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Search results

  1. B

    Resource Move Generator

    Is it also compatible with version 19?
  2. B

    Tutorial XVLauncher - Setup Guide and Customization

    I inserted the game folder, changed the entries in the settings with visual studio, I go to github desktop and I push, but on gitlab the changes made do not appear
  3. B

    Tutorial XVLauncher - Setup Guide and Customization

    Sorry, I don't understand where the folder containing the game should be put, I just place the entire pokemon essentials folder inside the launcher folder? To then upload everything to gitlab via desktop github?
  4. B

    Resource HGSS Trainer Card Scene

    hi I would like to understand how to add personal strings by modifying the game_variable, I would like to insert the captured shiny pokemon
  5. B

    XVLauncher help

    My question arises from this thread, I saw and downloaded the files but I cannot understand how to apply my game and still today there is no guide, I was hoping that someone outside Italy would have manoeuvred us with Ahahha
  6. B

    XVLauncher help

    Hi, does anyone happen to know how to change the XVLauncher launcher to implement their own fan game?
  7. B

    Resource Essentials Update Assistant

    But to use it, do you just put the script in the editor, or do you need to use some script command written in the game to verify the updates? And it works on 17,2?
  8. B

    Resource Modular Pause Menu

    I would like to modify the modular pause menu, and make it circular, how can I do?