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Search results

  1. NO3B

    Resource Customizable Battle UI

    Error when enter to Option Menu Here the log: [Pokémon Essentials version 21] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass Backtrace: [Customizable Battle UI] 001_Script.rb:21:in `block in <main>' 307:UI_Options:43:in `get' 307:UI_Options:301:in `block in...
  2. NO3B

    Resource Customizable Battle UI

    so how to fix this? i have the same problem, what i must change?
  3. NO3B

    Resource DiegoWT's Starter Selection

    Work in Essential 21, 0.05 still little laggy, change it pbWait to 0.01, and plugin run smoothly. Thanks btw
  4. NO3B

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    is there way to resize sprite? i use spritesheet 160x160 but its to big in battle scene, pls help me