A new Game Jam approaches?!
January 10, 2020 - February 21, 2020
Check out the:
Overview Thread
Discussion Thread
Game Jam channel in the Relic Castle Discord!
Welcome to Relic Castle Winter Jam! My name is Andy/Niall/Cat/whatever you want to call me, and I'll be your ever gracious host! It might only be winter in the upper hemisphere but I'm American so I can name this whatever I want.

For the uninformed: a game jam is an event where developers will get together and make a game. It sounds simple at first glance, but making a good game is much more difficult and time consuming than you might think. Participating in one is a great way to challenge yourself, learn new skills, and polish your overall experience as a game developer.
While we always host an annual game jam over the summer, we thought it would be fun to host one in the off-season this year to test the waters and see what happens! Users (especially in the Discord server (you should join us!)) have been begging for an event during the winter so they don't have to wait until June/July for the next game jam.
For the rest of the deets, check out the overview thread.
Recruitment Thread
Welcome to the Winter Game Jam recruitment thread! In this thread, you can seek assistance with your entry or volunteer your talents for another entry. If you're looking to do anything but discuss recruitment, please use the general discussion thread.
If you're recruiting or volunteering, please use the following templates. Keep in mind that you aren't required to have any progress on your jam entry before recruiting.
- Looking to recruit:
- Jam Entry Title:
- Team Name/Team Members:
- Progress/Screenshots:
- Method of Contact:
- Timezone:
- Additional Information:
- Expertise:
- Examples of Work:
- Method of Contact:
- Timezone:
- Additional Information:
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