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Search results

  1. Altarax

    Game Jam Eevee Expo Game Jam #10: Recruitment

    [Recruiting] Looking to recruit: Someone to make UI and/or custom tiles, writer Jam Entry Title: TBD Team Name/Team Members: @Altarax @Geoswag Progress/Screenshots: For now, I only have some scenaristic elements of the game along with some game design elements for the new features Method of...
  2. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    Hey, I updated the download link with a fix for a softlock.
  3. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    Hey, I have updated the download link with some minor bug fixes including the XP issue reported by Bardothren.
  4. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    I am glad you enjoyed it. I will try look through that bug.
  5. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    Hey, I think it's a false positive. I beleive it's a common issue with some of the RPG Maker XP games.
  6. Altarax

    Completed Pokémon Flower Jam

    Hey, I went through this game today. It was so relaxing playing through it. It felt so polished.
  7. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    Someone reported me a softlock in the end of one of the paths. I updated the download link fixing that issue. If you've already downladed the game, please download the new version. You can still use your old save with it.
  8. Altarax

    Completed Pokémon Afterlife Part I

    Hey, I went through your game today. Here are some feedbacks.
  9. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    Hey, I have updated the download link with the correction of some minor bugs.
  10. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    Yayy! I am pretty proud for my first ever entry 😎
  11. Altarax

    Released Petra Mandala

    PETRA MANDALA In the worlds of the Petra Mandala, two forces are locked in an eternal struggle for power. One side puts safety above all - even if it may come at the cost of freedom. The other prioritises freedom, even if it may put one's safety in jeopardy. It is up to the interloper - the one...
  12. Altarax

    Petra Mandala Game Jam Ressource Pack 2023-08-10

    https://eeveeexpo.com/threads/7027/ Ressource pack containing all the new assets used in Petra Mandela. You can find a Credits.txt inside the ressource pack folder.
  13. Altarax

    Resource Petra Mandala Game Jam Ressource Pack

    Altarax submitted a new resource: Petra Mandala Game Jam Ressource Pack - Petra Mandala Game Jam Ressource Pack Read more about this resource...
  14. Altarax

    Game Jam Game Jam #9: Recruitment

    [Recruiting] Looking to recruit: Someone to assist with mapping Jam Entry Title: Petra Mandala Team Name/Team Members: Altarax, averythegayvery (balancing) and Karakter (writing) Progress/Screenshots: All the gameplay elements I wanted to insert are done. The plot is also done. Method of...