Mr. Gela submitted a new resource:
Setting up a Pokered or Pokecrystal disassembly with Cygwin and GitHub Desktop - (Windows) This isn't a tutorial on it's usage, only it's set up process.
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Setting up a Pokered or Pokecrystal disassembly with Cygwin and GitHub Desktop - (Windows) This isn't a tutorial on it's usage, only it's set up process.
What is Pokered/Pokecrystal?
They are disassembly of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Crystal. "What are disassemblies?", you might ask. Well, to make it sound simple, think of a game as a box, usually a file with a .GB or .GBC extension, right? Well, modifying the disassembly would be opening the box so that you may edit its contents. A group of people decided to "unbox" those games, so that they can...
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