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Search results

  1. LinKazamine

    v21.1 [20.1+] BP System - 1.0.7

    Fixed a bug that caused BP price to be halved when selecting item quantity on v20.1. On v21+ is likely to still be present since this plugin only included an adapted version of v21+ bp shop for v20.1. Deleted the compiler on the 21+ version of the plugin.
  2. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] BP System

    LinKazamine updated [20.1+] BP System with a new update entry: 1.0.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] BP System

    Well, that problem is carried from the v21 version since I didn't touch the line that causes it. I'll upload the fix but you can do it yourself by going to 02 - Shop/BP_Shop and deleting or commenting out line 341. The line in question is itemprice /= 2 if !@buying.
  4. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] Pokegear Themes

    LinKazamine updated [20.1+] Pokegear Themes with a new update entry: Added and updated images for Arcky's Region Map Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. LinKazamine

    v21.1 [20.1+] Pokegear Themes - Added and updated images for Arcky's Region Map

    Changed the background's image name for the Extended Preview of Arcky's Region Map. Added the Text Raster for the Extended Preview of Arcky's Region Map. Theme 5 has three versions of the Text Raster and Theme 6 has two. Only the one with the name mapTextRaster.png will be displayed in-game so...
  6. LinKazamine

    Resource Those Chests from Colosseum

    The images should be on the download link, on the top right of the page—the pictures on the overview were only so people could see how it looked like.
  7. LinKazamine

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Poké Mart

    The problem may be that you don't have a ] anywhere in that command. That or you have a [ that you don't need at all. Script calls like this one use those symbols so you may want to fix that and see if it solves the problem.
  8. LinKazamine

    Resource DiegoWT's Starter Selection

    The error message is telling you what is wrong and how to fix it: So, instead of DiegoWTsStarterSelection.new (:BULBASAUR,:CHARMANDER,:SQUIRTLE) You should write DiegoWTsStarterSelection.new( :BULBASAUR,:CHARMANDER,:SQUIRTLE) You could also use the extendtext.exe that is in the root folder...
  9. LinKazamine

    v21.1 [20.1+] Choose language in options - 1.0.1

    Fixed an error on v21.1 that was caused by an inexistent method.
  10. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] Choose language in options

    LinKazamine updated [20.1+] Choose language in options with a new update entry: 1.0.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] Choose language in options

    Ok, I see the problem and I'll upload the plugin with the fix soon. I'm not testing it on v21.1 so comment here any other issues that arise so I can fix them.
  12. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] Weather System

    The plugin should already come with that function included. You can check it at Lin's Weather System/01 - Main Code/03 - Handler. On line 20 there should be the line weather = :None if PBDayNight.isNight? && weather == :Sun. If it's not working for you, check if :None, :Sun or...
  13. LinKazamine

    v21.1 [20.1+] Pokegear Themes - Added images for Arcky's Region Map

    Added images for the Extended Preview for Arcky's Region Map.
  14. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] Pokegear Themes

    LinKazamine updated [20.1+] Pokegear Themes with a new update entry: Added images for Arcky's Region Map Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. LinKazamine

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    I don't know how it exactly works on v21.1, but on v20.1 you just needed FollowingPkmn.start_following. You also had to use it after the player got a pokemon or the pokemon wouldn't show once the player got it.
  16. LinKazamine

    Resource IV and EV Summary Screens

    I still have to go through all my plugins to update the images again, but if you look in the overview, you'll see that there are two spoilers that say "IV and EV Summary Screen" and "All Stats Summary Screen". Those two have both IV and EV on the same page (All Stats has some more info like base...
  17. LinKazamine

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Use $PokemonSystem.current_menu_theme = value. Also, make sure to set this to false.
  18. LinKazamine

    Resource [v13+] Watch in the Pokégear Menu

    If you are using my plugin, I updated it earlier to fix this issue.
  19. LinKazamine

    v21.1 [20.1+] Pokegear Themes - Fixed compatibility problem

    Fixed the problem that my plugin was overwriting the Pokegear Watch configuration.
  20. LinKazamine

    Resource [20.1+] Pokegear Themes

    LinKazamine updated [20.1+] Pokegear Themes with a new update entry: Fixed compatibility problem Read the rest of this update entry...