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Search results

  1. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    We are currently in project version 0.7.25. We've had quite a bit of modding activity, from story mods like Halcyon to creative dungeons like Wishmaker Cave. Next version will be 0.8!
  2. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    Current version is now 0.7.8, which fixes some issues with editor and secret rooms. The latest tutorials also go over how to use the random dungeon system!
  3. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    Since the last post, PMDO has been updated to 0.7.5, featuring new dungeons and mechanics such as grass and reworked assembly mechanics. Modding has been greatly expanded on with friendlier editors and descriptions. You can update by rerunning the setup program, though it's recommended you...
  4. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    Most operations for PMDCollab take place on the discord.
  5. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    I'm definitely looking to start a jam, especially since this game is a part of SkyTemple's PMDCollab project. It's planned when the tools a little more mature. I've updated the download links to be a setup installer now instead of a zip. This is to unify the build process since it's gotten...
  6. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    The PMDO Demo is now released! It features 7 dungeons- 4 that serve as the typical start of PMD and 3 which provide a taste of Zero Isle-like challenge. Enjoy! The game in its current state is also fully moddable- all editors have been implemented to the base level of usability, which can be...
  7. audino

    Completed SPEE - Super Pokemon Eevee Edition

    This game project holds a special place in my heart. I played a demo ages ago and it's wild to see this still around. As a fangame this stuck out and still sticks out with its blend of meta commentary and odd aesthetic style. It was also the first time I heard the Advent Children arrangement...
  8. audino

    Other The PMD Sprite Repository 2021-04-09

    Main Site | Raw Repo The PMD Sprite Repository is a massive collaboration effort to organize all official sprites from the DS Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, as well as custom sprites featuring Pokémon that didn't exist in the format. This is a superset of several previous resource projects...
  9. audino

    Resource The PMD Sprite Repository

    audino submitted a new resource: The PMD Sprite Repository - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Sprites+Portraits, Official and Custom, for Everyone's Hacks/Projects Read more about this resource...
  10. audino

    Released Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Origins

    DEMO: Windows x86 | Windows x64 | Mac | Linux Discord | Wiki Credits: Base: Audino Code/Script: PsyCommando AntyMew Palika Parakoopa Rev Trio~ Rings Buwwet Graphics/Music: MusicalCombusken SilverDeoxys563 Fable Lurils Rao Kurai Skelothan Chi Lovi Zefa Reppamon +2...
  11. audino

    Other Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Portraits - Shiny 2020-02-28

    This is a download to a complete collection of shiny Pokemon portraits recolored from spritesheets ripped from PMD2, including all emotes.
  12. audino

    Resource Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Portraits - Shiny

    audino submitted a new resource: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Portraits - Shiny - Shiny-colored portraits of all Pokemon up to PMD2 with emotes Read more about this resource...
  13. audino

    Resource Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Shiny Pokemon with Animations

    audino updated Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Shiny Pokemon with Animations with a new update entry: Fix for multi-form Pokemon Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. audino

    Other Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Shiny Pokemon with Animations - Fix for multi-form Pokemon

    Fixed shiny sprites on multi-form Pokemon. Ex. Gendered Pokemon, Unown, Shaymin, etc.
  15. audino

    Resource Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Shiny Pokemon with Animations

    audino submitted a new resource: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Shiny Pokemon with Animations - All PMD sprites, recolored to be shiny Read more about this resource...
  16. audino

    Other Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Shiny Pokemon with Animations 2019-12-24

    This is a download to a complete collection of shiny Pokemon sprites recolored from spritesheets ripped from PMD2. It follows the same pattern as the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Full Animation Rip, detailed in the link: https://www.reliccastle.com/resources/83/ These animations are currently...
  17. audino

    COMING SOON: Relic Castle Game Jam #3

    I'm going to take this opportunity to unwind from my main project and run with it.
  18. audino

    Animations Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Full Animation Rip 2017-05-26

    This is a download to sprite data ripped from PMD EoS, with animation data. This rip is more complete than pokemon sheets found in Spriter's Resource, etc due to being extracted directly from the game. If parsed correctly, will yield animated PMD sprites completely identical to those of PMD...
  19. audino

    Resource Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Full Animation Rip

    audino submitted a new resource: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Full Animation Rip - PMD Sprites, fully animated, straight from the game. Read more about this resource...