takes you to where the Pokemon League is. You have your final battle against Ashley, then you fight the Elite Four, which can be done in any order just like BW, XY, SM, and USUM. You beat the E4, and then you battle Zander. After you beat Zander, you are the new Champion! The main story finishes as the credits roll.
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banished doof
Overall, I think it's certainly an interesting concept and there's a lot of potential behind it. It's kinda hard to rate out of 10 as it's just a list of what happens, and doesn't really show how it will all play out on screen - the execution is a really major part of telling a story. But right now, it's a pretty solid summary.

But just a few notes:
  • The poll to see who gets to fight the E4 feels kinda odd- we all know that the player is going to be the one facing them, unless they can just lose the poll and get locked out of the endgame (which I hope isn't the case). Maybe there's some story significance to it, IDK. At the moment it feels like it might be a bit pointless.
  • Cyguardian just kinda shows up at the end, based off the summary. Kinda feels a bit underwhelming. I think it might be more fun to have the player assist in its development. That might also help them have a bit more of a connection to Cyguardian.
  • You fight Maliglitch three times at the finale, and that might get a bit repetitive. Personally I'd try to condense that a bit, or spread the boss fights across the game a little bit more.