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Search results

  1. Shonga

    Resource RSE Style Trainer Card

    Hi! I was wondering if you had any plans to possibly update this to be compatible with the new versions of Pokemon Essentials?
  2. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    Okay sweet so I've managed to narrow down the issue to the fact that if the Pokemon does not have a full moveset, the game will not allow you to choose any attacking moves. I have no clue why this causes the issue, but I have finally narrowed it down to this. I have done multiple tests with...
  3. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    This is so weird, the issue only arises when the Pokemon is given through what appears to be in the starter format. I gave myself a bubasaur and had it at level 100, choosing a move worked fine, however when I got a bulbasaur from the starter event in base essentials, the error appeared
  4. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    me too, however if the name was wrong then wouldn't the Pokemon not appear at all? I'll continue some testing to see if the name is the issue
  5. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    Okay so the issue isn't the starter moves, but the fact that they're a starter Pokemon? I tried with bulbasaur at all different levels, I removed all of its starting moves one by one and it still would pop up with the issue. I'm not sure what the problem is because I'm having no problems with celebi
  6. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    Yeah I was using v21 at first still ran into the issue so I did some more testing, seems it has a problem with starter mons or moves like tackle or growl still testing rn. I used the celebi that given to you as a tester mon and I didn't have the issue, but when I grabbed a starter bulbasaur or...
  7. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    Hmm I'm still running into the issue, even with a fresh install of the plugin and a fresh install of Pokemon Essentials I have absolutely no idea what could even be leading to this issue.
  8. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    sadly this issue did not occur prior to having the plugin installed.
  9. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    Okay thank you, will update if the issue persists, thank you for the help!
  10. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    It happens when I try to select a move in a base trainer battle. I’m not sure what I’ve done differently to cause this issue. I’m using v21 with the hot fixes and the frlg summary screen, however this issue was appearing even before I had the summary screen plugin.
  11. Shonga

    Resource FRLG Battle UI

    Hi, I keep running into this problem. I implemented the fix from the replied to post, but this problem continues to persist, I'm not sure what the issue is.
  12. Shonga

    Resource Accurate FRLG-style NPC Megapack

    Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post this. But one small bit of feedback I have for your Gen 3 styled OW sprites is pixel density consistency. On a couple of your sprites I notice you use 1x1 pixels when everything is in 2x2. It (in my opinion) brings the quality down of these...
  13. Shonga

    Recruiting Pokémon: Contingency

    Bump! Still being worked on, finally decided to update this post!
  14. Shonga

    Recruiting Pokémon: Contingency

    Bump! Recently worked on some new things, yet we still need people to help us out.
  15. Shonga

    Recruiting Pokémon: Contingency

    Thank you so much. I didnt notice that it was on my image and not within my message itself. I feel like such a klutz only noticing it now haha.
  16. Shonga

    Recruiting Pokémon: Contingency

    Pokémon: Contingency "Welcome to the world of Pokémon!" "Pokémon: Contingency" is a fangame inspired by the works of twitter artists @/RhymeWithRay, @/00_Homura, and @/Scruffyturtles (please check out their work if you have not, it...