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Recruiting Pokémon Resilience

This thread's author is looking for long-term team members.
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Jul 11, 2020
(This logo is susceptible to change and is, therefore, not final)



Hi Pokéfans, we are looking for dedicated and talented people to help us produce the best fangame possible! Here are the roles we need to fill.
Tileset makers
The game will be developed in a graphical style of gen 5 but in 2D (close to the style of Magiscarf). Since there are few such resources and the project takes a singular artistic direction, tileset makers to create custom maps and give an identity to the game are an absolute priority so do not hesitate to apply!
This game will require a lot of unusual scripts due to the new and rather advanced gameplay mechanics. Anyone who is experienced or ready to learn effectively is required!

Whether it's to make art designs for VS sprites, pre-battle transitions like in Pokémon X and Y, to offer images in future updates / posts or to give a character design model to OW sprite designers, artists who know how to master the style of X and Y will be very useful and would be greatly appreciated in our team!

OW character artist
We will probably use a bunch of OW sprites pre-made by Game Freak, but there are a lot of them that need to be done from scratch. I count among them to make those of the protagonists, the rivals, the gym leaders and much more! All this will have to be in a style of the 4 gen.

The long term goal is for the game to eventually have its own OST! Since I am very open-minded and have a particular love for several musical genres, the instruments used in the playing for the pieces so far are very varied. We sometimes oscillate between the electric guitar, the piano or the fanfare to go in styles more sought after in a Pokémon such as jazz, ethnic music or the use of Japanese instruments. My region being large and always diversified in each zone, each environment will benefit from its own atmosphere. The combat music will be on a style similar to the tracks of Pokémon Let's Go Eevee / Pikachu. For route themes, a style close to what Pokémon X and Y did with its own for the military and heroic side is envisioned. Finally, I count bring an atmosphere close to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Pokémon Master or some Pokken Tournament pieces for a deep immersion! As for the rest (cinematic music, etc.), I would leave the initiative to the musicians.

Interface designers
The vanilla style of the interfaces of Pokémon Essentials or Elite Battle System really does not please. Therefore, I am looking for interface designers who will know how to give a clean, practical and unique aesthetic to the project and who will please the eyes of the players.

Battle graphics
Anyone who is skilled with pixels and would be interested in making battle backgrounds or design + animation move from scratch will be welcome to join us!

Bug testers​
We are going to implement a lot of new rather extensive features that have little, if any, resources to document. We must also consider that we are using Essentials (in 17.2 currently and with the codes of gen 5) and that the game must have the mechanics of gen 7. The error being human, it is likely that we encounter all kinds bug, but that's where bug testers come in! They will play the game and find, if there are any, the technical problems.

Description of the game

Pokémon Resilience would be a game made entirely on RPG Maker XP with the starter kit Pokémon Essentials and strongly inspired by Pokémon Black and White with the mechanics updated to gen 7.

Every Pokémon from gen 1 to gen 7 can be caught (putting aside legendaries).

8 gyms based on tactical strategies (Trick Room, Hazard Stack, Weather, Status, etc.) instead of the simple monotype. They are gonna have balanced teams that will gradually have IVs, EVs, strategic items and much more as the trainer progress to conserve a certain challenge.

The appearance of the Wonder Launcher during battles at all times to prevent object abuse and easy fights.

The battle style is automatically in Set mode, so you can't just adapt yourself to the upcoming Pokémon by switching before it even put a foot on the stage.

A level cap between each gym to keep the player at a certain level.

Semi open-world mechanic so the player can adapt more easily to the challenges he will face by finding the useful NPCs/Pokémon/resources at the right place. Watch out for stronger than average trainers and wild Pokémon roaming the tall grass! Note that you can't catch a Pokémon that exceeds the level limit to which the player is restricted.

The SOS battle mechanic from Sun and Moon. The summoned Pokémon would sometimes have eggmoves and also allows the player to find rare Pokémon at a lower level so they can be caught sooner than normal.

A hard mode to face the same important trainers but with stronger teams.

Reassessment of stat, type, movepool or talent of certain Pokémon deemed too low following the development of a thoughtful tier list of all the beasts in the game.

A skill tree system whose skill points are obtainable through achievements to be completed such as the medals mechanic of Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

A secondary “money” named credits will only be obtainable during side quests or special events. Similar to the Battle Points in Pokémon, these credits would allow the player to buy some rare Pokémon/items that are only available in that way.

