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Search results

  1. thepsynergist

    Resource BGM Memory (Resume After Battle)

    Vendily helped me resolve this one: def bgm_fade(time) # :nodoc: # self.bgm_setpos(@playing_bgm.name, 0) if !@bgm_paused if !@bgm_paused && @playing_bgm @playing_bgm = nil Audio.bgm_fade((time*1000).floor) if !@defaultBGM end Audio.bgm_fade((time*1000).floor) if !@defaultBGM...
  2. thepsynergist

    Resource BGM Memory (Resume After Battle)

    Can confirm the above still is present. It happens when the music changes too quickly. Another bug occurs if you start a save file on a map with an undefined BGM.
  3. thepsynergist

    [EBS]Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag - New Game addendum

    I forgot to update the script to cache the animations when you load a new game. Edit the following to fix: -Next, go to PScreen_Load, and go to the elsif statement mentioning cmdNewGame (should be around line 403), and paste the following directly after the line, "$game_map.autoplay"...
  4. thepsynergist

    Tutorial [EBS]Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag

    thepsynergist updated [EBS]Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag with a new update entry: New Game addendum Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. thepsynergist

    Tutorial [EBS]Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag

    thepsynergist submitted a new resource: [EBS]Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag - Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag Read more about this resource...
  6. thepsynergist

    [EBS]Cache In-battle Animations to Reduce Lag

    Cache In-Battle Animations Pkmn Essentials v17.2 + EBS -If you use Pokemon Reborn's Battle Animations files in your game, and you also use the EBS system, you may notice a 1.5 second hang each time the game loads a battle animation. You can remove this lag by caching the animations files...
  7. thepsynergist

    Resource Wild Item Drops

    It doesn't appear this script is compatible with EBS, as the game crashes on a Pokemon fainting.
  8. thepsynergist

    Resource Pokéride functionality

    It doesn't appear as though I can download the updated version of your script. The updates page doesn't actually download version 1.2, as no link to a download page is present.