• The Eevee Expo Game Jam #10 has concluded, congratulations to all participants! Now it's time for the judges to play through the games, and you can play along to vote who deserves the community choice spotlight.
    You can check out the submitted games here!
    Play through the games and provide some feedback to the devs while you're at it!
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Resource Public Gen 3 Tiles! 1.0


Professional Procrastinator/Idiot
Discord Mod
Foxowl submitted a new resource:

Public Gen 3 Tiles! - I made some tiles for what was gonna be my winter jam game. Might as well make them public now :)

So I dropped out of the Winter Jam for reasons, but I figured since I spent a bit making/editing tiles I might as well upload them. They're not all great and are a little weird in places but I know I always like to have more Gen 3-style stuff out there. Enjoy, they're free to use (with credit to me and the people I specified).

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