A mansion which will serve as a personal hub for the player and which will be upgradeable in order to exploit all kinds of useful services.



◈❖◈Resilience plot◈❖◈

The law of the strongest reigns, the ravages caused by the war of independence are numerous and a new functioning of society is born following these events. The great power of wild Pokémon, which are far too numerous at this time in the region, must be channeled, at the risk of leading to disasters. The importance of Pokémon training, therefore, becomes indisputable, as well as the control and protection of cities by military forces. Important laws are brought in to limit threats and keep society going fairly through Pokémon battles. Thus, only six Pokémon can be owned at the same time by a single Trainer and each defeated fighter must give a certain amount of money to his opponent. Treatments at the Pokémon Center become free thanks to the association of the army and religion with the state. The dressage policy works wonderfully and children are introduced to it from an early age. According to the philosophy of the Master of the region, its most brilliant trainers must become strong in order to prevent the return of their oppressors. Every trainer is then a soldier and has to train and restrain the wild Pokémon in order to defend the region in case of attack. To counter the threat of this self-emancipated region, other nations isolate it economically and politically. In order to be able to live in complete self-sufficiency, forced labor returns to run the most economically profitable area: intensive Pokémon farming. Working conditions, under the abuse and austerity of the leaders, have rarely been so harsh for the locals and the Pokémon, while sadly recalling the policy of the former tyrants.

The winds of a second revolt are getting stronger and the enemies of the regime are plotting in the shadows ... In view of his remarkable notes at the school of trainers, the hero is brought to team up with one of the eminent scientists, Professor August, for his project on an innovative idea: the Pokédex. This tool, of considerable technological progress, is created in order to better know these extraordinary creatures which can be a real danger for the human being. In exchange for the stored information that he collects with his invention, the latter offers him the possibility of choosing a Pokémon from the military reserves to start his quest. It is in this world that your newly initiated character evolves, gaining influence and power thanks to his victories against the Gym Leaders. Pokémon Resilience tells the story of a region that has gained its freedom by its own strength and its fight against the current paradigm of enslavement and imperialism.


Aporia, land of fire and discord : a region where the place of humans, Pokémon
and their relationship has never been so uncertain and unstable...


Do not hesitate to click on the image to listen to a selection of our original musical collection!



Map screenshots

These maps are more of the technical prowess of our team than a real final work that you will find during a possible demo. It was above all about showing the efficiency of our mappers while respecting the screenshots instructions.








On behalf of the Resilience team, thank you for taking the time to click on the thread and read this far! We hope you will consider joining us or at least supporting the project in the future ^^

Right now, the members of this game project are:

Urusius: Game designer, writer, project supervisor/director

Zuxxu: Scripter

S3mmy23: Game designer, mapper, eventer

Akira: Mapper, eventer

Isaac: Musician

Jumpluff: Musician

TeruTeruSky: Musician

So, what are you waiting for?


©2020Pokémon.© 1995-2020 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
Pokémon Resilience is a non-profit fangame made by using Pokémon Essentials and is not affiliated with Nintendo or any other related parties.
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Distortion World Enthusiast
Jun 16, 2019
I'm still a n00b to Essentials, so I don't really think I could help you, but your music is absolutely amazing, what soundfont/program are you using?


Jul 11, 2020
I'm still a n00b to Essentials, so I don't really think I could help you, but your music is absolutely amazing, what soundfont/program are you using?
FL Studio mostly
Here is my Discord ID for those who would like to contact me somewhere else than on this site:
We are still looking for help, don't hesitate to apply if you're interested!


Venipede User
Jul 24, 2020
Hello I wanted to know if you are still looking for Mapers and Eventers ? if this is still the case please contact me on discord ๖̶ζ͜͡Akira⚜#5764

(also i could maybe do some sprite)
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Jul 11, 2020
Hello I wanted to know if you are still looking for Mapers and Eventers ? if this is still the case please contact me on discord ๖̶ζ͜͡Akira⚜#5764

(also i could maybe do some sprite)
Yes we do! I've sent to you already a friend request on Discord ^^


Jul 11, 2020
Update of the post! I added the required screenshots as well as more details about the project and what I want from my recruits ^^ Don't hesitate to apply :D
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