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Search results

  1. Swdfm

    GUI Basic Dark Mode 1.0.0

    Are your eyes as depressingly pathetic and light sensitive as mine? Do you feel like you are going to crumble every time a white flash comes up on the screen? Perhaps you like developing fangames in a dark environment, or have had one of your team complaining about eye strain problems? Maybe you...
  2. Swdfm

    Resource Basic Dark Mode

    Swdfm submitted a new resource: Basic Dark Mode - Dark Mode for Vanilla Essentials and your project! Read more about this resource...
  3. Swdfm

    Recruiting Pokémon Radiant DX Recruitment!

    We are recruiting for: Pokémon Radiant DX! A brief summary of the game: Features: This project uses RPG Maker XP, and Pokémon Essentials Version 21. Who are we looking for? Pics: Credits (As of A.1.0) Credits: Following Pokémon: Gen 9 Project Overworld Encounters Voltseon Elite...
  4. Swdfm

    Resource Overworld Swimming Sprites!

    Thanks for pointing this out. I'll see if I can get an update out in the next few days.
  5. Swdfm

    Overworlds Overworld Swimming Sprites! 2

    Hello everyone! I've got a lovely new resource for you! Have your overworld Pokémon gained Biblical powers, and are able to seemlessly walk on water? Well, mine did, and I think it looked a bit odd. So I gave all the Pokémon some swimming lessons, and now we have: Overworld Swimming Sprites...
  6. Swdfm

    Resource Overworld Swimming Sprites!

    Swdfm submitted a new resource: Overworld Swimming Sprites! - Overworld sprites of Pokémon, but swimming! Read more about this resource...
  7. Swdfm

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    Thanks. I'll make sure to credit you on the next update!
  8. Swdfm

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    I'll have a look on Unbound and see how it works. Quite surprsed this has not been done before if someone already figured out how to do it! The "bug" is more of a necessary evil. I tried to get it to work normally, but it just would not work. I'll take another look at it
  9. Swdfm

    v21.1 Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21) - Day 1 Patch/Updates

    Added some more options to SETTINGS page. Added detailed descriptions for everything in SETTINGS page Changed default co-ordinates so that Pokemon don't clash with one another in vanilla Essentials. Slightly moved level text so it doesn't overlap with bar Fixed an erroneous line in one of the...
  10. Swdfm

    Resource Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21)

    Swdfm updated Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21) with a new update entry: Day 1 Patch/Updates Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Swdfm

    Resource Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21)

    Thanks for pointing out the Line 10 error. All very good criticisms that I will correct in due course. You're really keeping me on my toes, and that's fine!
  12. Swdfm

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    @wrigty12 @REALMUGEN @SomebodyRandom @Jangajinx Sorry, I didn't see any of these replies until just now! Apologies! New download link up fixing almost all of the issues raised. The Pokemon disappearing is part of the design, but I am happy to not have that be the case. The easiest way would...
  13. Swdfm

    v21.1 Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21) 2023-07-21

    Hello! I'm back with another script! Introducing Multiple Exp Panel! You know in the newer games, when your party get experience all at once, a nice little pop up graphic shows up, and it shows the bars filling up, and the level going ping, and all that fancy stuff? In Base Essentials, we...
  14. Swdfm

    Resource Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21)

    Swdfm submitted a new resource: Multiple Exp Panel! (v20 + 21) - Shows panel of whole party gaining experience Read more about this resource...
  15. Swdfm

    v21.1 Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)! 2023-07-07

    So, I was wanting to add some add/adapt multiple movement in sotrage scripts from one of my fangames to another, and then I realised that I might as well make the script public, update it, and add a few features to it. Introducing: Storage System Utilities! A useful small plugin that allows...
  16. Swdfm

    Resource Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)!

    Swdfm submitted a new resource: Storage System Utilities (v20 + v21)! - A Script For Storage that allows for Multiple Movement, Mass Release and Swapping Boxes Read more about this resource...
  17. Swdfm

    Completed Pokémon Radiant Version!

    Introducing: Pokémon Radiant Version! Pokémon Radiant Version is a fangame developed by Swdfm, using Pokémon Essentials and RPG Maker XP. Version 4.1: HERE Pokémon Radiant Version is based in the Liberti Region, a large and diverse region based off South Africa. Your character starts off in a...
  18. Swdfm

    Entertainment Word Snake
