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Creative 16x16 to 32x32 Tiles Photoshop Plugin?


AKA Fakemon123
Apr 2, 2017
DISCLAIMER: This post is NOT referring to just simply resizing tiles from 16x16 to 32x32 at a 1:2 ratio for the sake of use in RPG Maker XP! This is referring to the trend a while back (not sure if it's still around) where people would manually resize pixel art from 16x16 to 32x32 and clean the sprite up so it looked as if it was originally created in 32x32. If you don't understand what I mean, see the example I made on a tall grass tile, and if you still don't get it, hopefully someone (or myself) can help explain it to you, but just know that I don't want people to be commenting on how to simply double the size of your tiles, since I already know how to do that, and it's relatively easy to do. This is a lot more complex than that.

Hello everyone, it's been a while!

So, I have a lot of free time on my hands, and as such, I've been looking to get back into the game dev scene, especially Pokemon Fangames! I remember a while back there was a rather large push to encourage the use of tiles and sprites originally made in 32x32 rather than tiles made 16x16 and then resized to 32x32. In case you don't know what I mean, here are two examples of a grass tile I found and quickly whipped up a 32x32 tile conversion of.



Side note, this is of course not the greatest resize example because I am not super fluent in pixel art, but this was a quick attempt at showing the difference.

I recently have been playing a lot of Pokemon Randomizers on OpenEmu on my Mac, and OpenEmu has a shaders option that makes pixelated games look more smooth and less pixelated (but I'm not trying to start a debate on which looks better, I'm just saying, it does something similar to this 16x16 conversion to 32x32, but it is not the exact same and is not a perfect conversion of course.) Here is an example of the game with and without the shaders.



My question is, if a shader can do this and make the game less pixelated, is there a photoshop plugin that can do something similar? And if so, is there one that could basically save artists the time of going through, pixel by pixel, and changing a tile from 16x16 to 32x32? It seems to me that if a shader can create less pixelated (more linear) diagonal edges, it should be able to do something similar and recognize how to convert something from 16x16 to 32x32, as long as you double check the plugin's work and make sure it looks good, since ultimately it would take a human eye to really get a feel for how a proper resize should be. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas on this?

(And yes, I am aware of how incredibly lazy this sounds, but it can be REALLY tedious and time consuming to have to go through each tile you plan to use, pixel by pixel, to make it so that they are all 32x32 instead of 16x16. This could save lots of people lots of time!)