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Search results

  1. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokémon Apathy

    Really enjoying your game so far, it has such a wonderful attention to details, music and you nicely made it to keep me hooked to the story and solving what's up with that meteorite that's totally not interesting or important. ^o^ I discovered some errors with the scripts that I wanted to let...
  2. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Tempo Rising

    I think I'm through with the current version as I explored everything that's accessible and can't find any more sources of inspiration for my Meloetta, and I really enjoyed the ride! +Watch, looking forward to see more content added at some point, it's amazing to see what a GameJam can get...
  3. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Tempo Rising

    Progressed a little today, and I'm really liking where this Game is going so far! You did a great job on this. I came across some errors that'd appreciate some fixing in further updates: Now for something positive among all these nasty bugs:
  4. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokémon Daycare

    I appreciate all these patches you're bringing up, as they so nicely add to the experience of being a Pokemon Breeder for real, nice work!
  5. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Tempo Rising

    Yes, I respawned at the gatehouse connecting Mythedge Village with Mambedge Route in front of the nurse located there.
  6. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Tempo Rising

    Picked this up because I have a soft spot for Gen.5's artstyle, and I'm enjoying it a lot so far! Custom Music is very appreciated, it gives the whole Game a fresh feeling. Sam goes with all the small details Tomix mentioned above already, I couldn't help but to laugh as those Farbeagle painted...
  7. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokémon Heritage

    Yes, adding the folder withe OGG-Files has solved everything, thank you so sooo much! I have no idea what's been wrong, but it's working now and I can start playing. ^0^
  8. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokémon Heritage

    Done a bit researching, and found out that I can play every file itself all normally when opening it. That, if the Game's music an OGG.file, it plays all normally in-game, not so however if it's an MID. or MP3.file.
  9. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokemon Lifeless

    Hmm, I've tried around and the following things let the game run smoother to me: Setting my laptop on peak performance solely while playing as it's otherwise draining the battery massively Closing all other running applicances, including Discord and the Internet Browser Turning on/off Smooth...
  10. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokémon Heritage

    Hey Aldo, I found a more or less small issue: Downloaded and started the game, but there's no music despite I tried several things: Differwnt headphones, setting the in-game volume on max, redownloading completely and downloading the Audio folder seperately to add it to the Game folder manually...
  11. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokemon Lifeless

    A curious game that I had to download!~ It's laggy for me though, or is that just my feeling and you made everything go slower on purpose to fir the topic of the game?
  12. PhantomTheEevee

    Completed Pokémon Daycare

    Haven't visited this board for a while, but I came back just in time to see the 5th GameJam running appearantly! ^0^ I saw this Game and I immediately had to grab it as I have a massive softspot for Pokemon FanGames that let you do something different than battle with Pokemon. ...Wasn't...
  13. PhantomTheEevee

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    It's Normal/Fairy Type now with Shield Dust as Ability.
  14. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Dreams

    Ohhh, a Crossbreed Research Facility!! Must visit. I'm currently training a bit for the first Gym Battle, I've got the clue how my Eevee can evolve into a noble Paladeon, I'm ready! ( ÒωÓ)و☆ If I may suggest something, could you possibly add cries for all the Fakemon in a future update? Don't...
  15. PhantomTheEevee

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    Shaded it and colored the outlines to practice spriting. Maybe Normal Type?
  16. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Fission and Fusion Versions

    Julio, I ran into another error while progressing a bit with this game... ^_^; It pops up right after having defeated Tireo in his Gym and the game closes itself automatically next, means there is no way to continue from here unfortunately. Here's what the error says: I unfortunately have no...
  17. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Fission and Fusion Versions

    Hi, I've just got one small thing to say: Keep that color filter!~ I've grown to enjoy it, it adds some special touch to the battles and fits the topic of the game quite well. ^^ The Pokedex also works with the new patch, yay! Any plans concerning entries for the Fakemon?
  18. PhantomTheEevee

    Released Pokemon Fission and Fusion Versions

    Hooray for a new Patch! I'll probably try it out at the weekend. Also fogot to say, if these 'New Pokemon on their way' are the evolutions of the Starters - then I'm really hyped because they look really badass only by their silhouette. Maybe I should switch to the Fire Starter.