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Search results

  1. R

    Resource Voltseon's Overworld Encounters

    the plugin worked in version 21.1, but I'm using another plugin, which would be Automatic Level Scaling, but when I interact with a pokemon that appeared in the overworld, its level continues to be that of pbs and is not being scaled. Does anyone happen to know how to make it so that when...
  2. R

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    Can you send me your entire Achievement_Triggers file so I can take a look? I'm half blind and just looking at the photo of the error I can't see almost anything hahahahah Or, just copy this section here again and put it in Achievement_Triggers class Battle alias achieve_pbMegaEvolve...
  3. R

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    Are you using the Deluxe battle kit plugins? because the error says that it did not find "terastallize" in the existing scripts, you need to have the dbk terastal plugin for this, the same for dynamax and zmove, I think I didn't include this information when I posted XD
  4. R

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    For those who have a problem with the menu being too fast in version 21.1, I have a solution: I changed the "VoltseonMenu_menu" script. in between: "def shift_cursor(direction)" "recalc_icon_positions" replace the code with this: def shift_cursor(direction) return false if @entries.length...
  5. R

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    I'm using v 21.1 anyway. But thank you very, very much. The gmaxmoves I planned are specific to Infernape and Serperior, I'm still tinkering with them to create different effects, but if I manage to do it correctly I'll share it, yes. Again, you helped me a lot, a lot.
  6. R

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    I loved all the animations, I'm already adding them to my game, a very well done job. but I wanted some help, I'm a bit blind and it's very difficult for me to use the animation editor to look for something, I wanted to know if there is a file with the animation number and name so I can look...
  7. R

    Tutorial Water current/ treadmills for Essentials v21.1

    My God, sorry, I swore I had replied to you again talking about how to fix the bug but only mentioning in the tutorial that this exists. I'm sorry, I hope everything is ok now
  8. R

    Tutorial Water current/ treadmills for Essentials v21.1

    I can't explain this bug, the current you placed was on top of a layer of water with the surf tag? Or was it placed as the first layer? the autotile is Anyway, I tested all possibilities and the bug didn't happen, maybe it's the plugin. unable to make a plugin that would work properly, perhaps...
  9. R

    Tutorial Water current/ treadmills for Essentials v21.1

    I need to check this in my game, but I believe it needs a line similar to staying good surfing after a battle. I'll check this later, and if I find a solution I'll come back here.
  10. R

    v21.1 Water current/ treadmills for Essentials v21.1

    It is possible to find how to make water currents in version 20 and 20.1, but it does not work properly in version v21.1, I made the changes about a few months ago in the original post, but many may not have seen it. So I bring here the updated tutorial. The mat part is optional, I left it...
  11. R

    Tutorial Water current/ treadmills for Essentials v21.1

    rafahbit submitted a new resource: Water current for Essentials v21.1 - Water current Read more about this resource...
  12. R

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Hello Trainers, I use the Mega MewThree achievement system and recently I created a method so that the system would understand every time a dynamax, gigantamax, terastal or z-move was used, increasing the progress of the achievement by 1 every time it was used. , so far I haven't had any...
  13. R

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    I modified Achievement_Triggers a little so that I could identify the use of: Dynamax, gigantamax, terastal and z-moves from the Deluxe battle kit plugins but it is necessary to add the respective achievements to be updated by the modifications in the Achievement_Module, they are: Don't forget...
  14. R

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    I will give an example of my project. I added the achievements "charms progress", where there are goals to achieve, being [5,10,15,20,25,30, and every time I added a charm, I called the script: Achievements.incrementProgress("CHARMS_PROGRESS", 1) , where I said which achievement it was supposed...
  15. R

    Resource [v12+] Set the Controls Screen

    Thank you very much, I just added your options plugin and it worked correctly, I use the quick save and delta speed up plugin, which use aux1 and aux2, I'm trying to make the control script recognize the changes, but it's causing conflict, if I put it to change, even though I don't change it in...
  16. R

    Resource [v12+] Set the Controls Screen

    Is there any way to make the plugin open in the options instead of the pause menu in version v21.1? I tried to make the adjustments I saw in the discussions but they didn't work
  17. R

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Everything was fine, the graphics were configured. find out the problem, the pla-Effort Levels plugin was bugging other plugins I had, like gigantamax, and the map, I have no idea why, I just deleted it and everything went back to normal, thank you very much :)
  18. R

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    The problem was the pla-effort levels plugin, it was preventing gmaxmove from appearing, I just deleted it and it worked normally.
  19. R

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    I don't know what's happening, it seems that the plugin wasn't installed correctly, I tried about 3 times, in addition to the quests not appearing on the map, the player's location doesn't appear and I can't switch between modes. But this isn't the only plugin I'm having this problem with, the...
  20. R

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    The quest didn't work, but I'm still going to use the plugin, as it doesn't cause any problems. In fact, I always wanted my map to be bigger and now I can do that easily. :)