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Search results

  1. M

    Released Pokémon Aragonite - DEMO 1.3.1 RELEASED

    I haven't had this issue myself, but it may help if you copy the crash log info into a comment here, preferably under a spoiler cut so as to not have a massive comment. This will give a lot more info that Darkonius can work with because a spriteset_map error seems to be some kind of image...
  2. M

    Completed Pokémon Pharaohs (FULL GAME)

    I've given some of my opinions earlier, and now that I've finished the game and had a day or so to process it, they pretty much remain unchanged. Please don't take anything I'm saying below to be saying that the game is bad or shouldn't be played or whatever. The game is overall good, but...
  3. M

    Completed Pokémon Pharaohs (FULL GAME)

    This will probably sound corny, but it really is a case of "it's not you, it's me" haha. I don't mind reading things, and I do enjoy lore and world building stuff. I've just gotten burned out on going from random NPC to random NPC and getting things ranging from nothing but "I love X Pokémon"...
  4. M

    Completed Pokémon Pharaohs (FULL GAME)

    I can confirm that the Normal game plays on Android via Joiplay's second most recent Patreon release (there was a new version released two days ago that I haven't downloaded yet so Idk if it works on the newest version of Joiplay). When I posted earlier about an argument error, it was the same...
  5. M

    Completed Pokémon Pharaohs (FULL GAME)

    Seems to have worked on my end! Thanks for fixing it. Crazy how a simple file name can cause weird issues haha
  6. M

    Completed Pokémon Pharaohs (FULL GAME)

    Having the same issue as Aladdin. I'm playing on normal. The argument error is as follows: "Script '<internal:marshal>' line 34:ArgumentError occured. undefined class/module Player_Quests" I tried looking through the various files that were in the download to see if I could figure out what...