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Search results

  1. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Resource Effort Levels System

    Is this compatible with trainers? Or only for the player's Pokemon?
  2. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    I downloaded v1.05 and while the in-depth display works, on the dex entry part, the Pokémon's sprite does not show up.
  3. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Released Pokémon Spectrum

    The Team Anonymous theme is the volcano/magma stage theme from Pokemon Rumble Blast. I just found out it was btw. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o48aDvCykA
  4. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Xenoverse: Ordem et Chaos - A (Pokemon) Xenoverse: Per Aspera Ad Astra enhancement mod

    Curious, but by "scrapped" Pokemon, do you mean the betamons from Gens 1 and 2 (like Kotora)? Or do you mean scrapped Pokemon from Xenoverse, like this evo line.
  5. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Freelance {COMMISSION} Region Map

    https://discord.gg/TngZwm9Xd3 I'd be interested! Here's the link to the discord for Pokemon Elementals. I have to go to sleep now, but I'll respond as soon as I can.
  6. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Resource Customizable Battle UI

    How did you get the full-body backsprites in v21?
  7. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    Bump (sugimori artist and maybe also composer extremely important!)
  8. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Freelance closed comissions

    Hello, I'm the main dev of Pokemon Elementals, and your fakemon sprites definitely look good! Here's the link to the discord if interested https://discord.gg/7UmruTYZ
  9. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    We need another sugi artist for fakemon, since our current one had to leave due to being busy with irl stuff (seems to be permanent since their DM made it seem that way). This is very important.
  10. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Resource Manually Allocate EVs

    At first, the script was running fine, but for some reason when I pressed Z the stats screen wouldn't switch and just play the cry like normal. When I copied and pasted the part of the script that says to copy into the UI Summary, I did that and that still didn't work. But for some reason...
  11. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    Vastorian Skitty has been updated! Credit to ZEEKtastic.
  12. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    A major announcement! A 2 gym demo of Elementals will be released sometime this Spring! There will be a lot of placeholders, so be prepared for that. There will be two versions! A version with the level caps, and one without.
  13. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    Here's some gameplay of the first Team Bio encounter! All of the sprites are placeholders btw.
  14. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    Shroomini has been redesigned, and here are its evolutions, Shroomette and Serashroom. At Level 15 (this will be a pre-Gym 1 mon), Shroomini evolves into Shroomette, and then into Serashroom at Level 34.
  15. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Recruiting Recruiting for Pokemon Elementals

    Really just making a few new abilities and trying to make Bug types immune to Sticky Web's speed drop. Also maybe downgrading a plugin from v20.1 to make it compatible with v19.1 (the v19.1 version is discontinued for some reason).
  16. AwesomeToadUltimate

    Freelance Composer looking for cool projects!

    Hello! I'm working on Pokemon Elementals, and I already have a composer, but having another one would work well to help split the themes a bit. Could you do overworld themes, with some battle themes too (some have already been made, like evil team grunt theme, rival theme, and wild battle theme...