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Search results

  1. Hiyouri

    Resource Pokémon Emerald UI Pack

    Hello, I have a problem with the Starter selection Ui. When I use: vChooseStarters([:BULBASAUR, :SQUIRTLE, :CHARMANDER], 5, "Choose your Starter Pokémon.", 5) I get this error: I did not find any line of code concerning the Starter Selection in the plugins.
  2. Hiyouri

    Resource Some FRLG overworld graphics

    Normally the images should be available now. 😎 And thank you very much for your opinion, it's a pleasure!
  3. Hiyouri

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Sorry, I wasn't very specific. In fact, I want to use the basic databox instead of the normal databox and use the Long Databox for the Bosses. I can't find any databox with a design that suits me and the one you propose is just perfect! Unfortunately, I don't have any knowledge of coding...
  4. Hiyouri

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Hey! Sorry to bother you but I wonder if it is possible to add the level of the Pokemon with only the Basic databox?
  5. Hiyouri

    Resource Some FRLG overworld graphics

    Unfortunately I don't have time today but i will share events from here until the end of the week.
  6. Hiyouri

    Resource Some FRLG overworld graphics

    These are not scripts. You can use them all with an Event. I can show you the events if that would be helpful.
  7. Hiyouri

    Resource Some FRLG overworld graphics

    Hiyouri updated Some FRLG overworld graphics with a new update entry: Added More FRLG Overworld Sprite: Item Generator Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Hiyouri

    Some FRLG overworld graphics - Added More FRLG Overworld Sprite: Item Generator

    Added More FRLG Overworld Sprite: Item Generator In my game. the item generator is a piece of furniture that can be purchased for the player house. It can be used once per hour and it gives a random item.
  9. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    I have another question for you... I want to give a house to the player at the beginning of the game but with the possibility of buying others later so I was wondering if it was possible to only pass the yes or no choice for only 1 house? With maybe a starting house option?
  10. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    I gave up on the project. The purchase will be done as you did it originally. Anyway, thank you very much for the help you gave me. 😎👌
  11. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    Because I want to do a real estate agent from whom we must buy available houses.
  12. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    do you think its possible to add manually a secret base with a script call?
  13. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    Finally, I made it! Thank you very much my friend!
  14. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    It's fixed but now I have this: Exception `NoMethodError' at [Secret Bases Remade] 005_Base_Creation_Interaction_Exterior.rb:189 - undefined method `to_s_formatted' for nil:NilClass Do you think its beacause i have the following pokemon plugin?
  15. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    If you don't mind making the change for the update I would be really grateful! I'm new to coding and this manipulation is a bit too advanced for me😅
  16. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    I got it! I had installed it wrong... but now I have this error and this happens when I enter the house: Exception `NameError' at [Secret Bases Remade] 005_Base_Creation_Interaction_Exterior.rb:180 - uninitialized constant PBMoveRoute::Up my script look like that: module SecretBaseMethods #...
  17. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    I think I did the installation correctly but I have this error: Exception `NoMethodError' at [Secret Bases Remade] 004_Map_Creation_Base_Sprites.rb:12 - undefined method `is_active_secret_base?' for SecretBaseMethods:Module
  18. Hiyouri

    Resource [v20\v21] Secret Bases Remade

    is it possible to see the lines of code you made for the purchasing system?
  19. Hiyouri

    Resource Some FRLG overworld graphics

    Hiyouri updated Some FRLG overworld graphics with a new update entry: Added More FRLG Overworld Sprite: Apricorn (All Colors) Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. Hiyouri

    Some FRLG overworld graphics - Added More FRLG Overworld Sprite: Apricorn (All Colors)

    *Added More FRLG Overworld Sprite: Apricorn Red, Blue, Pink, Yellow, Green, Black, White. (Animated) *