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Search results

  1. G

    Released Dimension Defender

    I was in the forest north of the coastal village when this suddenly happened. I literally was just walking. I didn't even open the menu. I genuinely don't know what caused it.
  2. G

    Released Pokémon Estelar

    I haven't played much yet, but I love it so far! The designs of the pokemon are great! I can't wait for a full release.
  3. G

    Released Pokémon Terrarium

    Many thanks! Sadly, the link doesn't appear to be working. It says it's no longer available.
  4. G

    Released Pokémon Terrarium

    I did check porygon, as I saw it had a skills option. Sadly, it only had fly. I evolved it hoping that would unlock more, but now the skills option is gone.
  5. G

    Released Pokémon Terrarium

    So far, I think this game is really neat! I am loving the designs of the starters I am making. I hope I get to see them in a future project, because they are just delightful. However, at the moment, I am a little stuck. I need both cut and rock smash to get two orbs I need, but I have neither. I...
  6. G

    Completed Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita (New Version OUT NOW; ENG/GER)

    I'm so sorry. I didn't see that. I must have missed it. Thank you.
  7. G

    Completed Pokémon: Chaos in Vesita (New Version OUT NOW; ENG/GER)

    I think there is something wrong with my game. It's not recognizing that I have the badge for surf. I think it has to do with me updating my game. I hadn't played it in a few weeks, so my save game is from an old version. I don't remember the number, but the fennekin line wasn't changed if that...
  8. G

    Released Pokémon Libertas (v 1.8.0)

    I felt the need to report this as a bug asap. I just made it to Ike Town (I hope I spelled that right). The lag in this town is incredibly bad. I don't know if it's because of something with the town itself, or the berries I planted. I'm leaning towards the berries because the lag only got worse...
  9. G

    Completed Pokémon Nightmare

    I really like this game so far! I think it's a great time. I do think I have noticed one bug/typo, though. Honestly, I am not sure how to classify it. A feature that I have really appreciated is being able to see evolution methods in the pokedex. Sadly, you can't really do this with Togetic. The...
  10. G

    Released Pokémon: Kanto Reloaded (Now in Open Beta)

    That's awesome to hear! Thank you for keeping up on this.
  11. G

    Released Pokémon: Kanto Reloaded (Now in Open Beta)

    I'm loving this game so far! It's a very refreshing take on Kanto. Sadly, I have encountered a bug. I don't know what's happening to cause it. I am at Cerulean Cape, about to fight the admin. It goes through the battle intro animation and then boom, a script error. The game crashes immediately...
  12. G

    Released Pokémon: Mauve (UPDATE: [ENG/FRA]

    So far, i'm really digging this game! I do want to ask if there is a way to turn off experience being shared, though. I wasn't bothered by it until a certain part of the game (which I won't spoil) where you can't put a certain pokemon in the pc. I like playing with my pokemon very close to the...
  13. G

    Completed Pokémon Dregs

    I honestly thoroughly enjoyed this game, and am very excited for the full release! This game posed an interesting challenge that never felt unfair. Getting to use pokemon I never have before was also just a fun experience. It felt like my team were out to prove a point that they weren't...
  14. G

    Released (Open World) Pokémon Return To Blaze And Blades Demo

    Hello! I am having issues getting the game to start. I'm worried something is wrong with the download. Is there a way to fix this?
  15. G

    Completed Pokémon Containment

    In the very beginning, during the dr. Morello fight, I have tried switching out to beheeyem to get the toxic off right away. This for some reason causes porygon-z's health to drop to 1. I don't know if this is an ability or something, but it feels like a bug to me. I wanna experience this game...
  16. G

    Released The Last Nurse Joy

    I can't remember sadly. I left the game window for a moment to check discord or something, and when I came back the text started messing up. I do remember being in the upper area of the backroom. I might have been on the left side of that area checking something, but i'm not positive. The text...
  17. G

    Released The Last Nurse Joy

    I have encountered quite the bug in my playthrough, but I have no clue what caused it. It occurred during the pikachu event. First, I noticed that the text was all pushed up. Then I suddenly was able to walk through not only the walls, but everything. Because the exit doesn't work anymore, I...
  18. G

    Released Pokémon Splice

    I just started this game, and I think I shall be playing it for a while. However, i'm not sure if it's just my laptop or what, but it is very laggy and moving can be super slow. I'm not sure if there is a way to fix this, but I figured it would be worth mentioning at least.
  19. G

    Released Pokémon Ashen Frost [Case 20 + Revamp]

    Thank you very much!
  20. G

    Released Pokémon Ashen Frost [Case 20 + Revamp]

    I have to say that I adore every bit of this game. The music, style, and quality are just incredible, but it also feels amazing to play. I do have a question, though. I looked through all the item documents, but I couldn't find out where to get the prism scale. Apologies if this has been...