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Search results

  1. Rashi

    Entertainment I BAN U -- NO U Game!

    Banned for also having a trainer in your icon
  2. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  3. Rashi

    Discussion when did you get into pokemon

    I am from India and Nintendo isn't here. Pokemon is mainly known here for anime. I just got into it through it just by knowing the anime. Playing old ones through emulators. Personally, on 2019, I had been dealing with stress. So I thought of coming into something I loved when I was younger...
  4. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  5. Rashi

    The Legality of Fangames

    Fan games are made for love of the games. Maybe it's because fan games can encourage people to use pokemon goods as criminals. I mean if Nintendo dosen't bans popular fan games, that are even known to people who don't know about fan games nor the original game, will definitely make people to...
  6. Rashi

    Relic Castle Anniversary

    I have been here for 2 years but I haven't been much active because of my social skills, and didn't even visited this site this year. But despite that, it was still fun. I got a lot of amazing games to play in especially from jams. Without being here, I would never got them. It was the first...
  7. Rashi

    Recruiting ZER0 (Visual Novel)

    Heyo, I am interested! Sent you a friend request on Discord.
  8. Rashi

    Map Feedback on making Route maps

    Hi! Here's a route I made long ago for fun. I would like to learn how to make better routes through feedbacks from this one.
  9. Rashi

    What's your most ambitious idea for your fangame you fear Essentials might not be able to do?

    I have thought of making a lot of new changes and features as I will love to have in a Pokemon game. They feel like essentials can't do it but I think it's mainly because my skill of programming. One of them is making battles more fun and try adding something more to it that brings more...
  10. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  11. Rashi

    hellow there👋

    hellow there👋
  12. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  13. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  14. Rashi

    Game Jam Winter Game Jam 2: Recruitment

    [Volunteering] Expertise: Mapping, Testing Examples of Work: Method of Contact: TheMichel#0556 in Discord! Or just here. Timezone: GMT+5:30 Additional Information: This is the first time I'm volunteering. Would love to work on a Jam project.
  15. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  16. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  17. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  18. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake

  19. Rashi

    Entertainment Word Snake
