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Search results

  1. ZeT0ken

    Relic Castle's 9th Anniversary

    Happy birthday RC! Thank you for being here and awesome!
  2. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Thank you for playing my game ! :D That is a very strange bug I have not noticed or had but I'll be sure to look into it for the next game!
  3. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Thank you :) means a lot ! Sorry for the late reply! It’s a “completed” jam entry. Yeah the story is def far from over ! I’m just waiting on the next winter jam to continue on :D aiming for a yearly entry!
  4. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for playing it! Yes there will be a continuous to the series. I plan to have the next part whenever the next winter jam comes out. Also I like the name Nox tbh, I went with an alternate universe kinda idea! I’ll have to see that for the future...
  5. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    No problem if you have any questions don’t be Afraid to ask :)
  6. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Here you go!
  7. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Hello I can do that for you! I'll get a link after work for ya :) Sory for the late reply!
  8. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    I’ll look into that and fix it. Thank you !
  9. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokémon Fated Destiny: The Prologue

    Sorry for the long wait but I have updated and fixed somethings like the ending cutscenes. Hope there aren't anymore bugs or softlocks. Thank you all who have been still playing my game after a year of release. Means so much!
  10. ZeT0ken

    Freelance [COMMISSION] Coding/Scripting for Pokemon Essentials

    I don't want to sound like everyone elses comment and review on Goli, but MAN! I can say this guy is amazing and works great! I was nervous at first because how great his works are with everyone else and his solo works as a nobody thinknig he has more important things to do than work on...
  11. ZeT0ken

    Resource BW Text Entry for Essentials 19.1

    Hey question if this will be updated to v20.1 ?
  12. ZeT0ken

    Short-term Looking for Coder/Scripter

    Thank you! I'll remove that from the list!
  13. ZeT0ken

    Short-term Looking for Coder/Scripter

    Yeah I can do that for you ! Just message me discord and I can zip it up and send you the stuff :)
  14. ZeT0ken

    Short-term Looking for Coder/Scripter

    Hello to anyone who is wishing to make some money for their services and talent. I am very new to really asking for help as my knowledge of coding is very little where I can not fully understand how to make scripts/plugins. Although my knowledge is limited I do come with an offer that doesn't...
  15. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokémon Fated Destiny: The Prologue

    Heh, yeah.. lol Sorry I've never used Joiplay I work on things for PC. I never really seen to look at the Joiplay side. Tho I can say for sure it does not work on that console 😅 I know someone else had that problem before! Sorry again
  16. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokémon Fated Destiny: The Prologue

    Hello there! So my question is, are you using a pc or joyplay ?
  17. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    I have updated and patch a much needed fix! Sorry that I forgot to put it in on release. Hope those who have played enjoy it!
  18. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Thank you for the feedback, I’ll be sure to try to fix the dialogue on exits. There are heal spots in every other town after the beginning town. The tutorial ? I don’t recall putting up one but I apologize for it. 😰 As for the story writing itself, I would say I’m not the best with story...
  19. ZeT0ken

    Completed Pokemon: Twisted Fate

    Hello ! Find out and see :3 I can’t give spoilers. 🖤