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  1. LcorpOfficial

    v21.1 Easy Player Transfers 1.0

    Easy Player Transfers This plugin simply adds the ability to conveniently teleport the player from one location to another with a fade-out to black. The purpose of this script was to make map transfers via a script call easier, but also a workaround to allow for variables to be passed to the...
  2. PotatoCant

    v21.1 GameplayGifs 1.0.0

    This plugin instantly allows you to display gifs on the screen anywhere without disrupting gameplay. Usage To activate this script, just type the following with agif in the Graphics/Pictures/ folder with the same name (location can be changed in the main script file) pbShowgif("name") there...
  3. Swdfm

    v21.1 Dynamic Text Entry Screen (Search Bar)

    A slightly early Christmas present from Swdfm! This is an interface that works exactly like the Text Entry Screen (The screen where you usually enter a name), except it also has a list of options to choose from that change depending on the text input I've also added some examples of where this...
  4. Evil[Simiabraz65]

    Battlestyle Set if Hard Mode

    I want to make sure that when the player selects Hard mode with a switch, for example, the battlestyle is always set and cannot be changed. I've looked at several fangames like Anil that have this, but I don't understand how they did it. If anyone knows, I'd love to know.
  5. C

    v21.1 Changed move type display script

    here is a short script that changes the type displayed of moves affected by abilities like pixilate to their new type, the script also makes hidden power show its type. # updates move type ui based on abilities that change it. class Battle::Move def type_ui_modifiers(battler) # if...
  6. Evil[Simiabraz65]

    Battleback for Terrains

    In Pokémon Reborn, Rejuvenation, Désolation when a terrains appears the battleback change and I'm trying to do the same but i tried many things but nothing works if someone know how to do it in Essentials V20.1 i'll be thankful.
  7. rafahbit

    Idea Just dance plugin

    I'm trying to create a Just Dance mini game, but I'm having a lot of problems. The mini game would work as follows: calling pbDanceGame(ID, Speed) would start the plugin, which would open a simple interface with the sequence name and then a countdown, after which the mini game would begin. For...
  8. Tea-Rex

    v21.1 M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore) 0.4.1

    M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore) M.A.G is a large archive of old custom moves and abilities that you can just plug and play within your own game. Features Custom scripted moves & abilities Settings to change some effects of old moves & abilities Ability to submit your own moves & abilities for...
  9. Aegisthus

    Limiting Party size for an event

    Hello everyone! First of all, thanks for the help and resources. They have helped me a lot since I started developing my own game. Using v19 before, I had set up an event (a tournament) where the player had to fight against 4 trainers in a row in 2vs2 battles. The script I used made the player...