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Search results

  1. G

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Thank you very much for putting out this update. I was so hesitant to start porting my game to v20 because of follow Pokémon. The v20 update works great. You guys rock!
  2. G

    Resource Trade Item for Pokemon (Event)

    Hey there, I have been trying to implement this into my game, but am running into an issue which I'm pretty sure is the following script "Conditional Branch: Script: pbSet(2,pbGetPokemon(1).species,PBSpecies,:PIKACHU)" Not sure what I am doing incorrectly, but any advise would be appreciated...
  3. G

    Released Pokémon Corrupt: Reveal the Truth

    Update!! I uploaded it to Mega, so now it should be good to go. Thanks for pointing that out. Let me know what you think of the game!!
  4. G

    Released Pokémon Corrupt: Reveal the Truth

    Ok thanks for letting me know! I'll look into it.
  5. G

    Released Pokémon Corrupt: Reveal the Truth

    Game Title: Pokémon Corrupt Demo up to 5th gym to be released June 12th!!! Description: Welcome to the Thuyno Region (pronounced Twee-no). A diverse Isthmus region divided by a vast river system coming from the North. Two massive coastal cities along with smaller villages and towns in between...