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  1. BloodyNeonz

    v21.1 Random Team Generator 1.0.0

    This is a simple plugin that starts a battle against a team that was randomly picked from a list of pre-defined Pokémon. The opponent name, class and other properties are hardcoded but it can easily be replaced by parameters as well to make it more dynamic. How to use: In your event commands...
  2. kronicrespawn

    v21.1 Minds Of Their Own 1.0.0

    Minds Of Their Own (M.O.T.O) Want to add a bit of randomness to your game? Want your pokemon to be a little less-robotic and more like the anime and manga? Personally, I have always found the bonding aspect in Pokemon games to be a bit lacking. Sure, a pokemon’s high happiness can give you...
  3. Swdfm

    v21.1 Frontier Plus + Smogon Converter 1.0.0

    Sorry? What's that? It's only another resource from your friendly neighbourhood resourceman! Is that a word? It is now! So, as much as we all love our Maruno, the PBS file for the battle frontier pokemon is... messy to say the least: WHY;ARE;THERE;SO,MANY;SEMICOLONS;AND,WHAT,IS,THE,ORDER So...
  4. Champi95

    v21.1 Battle VS Friend Code 1.0

    English Version: This script allows you to create an encrypted text file to send to your friends, enabling Pokémon battles. The Pokémon team data, including Shiny status, EV/IVs, nickname, moveset, Tera type, ability, nature, and held item, is written into the file and encrypted to prevent...
  5. Appletun's Apples

    Other Apples' Commissioned Graphics! V1.0

    Just some custom commissioned graphics AND an OW PokeBall graphic stylized after the canon 'TM Balls'. This will be updated as I get more OW commissions done! PREVIEW OF THE GRAPHICS: