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Pretty Authentic HgSs Apricorn Trees

Resource Pretty Authentic HgSs Apricorn Trees Version 1


Overseer of the Abyss
Apr 24, 2017
DerxwnaKapsyla submitted a new resource:

Pretty Authentic HgSs Apricorn Trees - Who needs recolored Headbutt Trees when you can have the Real Stuff:tm:

Elsewhere on Relic Castle existed another Apricorn Tree resource. However, the download for it bugged out, and thus I begun the search for a new resource. Thanks to the help of a few people on the Discord server, I obtained the relevant resources ripped straight from HgSs and assembled it from scratch. This is a mostly authentic recreation of the HgSs Apricorn Trees (the animation could be a bit better, but I think we got it as good as we could.)

This download contains the following folders...

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