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Tutorial Defining trainer Pokémon's EVs (Crosspost) 1.0


Overseer of the Abyss
Apr 24, 2017
DerxwnaKapsyla submitted a new resource:

Defining trainer Pokémon's EVs (Crosspost) - Full customization over an AI Trainer's Pokemon is now doable

[tab=Introduction]This is a crosspost of DoesntKnowHowToPlay's post from Pokecommunity, with his permission since I don't think he'll be making an account here, and this script is far too useful to not have be more public.[/tab]
[tab=Original Post]
I doubt anyone who knows what they're doing would have a hard time with this, but I'm led to believe this is harder than it looks so I'm going to post it anyway; it's quite possible I've forgotten something important.

Replace the...[/tab][/tabs]

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