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Search results

  1. KennyCatches

    Pokémon Reloaded: Battles with Real-Time Combat!

    Tired of slow turn-based Pokémon battles? Want to experience gameplay that's fresh and fast-paced? Then Pokémon Reloaded is for you! Pokémon Reloaded is a Spanish fangame (playable in English) by FER, that has been in development for over 15 years using Game Maker. Unlike traditional Pokémon...
  2. KennyCatches

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Another plot please! Thanks!
  3. KennyCatches

    Missing Images Request Form

    Username: KennyCatches Thread: https://eeveeexpo.com/a-farfetchd-story/ Attachment IDs: 8844, 8843 I also accidentally deleted my screenshots attachment, if you could find that too that would be great (if it's even still there). Thread: https://eeveeexpo.com/threads/6651/ Attachment IDs...
  4. KennyCatches

    Released NOT Pokémon: Misty Orange Demo

    This game was absolutely amazing! I laughed so much throughout the entire experience. The quality of the art, animations, humor, and all the little details made every moment incredibly enjoyable. Even the most troll moments (like the Metapod fight, long hallways, and all the walking back and...
  5. KennyCatches

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    I don't know what you're talking about they look fine to me 🌲😉
  6. KennyCatches

    what about your clone @Voltseon? does he have a belly button

    what about your clone @Voltseon? does he have a belly button
  7. KennyCatches

    @Tomix9tomix, did you find the answer to this?

    @Tomix9tomix, did you find the answer to this?
  8. KennyCatches

    Released Pokemon Diadem Chapter 1: In The Rough | New Rebornlike Fangame

    Solid demo! I enjoyed all aspects of the game, from the captivating octopath traveler music to the stunning sprite and tilework! The gameplay had a good balance; even though the first crest battle was challenging, finding a strategy was satisfying (I still can't believe Pineco was my wincon)...
  9. KennyCatches

    Do clones get belly buttons?

    Do clones get belly buttons?
  10. KennyCatches

    PokéRogue's Rise to Greatness

    It's amazing seeing the massive growth of Pokerogue! I was addicted to the daily runs for weeks after seeing it on the EE Twitter. Could never beat Eevee Expo's highscores though... 😅
  11. KennyCatches


  12. KennyCatches

    Completed Pokémon: A Farfetch'd Story

    Yoo thanks so much for playin!
  13. KennyCatches

    In Development PokéPark Fishing Rally 3D Unity [Unity Engine]

    Hey there! I streamed the tech demo today, you can watch the video here - View: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2090331517 Overall, a very cool concept! The fishing mechanics were implemented well and I was especially impressed with the graphics and animations. Very interested to see how this...
  14. KennyCatches

    In Development Pokémon: A Farfetch'd Story II (In Development)

    March 2024 Update A new trailer for the game was featured in Eevee Expo 3! As shown in the footage, A Farfetch'd Story II will release in late 2024. I will post updates throughout this year on my twitter. I hope you look forward to the game! 🦆
  15. KennyCatches

    why is it called pegging then

    why is it called pegging then
  16. KennyCatches

    Relic Castle's 9th Anniversary

    hop on pivot
  17. KennyCatches

    Game Jam The Insert Name Jam! Occurring 1/5/24-2/9/24

    The Jam has started! The theme is: ☀️❄️SEASONS🍃🍂 For more info, please go to the website here: https://www.insertnamejam.com/