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Rotom Pokedex

Resource Rotom Pokedex 2


Dec 11, 2018
juliorain submitted a new resource:

Rotom Pokedex - Rotom Pokedex UI and an example scene for using them!

Hi all! I was surprised that no one took the liberty to make Rotom Pokedex UI graphics, so I've decided to make my own. I based it off stock images from Serebii. Credit would be amazing.

I have zipped a folder here containing:


1.BG with the abstact blue stripe
2.Rotom Dex overlay with a transparent middle
3. Drowsy eyes overlay...

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Dec 11, 2018
I'm not sure of what is this... Can you explain it to me?

It's chill if you haven't played SM/USUM. But basically here is it:

start the video at 18:20 and to see it talk to you, skip to 23:10

someone ripped their talking model here :

and ingame it is an interactive map up that scrolls the map:


if you leave it alone it'll get drowsy:


it'll have a variety of facil expressions the more you interact with the ui!

Diego Mertens

Aug 25, 2017
It's chill if you haven't played SM/USUM. But basically here is it:

start the video at 18:20 and to see it talk to you, skip to 23:10

someone ripped their talking model here :

and ingame it is an interactive map up that scrolls the map:


if you leave it alone it'll get drowsy:


it'll have a variety of facil expressions the more you interact with the ui!

Well... I never played any game later to 5 gen cause i can't emulate them...
But i know how works Rotomdex, I was trying to asking how will work ingame, i wanted maybe a gif for know the aspect of the system in the game, and... Did i have to start a new class, a new module or a new def for using this? How i would use it? Maybe an example of how this works, how it's set in an event and how it will look ingame would be interesting and will improve the aspect of the post


Dec 11, 2018
Well... I never played any game later to 5 gen cause i can't emulate them...
But i know how works Rotomdex, I was trying to asking how will work ingame, i wanted maybe a gif for know the aspect of the system in the game, and... Did i have to start a new class, a new module or a new def for using this? How i would use it? Maybe an example of how this works, how it's set in an event and how it will look ingame would be interesting and will improve the aspect of the post

I did provide an example for animating a blinking background i.e. flipping between two backgrounds. You neither need a new class nor module as this is just a cosmetic change to the ui background.

It was just a simple manipulation @sprite and framcount commands set in whatever screen you want. I've deconstructed the ui for use on any screen, as they are just the graphics. If you want more complex animations involving its mouth, then you can take a similar treatment of the blinking animation. For talking it would flash between @sprite for open mouth and grinning. The specific rate is up to you. The rate of the flipping is defined in this block of code tucked into your screen scene:

Expand Collapse Copy
    @frameskip = rand(3..7)

Expand Collapse Copy
    @sprites["background"].setBitmap("Graphics/Pictures/RotomDex/" + (@animframe==0 ? "dexbg": "dexbg_closed"))
    if @framecount>=@frameskip # Time interval to change
        @animframe=(@animframe==1) ? 0 : 1 # secondary variable
        @framecount=0 # reset
        @frameskip = (@animframe==1) ? 7 : rand(30..120) # fixed blinking time, but random time between blinks

where @frameskip defined the time between blinks and how long the blinks last, so set it to a smaller number of framers. the variable @frameskip = rand(3..7) sets the parameter on the values of @frameskip while @frameskip = (@animframe==1) ? 7 : rand(30..120) sets both the fixed blinking time and the random time interval between the blinks.

You can add any number of conditional statements to the ui to make it more interative and have a wider range of emotions. Kernal.pbMessage is also your friend in that it could be played in conjunction with rotom's talking animation which could get a little more complicated. However, I have given you a base to tinker with.

I've altered the colors and widened the base overlay for my fangame, but you can see the blinking animation here:
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