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Search results

  1. J

    Freelance [COMMISSION] Coding/Scripting for Pokemon Essentials

    I have had the pleasure of working with Golisopod User on several occasions. He is a legend in the coding community and one of the most professional individuals I have encountered. He is always available to assist me when I encounter an issue, even after I have compensated him for his services...
  2. J

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    It's actually a commission plugin. I could send you the files. Not sure if you would like to take the time for it. I understand if you don't. I thought it might be the case as well but wasn't sure since your last version worked perfectly with it.
  3. J

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    That seemed to have been the issue, but now I get this error every time I enter a wild battle.
  4. J

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Hey there! I'm not quite sure if I missed anything when updating your plugin, but I received this error. Can you help with this?
  5. J

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Poké Market

    Sorry for the late response. Was asleep, amazing! You have gone above and beyond. Much love! You are a legend!
  6. J

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Poké Market

    Not sure why but I am getting this error when I select a category to buy from:
  7. J

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Not sure if I am blind, but I can not find the 1.0.9 version of the Essentials hotfix and I looked on the expo and the wiki. I only have the 1.0.7 version.
  8. J

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Poké Market

    Arcky is at it again with a banger!
  9. J

    Resource Free Fakemon Pack

    I love it! This will go well for my project developed for the purpose of showcasing the communities and bring awareness to other fangames and romhacks that get lost in the digital sea. Is there any special instructions you would like to showcase your artwork?
  10. J

    Resource Regional Dexes up to Gen 9

    As someone who did this manually was pain. Thanks for uploading this for others ease in suffering.
  11. J

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Yeah, I figured that was the case, but is no longer an issue for Terastallization as of a change I assume was done during an update for that plugin not sure as I did not change anything on my end for my project that I am aware of at this time. I thought it would be helpful to let you know if it...
  12. J

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Hey Lucidious89, Glad to see this plugin back again! Thanks for all your amazing work! Looking forward to more in the future. Quick odd bug which is pretty much a familiar issue on an earlier version of your Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] that was fixed with an update you did to it. Not...
  13. J

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    Would be also cool to include customizable rewards for completing task or even all task. Increase Shiny Rates Increase EXP Rates Increase Catch Rates Rewardable Ribbon/Marks (From Improved Mementos - Ribbons & Marks maybe a Script that adds them automatically based on :SPECIES) A Static...
  14. J

    Creative Shiny Sprites - Why Do So Many Of Them Suck? How Can We Make Them Better??

    I believe despite Game Freaks poor choices in some shiny colors (RIP Gengar/Gible Line), there will always be a person who likes it. That is why I do not feel like it would be acceptable for me to replace them in my project, but instead have the redesigns be a different type of shiny weather a...
  15. J

    Resource Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Hey Lucidious89, Thanks for the wonderful update! I no longer have issues with the Pokémon being stuck in it's Terastallized form after a battle. Much love to you! 😄
  16. J

    Resource [v20\v21] Item Crafter UI Plus

    Check the reply below my post is what fixed my issue.
  17. J

    Resource Effort Levels System

    You can say a lot of EFFORT when into this plugin.
  18. J

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    Some screenshots would be nice for developers to better understand what this does.
  19. J

    Resource Mix-And-Mega

    Weird. Just noticed it working when removing the plugin.