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Search results

  1. G

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    I tried this plugin but in this plugin you have to create super shiny sprites. I want them to change colour automatically like this hue option. So what I want is how to apply this feature under super shiny category.
  2. G

    Resource Pokémon Color Variants

    Hello!! I am going to say it is an excellent resource. But want to ask how I should make it work like the color change only when the pokemon is super shiny ?
  3. G

    Resource DexNav UI

    Hi phantombass i like this script very much, it's easy to use and has good features one thing I don't like is its ui . You know it's very simple and not that good. I suggest you to make good Ui like this one https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=417398 thank you.
  4. G

    Resource Survival Mode Script

    I have a question what if we want to display these stats in luka modular menu how will i do it.
  5. G

    Resource Pokémon Sword and Shield Type icons

    Hi can you plz also add shadow type
  6. G

    Resource ORAS/XY themed battle backgrounds for EBDX

    Here - https://www.mediafire.com/file/x0d1ltgrkryzxhi/Battlebacks.zip/file
  7. G

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Ok , Hi Golisopod User, I'm not talking about map, Pokegear I'm telling adding custom one . and the error it's not a kinda any error, but a graphical issue i have unlocked all things in the menu pokedex, gear , map then I have added an egg Hatcher . So what happening, is all menus are...
  8. G

    Resource v19.1 Hotfixes plugin

    Pls Fix Overworld Lag ( AMD issue )
  9. G

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    HI, Voltseon. I want to add custom things in the menu like map, pokegear ( which is in the game). any help i try adding but its a graphical error
  10. G

    Resource Vendily's Evolve During Battle

    Hi, I used this script on pokecommunity. https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=443637 It works for me on 18.1
  11. G

    Resource Radial Menu - v19

    If we want to add custom thing to menu then how
  12. G

    Entertainment Word Snake

  13. G

    Entertainment Word Snake

  14. G

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    So now the script works fine with Marin Pokeride
  15. G

    Resource Terrain Tag Side Stairs

    Also plz keep the 18.1 v script
  16. G

    Resource SomerCatching Tutorial Script

    Excellent script but why you are not making scripts with Pokemon Essentials 18.1 and 19. Btw Very great work
  17. G

    Resource Chapters plugin

    It is good because I have to make everytime a new one but with this it is easier.Thanks
  18. G

    Resource Free to Use Mega Evolutions

    Thank You. I want to have Many Mega Pokemon in my game. I love that you are sharing sprites with other.Also I was searching for gmax sprite for some pokemon I can use one of these. Do you will update the resource adding more. BTW Thanks Again