Just like any other convention, you cannot attend this for free. Tickets range from $60-150 for the full 3 days, and hotel prices are likely to be high, as well as parking fees. You can buy your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/toomanygames-2020-tickets-86853032759?aff=erelexpmlt
Now, this isn't the thread we will be using to organize the whole thing if people do want to attend with us, this is simply a scout thread. There are still some months to go before this event occurs, and for now, I simply would like to know who would be interested to attend the event. You can do so by contacting me on discord, my tag is Saucecoie#3441. Feel free to ask me any questions! I hope to see you there, and I'll be back with more news on the matter soon enough!