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Better Barriers

Resource Better Barriers N/A

TechSkylander1518 submitted a new resource:

Better Barriers - Some simple events to make it easier to keep the player where you want them!

I had this all ready to go before Game Jam and forgot to post oops lol

This script creates some new script calls to use in events when you want to keep the player in a certain area! For example, rather than making an event that relies on player touch and copy+pasting that onto every tile where they could step away, you can just make one event that checks if the player has moved past a certain point! And if you're using a script where a player could pass over tiles, like jump...

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TechSkylander1518 updated Better Barriers with a new update entry:

11/24/22 update

Gave this a much-needed overhaul
  • Code is so much cleaner, seriously, what was I doing before
  • pbAnchor has been changed to pbRange, which now returns true if the player is within the given range. I found the original phrasing confusing when I was playtesting
  • Methods are renamed and follow correct capitalization
  • Included a little more explanation of how this can be used differently from event sizes

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