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Search results

  1. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    This error usually happens when the Wild difficulty variable (number 100 by default) is not initiated properly, or its value is changed by some other method. In this case, I believe this variable might be used in another place in your game since its value in the error message is an array. You...
  2. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    You can add AutomaticLevelScaling.setNewLevel(pkmn) (before teaching the new moves and after creating the new pokemon) to scale it according to the current settings. You could also use AutomaticLevelScaling.getScaledLevel in the level parameter (like this: Pokemon.new(:SHAYMIN...
  3. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Hello, thank you for the appreciation. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to make a difficulty as you described in the 002_Settings.rb file because the highest level and the scaled party level are not constant values. However, I found a way to implement this feature in the :on_trainer_load...
  4. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Oh, yes, there's no global setting for update_moves, because you'll probably prefer to let the plugin define moves in at least some scenarios, like with wild pokemon, because you can't set their moves manually in the PBS and it could be weird seeing them using weaker moves when they are already...
  5. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    I would also like to add, for current users of the plugin, that in a future update (which would come with the need to fix some issues or implement a new feature and not right away), I will probably change the name of some of the settings and methods so that they can be a little bit more...
  6. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    There are multiple possible causes for this problem, I'll list some of them. Parameter names seem to be written without the _ between words, which would cause a syntax error. I see you change the difficulty before changing settings with setSettings, if you're not doing this for a specific...
  7. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Thank you for reporting the issue, even if you can avoid it, it can always help other people. I tried testing the conditions you described and the script seemed to work just fine, avoiding the slowking evolution even when it was provided directly in the PBS, with INCLUDE_NON_NATURAL_METHODS...
  8. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    The problem might be related to the order in which commands are set up. You should use the setSettings function before the specific battle you want to change settings and disable settings afterward if you're not using the temporary setting. If you changed the INCLUDE_NEXT_STAGES setting to...
  9. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    setTemporarySetting uses camelCase for parameters and setSettings uses underscore_case. So, please write proportional_scaling and only_scale_if_higher when using setSettings.
  10. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    It should be working, no other additional steps are necessary. Try recompiling the game by pressing control while it loads, also check if you are running the event before the fight starts. Those are some common problems during setup, but if it doesn't work, I would need some more information to...
  11. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    I tested the code you provided, and it seemed to work fine. Can you describe what you are trying to do and what is actually happening in more detail? Just for clarification, include_previous_stages is true by default, unless changed in 002_Settings.rb. If it's set to false, pokemon will not go...
  12. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    No problem, don't worry, I'm happy to help.
  13. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    To use moves defined in the PBS instead of automatically selected, you need to call AutomaticLevelScaling.setTemporarySetting("updateMoves", false) before the trainer battle. I tested using regional forms and it worked fine, the form defined in the PBS was the one selected by the plugin. Maybe...
  14. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    A lot of very significant changes were made in the last few days, please report any bugs you may find. Also, thank you for all the suggestions!
  15. Benitex

    v21.1 Automatic Level Scaling - Add the includeNextStages setting, update natural methods evolutions and more

    Add evolution level for all natural evolution methods. If there's more than one natural evolution with different levels, the lowest level is considered for all evolutions (I don't think this ever happens among all pokemon up to this point). If INCLUDE_NON_NATURAL_EVOLUTIONS is false, now natural...
  16. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Benitex updated Automatic Level Scaling with a new update entry: Add the includeNextStages setting, update natural methods evolutions and more Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    This feature is not implemented yet, but I think your idea is great. I also managed to find a way to evolve pokemon with level-up methods and specific conditions ignoring their conditions. Both features will be added in the next update.
  18. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Yeah, time-dependent evolutions can be a little weird, I didn't change the way they work. I think it's up to each one to decide if they should include them as natural or not. In my opinion, they can bring a little bit more variety, but maybe someone would prefer to remove them from the array for...
  19. Benitex

    v21.1 Automatic Level Scaling - Add include_non_natural_evolutions setting and update regional forms implementation

    Pokemon with regional forms finally evolve using their default evolution methods instead of the default evolution levels. The POKEMON_WITH_REGIONAL_FORMS array is not necessary anymore (no bugs would happen if you include it by accident either). Like pokemon with multiple evolutions, if you...
  20. Benitex

    Resource Automatic Level Scaling

    Benitex updated Automatic Level Scaling with a new update entry: Add include_non_natural_evolutions setting and update regional forms implementation Read the rest of this update entry...